#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 14


After 15 minutes, I had on a pair of tight fitting jeans with holes in the thigh, jeans I knew both my brothers hated me in, and a dark green shirt that left little to the imagination. It was tight fitting as well and tucked into my jeans, you could practically see the outline of my belly button through the fabric, not to mention the deep V that exposed my C cup. I zipped up a pair of brown ankle boots that had a slight heel to them that did wonders for my ass.

“What the hell, Maze?” Matt said as I strutted out of my room.

“Nicky said I had to go in whatever I was wearing in 15 minutes. Well, time’s up.” I shrugged innocently. Matt slapped Nicky in the back of the head,

“Way to go, dumbass.” He growled.

“How was I supposed to know she was going to go slutty?!” Nicky said and the next thing I knew they were rolling out the door with Nicky in a headlock.

“I’ll just stay home then.” I shrugged and they both stopped fighting. Matt and Nicky groaned at the same time,

“Let’s go.” Matt sulked, opening the car door for me.

A short drive later we arrived on the reservation, at the same lake where Mel had thrown her first party and the last one I attended. I followed my brothers through the grass and towards the bonfire on the edge of the lake. They quickly abandoned me for their new party friends. I attended to myself, wading through the crowd to find the drink table.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Luna.” I jumped at the voice that sounded way too close. Turning around, I found myself nearly bouncing off a man’s chest. I looked up and into the familiar face of Shane.

“My name isn’t Luna.” He must’ve been too drunk to remember my name at the last party.

“Of course it isn’t. I didn’t expect to see you at another one of these.” His hand twitched like he wanted to grab me. Before he could make a move, I jumped backwards.

“My brothers dragged me along. They’re here somewhere.” I tried to sound threatening but Shane just laughed.

“Sure, as is your protector, Greyback.” He snickered, “Although, you did land quite a slap last time, didn’t you?” He rubbed his face like it was still sore.

“You wouldn’t let go.” I snapped but it sounded more childlike than I had intended.

“Awh, I’m sorry, was I hurting you?” He ducked his face so we were eye level, “I was just trying to show you a good time.”

“Shane.” A dark and dangerous voice cut through the music and Shane stiffened. He stood and backed away from me. Shane nodded cruelty at Hunter,

“Alpha.” He mumbled. Huh?

“Goodbye.” Hunter dismissed him. The second his eyes landed on me his face softened and his body relaxed,

“I’m happy you came, little red.” He purred. I didn’t miss how his eyes glazed over my body hungrily, his tongue snapping out to lick his lips.

“My brothers made me.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I was suddenly regretting my outfit choices.

“I see you protested.” He raised an eyebrow, nodding towards my exposed chest. I felt my face burning in embarrassment. I said nothing.

“Do you want a drink?” He chuckled, reaching behind me to grab the bottle I had pulled from the cooler. He twisted off the cap and handed it out to me,

“Thanks.” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry about Shane. He won’t be a problem again, I’ll deal with him.” His eyes darkened, changing from the usual bright green to an almost pitch black. I blinked in shock. I must be seeing things.

“Like you dealt with it the last time?” I said in an accusing tone.

“Obviously that didn’t work, did it?” I bit my tongue after his harsh tone startled me,

“Forgive me, Maizey, it’s just….I can’t stand seeing other people, other boys near you.” He fidgeted like he was trying to calm himself down.

“Other boys?” I thought about what Nicky and Matt said, “Like Gabe?” I leveled him with an accusing stare. The air between Hunter and I grew tense,

“He’s your ex, isn’t he?” Hunter asked and I nodded,

“We dated in Stanford for a year, it was nothing.” Why was I explaining myself to him?

“Oh nothing was it?” Hunter laughed abruptly.

“I don’t care for your tone, Mr. Greyback.” I snapped. How dare he judge me?

Suddenly, Hunter was walking towards me and I was scurrying backwards. I moved out of the way of the table and stumbled into a tree, my back pressed against the trunk as I tried to avoid Hunter’s advances. His face was predatory, like I was the prey and he was stalking me. He put his hand flat against the tree beside my head and leaned against his, his body just barely off of mine.

“Why can’t you call me Hunter?” His breath blew across my face, his face just inches from mine.

“I….I….” I honestly didn’t know anymore.

“Haven’t I proven to you that this town is different? That no one cares if you’re around me? I’ve been around you everyday for a month and no rumors have started, have they?” His eyes dared me to argue.


“But what?” One of his perfectly arched eyebrows rose in question.

“We aren’t….”

“Aren’t what?” He interrupted me again.

“Aren’t the same.” I blurted out.

“Aren’t we?” His voice was so smooth and sexy, my head was fuzzy and I felt dizzy.


“How would you know? You don’t know me, do you?” He asked.

“You don’t know me.” I said in reply.

“Oh, but I do know you Maizey, you’re my little red.” His eyes looked over my body possessively, “You are mine.” He nearly growled.

“I am no ones.” I tried to argue but my voice was weak.

“You belong to me.” He said sternly, his free hand gripping my waist aggressively.

“Why?” I could tell my question caught him off guard.

“Why what, baby?” He asked. I chose to ignore the word that was supposed to stir a reaction from me.

“Why do you want me?” I challenged him.

“Because you were made for me.” He shrugged like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

“You don’t know me.” I found my voice and my strength. I pressed my hands against his chest and shoved him. He was as firm as a statue and I knew I didn’t have a hope of moving him, yet, he stepped away anyway.

“Why don’t you want to know me?” He frowned, his voice sounding soft and desperate.

“I’m….” I sighed, wrestling with my own emotions, “I’m afraid.” I answered honestly. Hunter was on me again, his hands cupping my face,

“I told you, little red, you never have to be afraid again, not with me and not while I’m around. I’ll protect you with my life.” His eyes burned a fire into mine.

“What have I done to deserve this?” I asked in a broken voice. I wasn’t sure if I meant that in a good way or a bad way, neither was Hunter.

“I just want to make you happy.” Hunter said in response. I sighed again and stepped out of his grip,

“You can start by taking a step back.” I said and he did. I chuckled,

“No, not literally. I mean emotionally. You’re so intense, Mr. Greyback.”

“I will reign it in if,” He paused to grab my hand, “If you call me Hunter from now on.”

“Outside of work only?” I countered. Hunter laughed at me negotiations,

“Fine, for now.” He agreed.

“Okay then….Hunter.” I wasn’t sure what emotions ran through his eyes and over his face when I said his name, maybe every emotion I could possibly name, but it ended on happiness.

“I like how you say my name.” His voice was barely above a whisper.

As soon as the words left his mouth he blinked up at me in surprise, like he couldn’t believe he had just said that aloud. I was surprised that anything was too bold for Hunter to say, he was so brazen with his words. He blinked and shook his head,

“I want to take you out, on a proper date.” He said, clearing his throat.

“I know, my brother told me that you asked for his permission.” I said.

“That rat!” Hunter yelled, making me jump. His voice gave way to a fit of laughter.

“Yeah, well, you’re lucky. My brother doesn’t approve of any man being around me. I’m not sure what you have on him, honestly.” I laughed but I was speaking truthfully.

“He knows my intentions with you, that’s all.” Hunter shrugged.

“Oh, and what are those intentions?” I fixed him with a suggestive look.

“Dirty, dirty mind, little red.” A crooked grin graced Hunter’s lips and I couldn’t help but stare at it. The mischievous glint in his eyes and the smile on his soft looking lips were too handsome for me to look away from. I’m not sure I even heard what he said.

“My intentions are to make you fall in love with me.” Yep, I heard that.

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