667: Issue #7 Pt. 2 "The Seventh Son"

Chapter July 19th, 2016 Subject #001: Violet Eve

“Wake up, Vi! We’re going to the city.” I had been in a deep sleep that was oddly nightmare free when Salome shook me from it.

“As much as I want to get out of the house, sleep seems to be higher up on my list of wants,” I grumbled, pulling the pillow over my head.

“But we can go shooopping.” Salome tickled my face with her fingers.

“I don’t have any money, Sal. Missy was my meal ticket and my provider.” I hated that truth, but I had nothing after Missy turned on me. If it wasn’t for the Council and Adam, I would have been on the streets right now.

“I have plenty of money for the booth of us; Khaine and I inherited ten million on top of the ranch, remember?” Salome tossed a pair of cotton shorts and a shirt at me.

“I’m not taking your money.” I sat up in the bed and gathered my clothing.

“You’re not taking it if I’m offering it to you.” Salome sat down at my desk and waited for me to get dressed.

“I’m not going to be able to get out of this, am I?”I yawned, pawing at my disheveled hair.

“No, and why would you want to? You were just talking about seeing more of New Orleans yesterday and here’s our chance.” Salome started picking through a drawer in the desk where I kept my jewelry.

“I was up late. Josiah let me go over more of the files so I could make my list. He just thought of cataloguing our blood, but didn’t think about the fact that we could name all of us just by going over those disks.” I yawned again as I slipped my shorts on under my oversized t-shirt that I had borrowed from Adam on the night we transformed.

“Did you get very far?” Salome tossed me a necklace to wear with my outfit.

“I think I made it to Number 113 before my eye felt like it was melting from its socket.” I threw a clean shirt over my head and looped the all-seeing-eye pendant around my neck.

“That’s a good start. Ever hear back from that blog?” Salome asked another question.

I hadn’t, but today was a new day.

“No, but let me check before we get going.” I scooted Salome out of my seat and went to check my e-mail. There was one new message from a WildAngel3 with the subject line: #001.

“I got something.” I smiled, clicking on the e-mail to read it aloud. “Meet me at Jackson Square at 3 o’clock. I’ll be carrying a hot pink parasol; don’t be late.” I looked at Salome who just shrugged.

“Big Brother could be watching.” Salome wiggled her fingers in the air.

“Or whoever created us.” I checked the time on the computer: 10:45 AM.

“Well, let’s get going then.” Salome dangled my boots in front of her and I slipped them on.

“Who cleared us for this field trip?” I finished lacing my boots and got up to follow Salome downstairs.

“Josiah, surprisingly. He said we needed a day off.” Salome grabbed my hand and trailed me along behind her.

“He’s been quite generous lately…I wonder what’s going on.” I thought aloud as we went to gather the rest of our little group and head out to the city for a day of fun and exploration.


“You look nice today.” Asher grinned at me as we piled into the crossover.

“It’s just a shirt and shorts.” I deflected the compliment.

“Still look nice.” He kissed me on the top of the head before he helped me into the far back seat of the SUV.

“Everyone in?” Adam called from the driver’s side.

A chorus of yeses rang out as he started the engine.

“Where are we headed first?” I called out as Asher slipped his hand into mine.

“The Crescent City Shaman.” Adam watched me through the rear-view mirror as Asher slung an arm around my shoulders and Adam readjusted his view.

I nodded in response and let myself settle into Asher’s embrace as we sped off down the long drive to New Orleans.

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