#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 10


“My name is Shane, by the way.” The handsome boy who helped me open my bottle said as we swayed to the music.

“Maizey.” I yelled over the base.

His hands were on my hips and mine were resting against this chest. I wasn’t sure if it was the liquid courage or the atmosphere making me brave enough to dance with a stranger, but I wasn’t going to question it. He was as tall as the rest of the men here, with dark features and a strong form.

“Nice to meet you, Maizey. What brings you to the reservation?” He asked.

“Mel invited me.” I said.

“Oh, you’re a friend of Mel’s.” An emotion I couldn’t name flashed in his eyes and I was afraid of what a “friend of Mel’s” meant to this guy.

“Yep.” I replied simply.

“Well, friend of Mel’s, you look ravishing in this dress. I’m surprised no one else has snatched you up yet.” Shane smirked and I was quickly becoming uncomfortable.

“I just got here.” I said, trying to sound casual.

“Lucky me, then.” Shane said.

“I should probably go find Mel, actually.” I tried to move away, but Shane’s grip only tightened on my hips.

“Why in such a rush? Mel’s busy, I’m sure.” Shane pulled me closer as I struggled.

“Let me go.” I demanded, not at all liking the feeling of his hands on my body.

“Don’t be like this, baby.” He sneered. I slapped him across the face,

“Don’t call me baby. Let. Me. Go.” I snarled at him in a voice I didn’t recognize.

It looked like he was about ready to obey when a body crashed into him, throwing him across the ground. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands as I watched a man crouch down and slam punch after punch into Shane’s face.

“Hunter!” Mel’s voice cut through my terror and I realized that I recongized the man doing the punching. It was Hunter Greyback.

“Hunter! Stop it!” Mel said again just as two others I also recognized came running over to the scene.

Miles and Toby hauled Hunter off of Shane and pulled him away. Some other guys grabbed Shane and held him back as well.

“Get a grip, man.” Miles said to Hunter.

“Don’t touch her!” Hunter’s voice was animalistic. Was he talking about me?

“Maizey! Maizey!” Mel was shaking my shoulders, forcing me to look at her, “Let’s go.” She grabbed my hand and started pulling me away.

“Where are we going?” My voice sounded strange and far away.

“Away from those idiots.” She grumbled, “What happened, anyway?”

“I don’t know, it happened so fast. Shane wouldn’t let me go and….” Mel waved her hand to stop me,

“Enough said.” She laughed once.


“Hunter doesn’t like to share.” She said and I contemplated her words. Eventually she stopped in front of a large lakehouse.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked Mel after she unlocked the door and led me inside.

“I told you, you belong to Hunter.”

“Mel, I don’t belong to anyone, least of all Mr. Greyback.” I sighed.

“You wound me, little red.” A voice from behind made me jump. I stiffened and turned, facing Hunter dead on.

“What was that all about?” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

“What? No thank you?” He was flushed and his eyes wild.

“Why would I thank you for beating someone up?” I asked.

“Because I did it for you. He was hurting you.” Hunter stepped closer to me and I stumbled backwards.

“He wasn’t hurting me. It takes more than one idiot to hurt me.” I argued.

“Well, he wasn’t listening to you and you need to be listened to.” Hunter corrected himself. I looked around and realized that Mel had disappeared.

“Fine, thank you for standing up for me. Now, I have to go.” I tried to step around him but he blocked my path to the door.

“Why so soon? The party just started.” Hunter argued.

“I thought you didn’t go to your sister’s parties?” I stared at him accusingly.

“You caught me, I came for you.” He raised his hands innocently.

“Why does your sister think that I belong to you?” I asked.

“Because you do.” Hunter’s voice was low and dangerous.

“I don’t belong to anyone. I told you, Mr. Greyback, I don’t want anything to do with you. You’re my boss.” I tried to sound dangerous myself but it was no use, my voice came out squeaky and pathetic.

“Why don’t you call me Hunter?” He pouted.

“Because you’re Mr. Greyback.” I answered plainly.

“Maizey.” He sighed, moving even closer to me.

“Please, don’t.” I changed tactics. Instead of trying to be threatening, I became gentle. I softened my expression and looked Hunter right in the eyes. His entire face seemed to melt.

“As you wish, Maizey.” He sighed and stepped to the side. I practically ran out of the lake house and back towards the lake. I wanted to find Mel before I left.

“Maizey, are you alright? Miles grabbed my arms as I fought through the crowd.

“She’s fine.” Ana scoffed. Seriously, what was this chick’s problem?

“Ana, just give me a minute.” Miles didn’t even look at his girlfriend as he dismissed her. She huffed and stormed away.

“You’re going to pay for that later.” I said. He squinted like he had a headache,

“I already am.”

“You didn’t have to do that. I’m fine.” I answered his earlier question.

“Don’t pay any mind to Shane, he’s a nitwit.” Miles grinned.

“I’m less mad at him then I am at Mr. Greyback.” I mumbled. Miles’ smile faltered,

“Why don’t you like him? It seems like it’s more than just you wanting to avoid him because he’s your boss.” He called me out.

“Maybe it’s because everyone just assumes I’ll swoon over him like every other girl around here does.” I snapped.

“Well, yeah, it’s true that Hunter isn’t used to being told no.” Miles titled his head to the side as he thought about my words.

“Sorry to disappoint. He can’t just walk around claiming me without my permission. I could never be with someone that arrogant anyway.” I replied.

“Never say never.” Miles’ lips twitched.

“Oh, I’m saying never.” I assured him, “Have you seen Mel?” Miles nodded his head to the side, motioning towards Mel.

“Let me walk you.” He said.

“I’m fine, thanks.” I blew him off and walked over to Mel. Her eyes widened when she saw me and she ditched her friends to greet me,

“Maizey, oh my goddess, are you okay?” Goddess?

“As I keep telling people, I’m fine. I just wanted to say bye.” I sighed.

“You’re leaving? You can’t!” She whined.

“I think I’ve had enough excitement for today. Thanks for inviting me.” I ignored her complaints but she latched onto my arm, not letting me leave.

“Please just stay for a little while longer.” She begged, “No one will touch you like Shane did again. Not after Hunter….” She clamped her mouth shut.

“Hunter is the reason that I’m leaving.” I grumbled.

“No, don’t let him ruin your good time.” She argued.

“I wasn’t really having a good time.” I said and immediately regretted it when Mel’s frown deepened.

“Then you have to stay so I can show you a good time.” She insisted, waving someone from her group over. A perky blonde bounced over to us with a huge smile and twinkling blue eyes.

“This is Gemma, she’s one of my closest friends.” She introduced us.

“Hi, I’m Maizey.” I waved limply.

“Ooh, you’re Maizey,” Mel jabbed her elbow in Gemma’s side, “I mean, it’s nice to meet you.” Gemma quickly recovered.

“You can hang with us. Let’s get you a drink.” Mel said. I sighed, it would seem that I wasn’t leaving. Gemma grabbed my hand and we followed Mel.

“It’s best to just agree, you’ll end up doing it in the end, anyway.” Gemma whispered in my ear, giggling. Mel grabbed a couple red cups and handed them out.

“What is in here?” I eyed it curiously.

“Beer.” Mel shrugged before downing the cup.

“I don’t like beer.” I tried to sit the cup back down but Mel wouldn’t let me,

“Too bad.” She held the cup to my lips and almost forced me to drink it.

“You look like a liquor girl.” Gemma observed as I choked down the bitter liquid.

“I can handle my whisky.” I wiped my hand across my chin, catching the dribbling beer.

“Here, we’ve got that, too.” Gemma pulled a whisky bottle from the very bottom of one of the coolers and filled up my now empty red cup.

“Who put that there?” Mel eyed the bottle curiously. Gemma winked but didn’t confirm nor deny the accusation.

“I’m the same, don’t worry.” She said instead, filling up another cup for herself. I knocked back the whisky in one gulp.

Feeling a little looser after two more swigs of Gemma’s whisky, I was ready to join the dancing. The three of us danced in the grass, swaying to the terrible music. At some point, Gemma ended up grinding on me and I went with it, completely out of character for me.

“Go Maizey!” Mel cheered and the crowd hooped and hollered in response.

I felt a pair of eyes on me, which was weird considering half the crowd was watching us. I looked up from the back of Gemma’s head and immediately found the gaze. I gulped when I realized it belonged to Hunter Greyback. He was watching me intensely from the treeline. When he caught me looking he stepped back into the shadows and I was no longer able to see him.

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