667: Issue #7 Pt. 2 "The Seventh Son"

Chapter Royal Street, LA * Subject #001: Violet Eve


“We’re here.” Jackie parked the car on the street and grabbed my bag from the trunk.

We had been to Jackie’s house once before, but I didn’t remember it being this large.

“This is quite a house.” I stood on the street and just gazed up at the giant three story structure. How he was able to afford such a place was beyond me, even with the money that he made.

“Yes, she is. She was once the Lalaurie Mansion.” Jackie nudged me towards the door, but I was planted firmly.

“Like Madame Lalaurie? Delphine Lalaurie?” I knew about this house all too well.

Haunted attractions were sort of a thing for me and I had been to countless ones over in the UK, but I had dreamed of visiting some in the states and New Orleans was notorious for them.

“Ah, you know your gruesome history, I see.” Jackie unlocked the front door and let me inside.

“I know that she was a monstrous woman who cold-heartedly tortured and murdered slaves here in the city.” Just the thought of the woman made me shudder.

“That is correct. It went on like that for years until the big fire and then Madame Lalaurie fled and was never heard from again.” Jackie flicked the light switch on in the foyer.

“It looks like it has had some serious work done.” I examined all the lush drapery and polished floors.

“It was actually renovated into apartments, but they couldn’t keep the tenants. The building went into foreclosure and I was called in to do a cleansing and banishing of the spirits and decided to buy the place instead. Despite the history, I fell in love with her.” Jackie handed me my bag and I slung it over my shoulder.

“So—is it still haunted?” I asked curiously. There was a weird chill in the air, but I chalked it up to old houses being drafty.

“Most definitely, but don’t worry. The spirits are more rested now.” Jackie winked at me and led me up a long winding staircase.

I huffed, “Of course they are.”


“You can take this room; seems right up your alley.” Jackie opened a door on the second story to reveal a room richly painted in a deep purple with velvet curtains and an antique four-poster bed.

“I could get used to this.” I was surprised that the atmosphere was so homey...all things considered.

“There’s a bathroom attached to the room and a flat screen with all the channels. Make yourself at home and if you need anything, I will be just down the hall.” Jackie bowed out of the room and left me alone to get settled in.

A shower seemed like a good idea and I quickly stripped before getting in and letting the scalding hot water run over my head.

A million things were flying through my mind from Asher to…the voice in the swamp.

I could feel the panic rising in my throat and I took steady breaths before turning the water off, drying myself, and then donning Adam’s shirt as I slipped into the bed. I found the remote on the bedside table and flicked on the tele before finding a movie I liked and I settled into the blankets.

If it was even possible for me to sleep, I knew that it would be at least the one thing that could take me away from all of this for the moment.


Something woke me.

I didn’t know what it was, but there was an energy in the room that caused me to shudder, even under the heavy comforter.

The entire room was dark, save for the street lamps outside, and I realized that the TV was off. Maybe it had been on a timer and I didn’t know it, but the glow and white noise tended to help me sleep and I was wide awake without it.

I fumbled for the remote on the nightstand, but before I found it, the television flickered on.


The station I had been on should have been continuous movies, but there was a possibility that maybe the cable had gone out.


I could have sworn I heard my name whispered as I slunk into the covers and began feeling for the remote again. Maybe if I changed the channel, there would be something there and the voice that I heard was just my imagination warping the static on the screen.

But the tele turned off on its own.

Because of the bright light from the screen in the darkened room, I hadn’t noticed anyone standing next to the bedroom door, but now that I was in total darkness again…it was there.


The voice started to call my name again, but I hastily flipped on the light and the figure was gone.

I was sitting up in the bed now, panting, as I tried to get it together. There was a possibility that it had all been a dream, or a nightmare, and that maybe I had imagined it…but the threat had been too real.

I quickly checked the room for someone, just in case, and when I found the room empty except for me, I settled back down in the bed.

Despite me not finding a thing, I decided to sleep with the lights on.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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