#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 19


“We’re leaving.” I grabbed Carmin’s hand and drug her out of the bar.

She didn’t even want to come here in the first place, I had to practically force her. When I saw Maizey with Gabe, I knew I had to be wherever they were going. Watcher nearly killed that punk when he had his hands all over Maizey on the dance floor. They stole off to the bathroom and I tried to ignore what I knew they were doing in there. I tried to distract myself with Carmin.

It was no use. I could smell her arousal as clearly as if I were there. I lost complete control, no longer able to push Watcher down. We broke down the bathroom door and removed Gabe’s vial hands from our mate’s body. Goddess, she was unbelievably sexy with her ruffled curls, wild eyes, flushed cheeks, and unbuttoned blouse. But, all I could feel was rage, rage at the fact that I wasn’t the one who caused it all.

“What’s wrong, Alpha?” Carmin squeaked as I tossed her into the car.

“I’m just ready to go home.” I grumbled, starting the car.

“We could go home…together.” Carmin’s hand gripped my knee.

“Not tonight.” I felt her wince at my harsh tone. I sighed and softened my expression, “I’m not feeling well.” I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

“Okay.” She smiled back at me. I dropped Carmin off at her house and then took myself to bed.

“Hunter?” Of all the siblings to come knocking on my door, Winter was not the one I would’ve guessed.

“What’s wrong?” I was immediately on high alert.

“Can I talk to you?” She looked soft, which was such a stark contrast to her usual gothic moods.

“Sure, come in.” I opened my door wider and welcomed her inside. She sat on the couch in the sitting area of my bedroom and I on the chair across from her.

“How are you able to stay away from her?” She asked.

“You know why I have to.” I sighed.

“I know, but I’m asking how.” Winter said.

“Not very well.” I laughed without humor, thinking about today. Winter looked at me curiously, “The only way I can manage is to not be around her, to not see her or smell her. The second I do, I lose all control, like I did tonight.”

“Tonight?” Winter asked.

“I saw her with another man and I lost control. I can’t do that anymore. It’s just confusing her and that’s not fair.” I said, “Winter, why are you asking me this?”

“I just thought that it was impossible to deny the matebond.” Winter said, seeming upset.

“Normally it is. This is an extreme circumstance. Keeping Maizey safe is my number one priority and being away from her is the only way to succeed.” I spoke softly to her.

“So, you don’t think a mate can just walk away from his mate without a good reason?” Winter revealed herself when she said he.

“Winter,” I sighed, smiling at her, “Your mate isn’t going to reject you. Besides, you’re only 15, you don’t have to worry about it right now.” I ruffled her short, dark hair.

“I just always thought my mate would want me no matter what, that I didn’t have to worry about impressing him. But, now that you’re not with your mate….” She was suddenly self-conscious.

“You don’t have to impress anyone, your mate will adore you and, if he doesn’t, I’ll handle that.” I teased her and a small smile twitched on her lips. I kissed her cheek and she blushed, “You have nothing to worry about, little sister.” I promised her.

“Why are you so afraid of Archer?” She asked suddenly and my mood changed.

Winter has never met my twin brother, neither has Zane. Melody was only five when he left and we were 15. His rage was unparalleled, his thirst for blood and violence unquenchable. He was feral, even as a young child. He got his wolf at 15, an unheard of feat. Even I, his identical twin, didn’t get my wolf until I turned 18. He immediately spiraled into a destructive fury.

“At only 15, he shifted for the first time and had his first kill. She was a friend of ours, Thea Mobile, and only 14. Archer had a crush on her and that pissed off his wolf because she wasn’t their mate, so they killed her in a blind rage. Dad comforted him and said that he could never be an Alpha with this unyielding rage, and Archer claimed he never wanted to be an Alpha anyway. He didn’t want the responsibilities. He sent himself away to the Warrior pack inside the werewolf realm. He valued violence above being the Alpha of this pack, a brother, a son, and a mate.” I spoke without emotion, having completely disassociated from my twin a long time ago.

“You think he’s actually capable of killing your….his mate?” Winter asked in shock. I blinked, focusing on my sister again.

“Killing? No, probably not, his wolf wouldn’t let him. But, kidnapping and imprisoning her? Yes, that he would do.” I said, “She’s only human, he won’t be patient or gentle with her.”

“You can’t go and talk to him?” Winter asked and I smiled at her innocence.

“No, that won’t do anything. It might just encourage him more.” I said.

“Why is Archer like this?” Winter asked.

“We don’t know.” I said. I stood up and pulled Winter into a hug, “It’ll all be fine.” I told her and myself.

“You think mom’s afraid for her new baby?” She asked over my shoulder.

“No, she wasn’t afraid with you or Zane, and she still loves Archer.” I said, pulling her back.


“A mother’s love.” I shrugged, smirking, “Night, sis.” I opened my bedroom door for her and she left.

I threw myself down on my bed just as my phone started ringing. I glared at the caller ID. Speak of the devil.

“Archer.” I answered the phone simply.

“I thought you left her.” His voice was supposed to be the same as mine, but instead it was gruff and dangerous.

“I did. I had to…..I had to protect her today, that’s all.” I struggled to keep my tone level.

“You can’t do that. If this is going to work you have to completely cut her out of your life. Leave her safety to the guards. You do have component guards there don’t you? Or should I send some of my own?” It came out as a threat.

“No, my wolves are more than capable. It won’t happen again.” I replied quickly.

“Good. I don’t have to remind you what will happen if she dies.” He said plainly. I stifled a growl, knowing that he only cared about her life to preserve his own strength. He has already threatened my life and the life of our pack if she dies, causing him to become weak.

“If she dies, I die, so no, you don’t have to remind me.” I snapped.

“Good.” Archer ended the call.

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