7 days till Heartbreak

Chapter Willow Stays

~ Sunday Night

The banging on his door was worse than the headache he was having. Didn’t he ban his sister from coming to the house? Who could possibly be here on the day where he wanted to see nobody? Someone is going to become packless today. Growling Drayn got out of his bed and stormed to the door. Throwing it open with a snarl ”What do you- Willow?” Shock absorbed him as he looked upon his ex-mate who stood there, a bag in her hand that she seemed to be gripping rather tightly. Her green eyes looked at him hopefully. “Can I come in?” He was half tempted to slam the door in her face again.

Yet, there was something within her eyes that was begging him not to, something urged him to listen to her. But he was still angry, reluctantly he moved over and motioned for her to enter. She shifted the bag in her hands and set it on the ground. “I thought you were leaving.” His voice came out cold and snappish.

Willow hummed softly trying to ignore the way his tone caused her pain and shook her head. “I, before I do I need to ask you something. Did you mean it?”

Drayns body tensed, this again? Was she really bringing this up? “Willow I told you-” “No. not that. Did you mean it when you said you liked me?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Yes, I meant it.” “Did you, did you mean it when you said you would choose me? If you had a choice in Luna you would choose me? Without the mate bond, without our history. Would you have chosen me?” What was she getting at?

He stepped towards her. “Yes, Willow I meant it. I would have chosen you in a heartbeat.” She nodded, “Good, that’s good.” She seemed relieved, and his eyes narrowed, What game was she playing? Did she come here just to open the wounds once more before she left? Grinding his teeth he watched as she handed him the bag she had been carrying. Confused, he took it without thinking. He noticed it was heavy. Strange, it took a lot for something to be heavy.

Frowning he opened it, his eyes widening at its contents.

Inside was a bowling ball.

“I’m here to fight for you Drayn, I, I’m not the pushover anymore. I still need to work on being a leader but. I can work on it. I want you Drayn, and I understand if you don’t want this, if you don’t want me anymore. I won’t leave though, I will fight for you. It may take a day, or a year maybe three.” Her lips twitched into a small smile. “But, I’m willing to show you that I want this, that I want you.”

There was a silence that seemed to stretch on. Before she broke it with a nervous rambling.

“I, I would have been here sooner but did you know how long it takes to make a bowling ball? Especially one this heavy? The guy couldn’t even pick it up and even I had a bit of trouble. Then I carried it here and stood outside your house for the longest time because I wasn’t sure you’d want to see me. But then I, I knew I couldn’t do it again, I couldn’t not try to be with you.”

He stayed silent, looking at the thing in the bag. He set it on the ground and she bit her lip. Plan B? What was plan B? Did she have a plan B? Dammit. “I’ll um, I’ll come back tomorrow.” Enough time to create a plan B. She made for the door but before she could leave she felt a hand catch her wrist and pull her back. Lips met her own causing a tingling sensation to ripple through her. His arm wrapped around her back and pressed her body against his, they stayed like that for who knows how long. Forced apart by the need for air. Her heart beating like a drum to its own song. She swallowed and looked into his blue eyes. “Is that a yes?” She breathed.

He chuckled, placing a hand on her cheek.

“I expect to be properly woo’d, Omega.”

She felt her heart flutter.

“I’ll do my best, Alpha.”

The beginning of a new life waits ahead,

You simply must reach out for it,

Trust that it will be better,

But you must also trust, in yourself,

For know that you,

Will be fantastic,

No matter what.


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