#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 26


I couldn’t resist telling her the truth any longer. When she refused to see me, I knew that the only way I could truly protect her was to be with her. I told Matt the truth about my brother and he seemed to understand, at least well enough to give me his blessing. Watcher was completely beside himself with glee when Maizey showered him with affection. Now, it was my turn.

“I’m sure you have so many questions, baby.” I cooed, feeling my entire body warming as I got close to my mate again. She nodded, gnawing at her lip. “Let’s go sit.” I took her hand and pulled her towards the picnic table. We both sat on the table part instead of the benche.

“Is this why you stayed away from me?” She asked hesitantly.

“Partially.” I answered.

“You said it was to keep me safe, the bodyguards, too. Safe from….you?” Her tiny voice was pecking at my chest, filling my heart with so much joy.

“No, princess, not from me. I swear to you, I will never, ever hurt you.” I held her hand tightly in my lap, playing with her fingers while looking deep into her eyes.

“I…I believe you.” She mumbled, testing the word out on her lips and seeming to agree with it, “My brother told me about a time he was attacked by wolves on a camping trip in Chicago. Are you keeping me safe from other wolves like that?” She asked. My smart, little mate.

“That’s how Matt found out about me, actually, I was there on the camping trip. Rogue wolves attacked us, probably because they sensed me, and I had to shift to protect them. Matt saw me.” I explained.

“Amazing,” She gasped dramatically, “That single statement gave me more questions than answers.” I laughed at her amused expression and she matched my smile.

“Fire away, baby.”

“What is a rogue and why did they sense you?” She asked first.

“Rogues are wolves that don’t belong to a pack. Most of them go feral, unhinged and uncontained. They used to be controlled by an organization known as the werewolf Council but now they’re just on their own. Not all rogues are bad, though, some are just like us but without a pack.” I tried to explain it the best that I could, “They’re one of the reasons why I gave you protection. Rogues can smell you on me and vice versa which makes you a target.”

“Why?” She asked, her eyes pulling together curiously.

“I’m an Alpha wolf, the leader of my pack, and from a very strong bloodline.” I said, watching her reaction.

“So, you’re in charge of the rest of the wolves?” She asked and I nodded encouragingly,

“That’s right. My father was the Alpha before me and he passed it down to me when I turned 18. You know Miles, he’s my Beta, or second in command, and Toby is my Gamma.” She nodded continuously, soaking in all the information. Her eyes widened slightly,

“The entire reservation is your pack, isn’t it? They’re all werewolves.” She looked so proud of herself, I couldn’t help but smile and run my free hand through her curls.

“That’s right, baby. The reservation is just a front, actually, for the pack’s territory. We only call it a reservation for the human’s benefit.” I said.

“Is everyone in your family a wolf?”

“Yes, everyone. We don’t get our wolves until we’re 18, though, so only Mel has her wolf now, other than me.” I said. Well, Mel and Archer, but that discussion was tabled for right now.

“I’m not even going to try and guess what qualities a werewolf has because I’m sure the movies are all wrong.” She chuckled nervously.

“Mostly, yeah,” I laughed, “Obviously we don’t need a full moon to change, we can do it wherever we want to, and we have heightened senses and strength.” I said.

“Not to mention the height and good looks.” She smirked at me and Watcher literally started purring in my head.

“Get it together, softy.” I laughed at him.

“Shut up. She likes me, I haven’t been a dick to her!” Watcher snapped.

“What just happened?” I focused on Maizey whose eyes were wide, “Your eyes turned black. I’ve seen that happen before.” She said thoughtfully.

“That happens when my wolf tries to come forward and he tries a lot when you’re around.” I smiled, trying not to look too smug as she admired my face.

“Your wolf? Like, he’s his own identity?” She asked

“Mate wants to know about me!” Watcher was bouncing.

Maizey giggled and reached up to touch my face, trailing her fingers around my darkened eyes.

“My wolf and I share a body and a soul, but we are each unique. He has his own thoughts and feelings, although they are mostly animalistic.” I chuckled and Watcher growled at me.

“So, does he have a name?” She asked.

“Tell her my name! She wants to know my name!” Watcher howled.

“His name is Watcher.” I stifled a laugh at his excitement.

“He seems to have a lot to say right now.” She laughed nervously as she studied my eyes.

“You drive him wild and the fact that you want to know about him has him practically in a tizzy.”

“Don’t make me sound like a fan girl, Hunter!” Watcher whined.

“What’s he saying now? Can he talk to you?” She asked.

“We can talk to each other, yes. He’s telling me not to make him look bad in front of you.” Maizey giggled and Watcher started purring again at the sound. He finally settled, laying down to listen to her laugh, “He likes the sound of your laugh. We both do.” I said and she started to blush.

“You said he’s more animalistic, what does that mean?” She asked, her hands still lingering on my face.

“He has a ridiculously short temper and a very dirty mind.” I laughed and Maizey’s blush deepened.

“He has the short temper, not you?” She asked genuinely and I could feel Watcher rolling his eyes.

“No, we both do.” I shrugged, “Especially when someone is touching what’s ours.” My voice turned into a low growl as I pulled her closer to me. She squeaked and dropped her hands into my lap. Her leg was practically on top of mine now.

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