667: Issue #2 "Activation"

Chapter 8: Adam Baudin

Adam Baudin

“Anything?” Henri asked as I walked back into the shop, my head held low.

“No. Gone.” I threw my hands up and came to sit at the bar.

“Call her,” Henri suggested as he wiped down his workstation.

“I don’t have her cell number, just her roommate’s house line. I’m sure Violet will warn them to screen her calls.” I was a bit bitter that I hadn’t caught up to her.

“And no one saw that flaming red hair fluttering up the street?” Henri was just as surprised as I had been.

“Just Jackie,” I responded. I was sure that Medusa had been hiding her, but there had been no one there but patrons and another stylist.

“Jackie called me. Said something felt off to him; like a big storm coming.” Henri informed me as another huge clap of thunder shook everything up and down the street.

“Yeah. It’s called thunder.” I laughed. Not that I didn’t believe in their intuitive abilities, but I was still somewhat of a skeptic.

“Seriously, Adam—when will you just let yourself believe? With all that you have seen, you are still so cynical.” Henri berated me.

I shrugged.

“Your hands for fuck’s sake!” Henri poked at my gloves with a spoon.

Yeah, those. My lava hands. Good luck ever getting a girl with these…unless they’re into that sort of thing.

“Maybe I’m cursed.” I only half believed that.

“I’m beginning to wonder…if it is some type of curse or track that has been laid; it’s nothing like I have ever seen before.” Henri went back to cleaning up his counter.

“Well, if you figure it out, let me know. I am going to go take a shower and maybe get a nap in before work.” I stretched and hopped off my bar stool.

“Where you spinning tonight?” Henri always wanted to know where I was, like a good big brother.

“Some party this entrepreneur is throwing. Nate got me the gig. It’s like a high-end rave or something—think Coachella but with less art and more strippers.” I rolled my eyes. It was good money, just not my crowd.

“Have fun with that.” Henri waved me off as I headed upstairs.


I had to take cold showers all the time now; hot would surely kill me. I’m pretty sure the bathroom filled up with more steam now than it would have in a hot shower.

I watched as the ice cold water cascaded over my hands, temporarily quenching the lava filled veins that crept through them and past my wrists.

Henri was right; how could I not believe in the supernatural? The Otherworldly? I was looking right at it.

And Violet. What was it about her that caused me to want to rescue her so badly? I had this intense draw towards her and this compelling sensation that forced me to make sure that she was safe no matter what. I didn’t know where she was at the moment, but I hoped wherever it was, she was okay.

I got out of the shower and toweled myself off as best I could without charring my white towels; I should have bought black.

Shaking my hands dry was pretty much the only thing I could do, but they never stayed wet for long.

I hadn’t even had a chance to throw my boxers on when my cell phone began ringing. Nate’s number burned hot on the face of the phone and I tapped the screen to answer.

“Yello'?” I flounced back on the bed as I held the phone with my shoulder.

“Adam, are you ready for tonight? There are going to be so many fine ladies and free drinks. This is the best gig ever.” Nate sounded overly excited.

“Well, I won’t be talking to any ladies seeing that I will be behind a DJ booth all night.” My hands were now dry enough to slip my gloves on.

“I’ll make sure to send plenty of strippers your way with song requests for them to dance to.” Nate clicked his tongue and laughed.

“Thanks for that. I’m going to get a nap in. Will you call me in like two hours and wake me up?” I patted my hair dry before finally slipping my boxers on.

“Ooof course.” Nate sounded too chipper.

“Thanks, mom.” I joked as I lay back on the bed.

“Anything for you, son.” Nate responded with a sugary voice, “I’ll see you tonight. When I get the address, I’ll text it to you.”

“They better send it to you in enough time so we can get set up before the party starts.” I yawned. Sleep had been eluding me lately.

“They will; trust me.” Nate tried to reassure me

“Alright. Nap time. Talk to you in a bit.” I hurried to get off the phone and Nate got the hint.

Tonight was going to be great, or so I kept telling myself. A fat check, beautiful ladies, free drinks, and good publicity.

Yet for some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about poor, scared Violet.

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