#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 1


I rubbed the faded scar on my left wrist, jagged and ugly, always reminding me of a time I’d rather forget. Oddly though, it calmed me, maybe because it reminded me of my own strength.

“Miss. Grace?” A voice startled me from my daydreaming.

“Yes?” I looked up at the studious woman in front of me. She was standing behind a large desk staring at a ledger in her hands.

“It would seem that everything is in order with your paperwork. Have you found a place to live in town?” She asked me, sitting down the ledger and leveling me with her gaze.

“Yes, my brothers and I found a nice house out of the city.” I smiled politely.

“Oh? Which town did you settle in? Not too far of a commute, I hope.” She said, sitting down in the large red desk chair.

“Covington, ma’am, not a far drive at all.”

I had just accepted a new job in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia. Coming from Stanford, California and Chicago, Illinois before that, I was used to living in the city. But, my brothers wanted a change of pace so we all agreed to look in the smaller towns on the outskirts of Atlanta for a house. We were lucky to find a historic farmhouse that was large enough to give us all the privacy we needed from each other.

“That’s a lovely choice.” She nodded thoughtfully, as if her opinion would suddenly cause me to change where I was living.

“Anyway, ma’am, thank you for making time for me today so we could get everything sorted.” I brought the conversation back around to the topic at hand.

“Of course, will you be able to start with us in two weeks?” she asked.

“Two weeks?” I wondered about the wait.

“That’s when the lab will be ready and the rest of your co-workers will start.” She explained.

“Oh, well, yes, that’s fine.” I nodded.

“Two weeks then, I will put it on the calendar.” She stood and offered me her hand. I shook it before exiting her office and the Greyback tech building.

You see, when the esteemed Greyback Industries offered me a job in their new robotics program, I just couldn’t refuse. I was the youngest woman to graduate from Stanford with three master’s in a computer science related field, and I was eager to earn my place in the world. At just 21, I had already seen my fair share of the patriarchal system that plagued the science community and it was a struggle just to be taken seriously. There was no way I was going to turn down the opportunity to not only be a part of but help lead my very own program.

I walked out of the elevator and across the lobby with a new found confidence, excited about leaving behind my old life of academics and solitude. I had big hopes and even bigger expectations for my life here and so did my brothers. We all left a lot behind in coming here but we were all equally as ready to start something new.

My excitement was short lived as I ran straight into the shoulder of a tall, blonde goddess.

“Watch where you’re going!” She shrieked, stepping away from me like I had the plague.

“I’m so sorry.” I apologized quickly, looking up at the beautiful and very tall woman standing before me.

“Yeah, you should be. Who are you, anyway?” She glared at me and I blinked in shock.

“Excuse me?” Did she know everyone who ever walked into this building?

“Are you deaf or just dumb? I asked who you are. I’m the receptionist here, I know everyone and I do not know you.” She practically growls at me.

“I’m new.” I stammered.

“Not a new receptionist I hope.” She laughed to herself.

“No, a new engineer in the robotics lab.” I found my voice and returned the attitude she was leveling me with. That shut her up rather quickly.

“Whatever, just watch where you’re walking next time, new girl.” She rolled her eyes and walked around me.

“Don’t worry about Ana, she’s a bitch to everyone.” A well built man chuckled. What was with these people, was everyone so tall and good looking?

“Oh, uhm, it’s okay.” I just wanted to leave.

“I heard you’re a part of the new robotics program, that’s awesome! I’m Miles, I work in computer programming.” He stuck out his hand and I shook it,

“Nice to meet you.” I mumbled, declining to give him my name. He didn’t seem to notice.

“Again, sorry about Ana. She’s my mate, there’s nothing I can do about it.” He laughed like I was supposed to know what that meant.

“Your what?” He raised his eyes at me,

“Girlfriend, she’s my girlfriend. Sorry, it’s just a term we use. It’s embarrassing, really.” He laughed again but this time he sounded more nervous.

“Right, well, I better get going.” I said, walking towards the door.

“See you around, whoever you are.” He waved, laughing at my namelessness.I numbly waved back, saying nothing.

I wasn’t in the mood to make any new friends, in fact, I wasn’t in the mood to have any old friends either. I wasn’t what one might call a social butterfly.

I hurried out of the lobby before I ran into any more tall men or snobby women who looked like Greek Gods. Once on the street, I found my way to the parking garage where my car was. I despised parking garages. They were dark, damp, and dangerous. I felt uneasy the second I walked into one.

“Get a grip, Maizey.” I grumbled to myself, clutching my bag closer to my chest as I stumbled towards the elevator.

My meeting was in the middle of the day, so the garage was full and I was forced to park on the top floor. I had to say, I was grateful for that since that level was outside. I pressed the number five button and nervously listened to the creaky elevator move. I nearly pitched myself out of it when the doors opened and the fresh air hit my face. I hurried to my car, resisting the urge to run. Once inside my car, I locked the doors and took a breath of relief.

“I need to man up.” I grumbled, putting the car into reverse.

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