#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 22

Crescent Moon - Josie

“Josie, we need your help!” Kasey shouted into the room.

“I’m sorry, I need to go. A nurse will stay with you but your baby is perfectly healthy.” I said to Knox and Navy, but they were ignoring me, over the moon with their son.

I hurried out of the room and back into the chaos of the infirmary. The wounded from the safehouse started to pour in, screaming, crying and confused wolves were everywhere. I started to order the staff around. I put Dover and his newborn daughter into the same room as Navy, hoping they could all help each other grieve. A young girl on a gurney caught my attention.

She had claw marks all over her arms and legs, a bite had ripped through her side. She was underage, she didn’t have her wolf yet and she couldn’t heal. I had just started to treat her when the doors burst open and a very angry wolf was screaming at me.

“What’s wrong with her? Is she okay?” He shouted at me.

“Excuse me, you need to back up. Who are you?” I snapped at him, shoving him away.

“I’m Frankie.” The wolf growled. It dawned on me then.

Frankie was Fox’s younger brother and the wolf who thought he was mated to the youngest siren princess, Nadia.

“Wait, is this Nadia?” I asked, looking down at the young girl.

“Yes, yes, it’s Nadia. She’s a siren.” Frankie rambled on, “I felt her get hurt.”

I was momentarily stunned that Frankie had felt Nadia’s pain. Even if she was his mate, she was still underaged. I shook myself out of it and focused on the girl in front of me.

“She’s hurt and she doesn’t have healing abilities. We need to address her wounds.” I replied calmly, “We need to take her to a sterile room. You’ll have to wait here.”

I instructed the nurses to take Nadia to one of the private rooms where we could take care of her wounds, especially the deep penetrating bite mark on her side. Frankie looked like he wanted to argue but he caught a glimpse of Navy through the glass door.

“You need to tell Navy that her sister is here.” He said.

“Why don’t you go tell her? She just had her baby. I need to help Nadia.” I said camly. Frankie nodded, seeming pleased to have a job and be of use to his supposed mate. He hurried off towards their room.

Jack from Blood Moon was brought in next with some gnarly wounds and gashes all over his body. His wounds weren’t healing, another case of wolfsbane. We had come to expect this by now. The rogues were using wolfsbane, just like the rogues who attacked my pack two years ago. I had created an antidote back then in order to help my pack members heal. I never did figure out how they were able to dose the wolves with wolfsbane, whether they infected their own fangs or claws, I wasn’t sure. But, I knew how to help.

I stabbed Jack with a needle and his wounds immediately started to heal. His eyes fluttered open just as a she-wolf ran to his bedside. She started covering his face with kisses.

“Meredith, Meredith, honey, I’m fine.” Jack sighed weakly, holding Meredith in his arms. I laughed at them both.

“Young mates.” Kasey chuckled as she walked past me. I rolled my eyes,

“Like we were any better.” She just shrugged and went back to the giant wolf she was working on.

Sawyer and Lucy were also in the infirmary after Sawyer took a nasty swipe to the side of his head. He lost an ear but was otherwise unhurt. My idiot Beta, Ethan, was injured while protecting his Alpha. Of course, I was grateful, but I was also pissed. He was healing quickly after a shot of my antidote, but still in a lot of pain from his broken arm and dislocated shoulder.

Gena was able to use her venom to heal some of the more mortally wounded wolves. I had no idea it was even possible, but apparently she could extract her venom from her fangs and inject it into the bloodstream of the wolf to help advance the healing. Greyson was hovering protectively by her side while she healed wolves who would probably die without her intervention.

The sirens started to pile into the hospital wing then, worried over both their daughters and sisters. I had one of the nurses usher them into Navy’s room so they were out of the way while I went to get an update on Nadia. She was being well attended to by one of the pack’s doctors. Her wounds were deemed not fatal, the only concern now was the risk for infection. I entered Navy’s room to give them the good news.

“Thank you so much, Luna Josie, Dr. Luna Josie.” The King, Hudson, was fiercely shaking my hand. I laughed at him.

“It’s just Josie and no thanks is needed, it’s my job.” I grinned, “She’s going to need to stay in the sterile room for a few days but, once things calm down in here, she’ll be moved to a patient room and you can visit. She shouldn’t travel for a few days.” I explained.

“We understand, thank you.” Her father, Nile, smiled at me from Navy’s bed side, “Thank you for taking care of both of my daughters.”

“Of course.” I nodded, “Excuse me.” I left the room again.

“Josie….” Kasey walked up to me with a disturbing frown on her face.

“What?” I was instantly panicked.

“It’s some of your guard. Come on.” She sighed, walking towards the back of the hospital with a lack of urgency. That only scared me more.

Laying in three beds were Dru, Theo, and Ty. They were pale and lifeless, blood covering their bodies.

“No.” I gasped silently, running up to them. I checked all of their vitals and my heart sank. I dropped down onto one of the chairs across from their beds.

“I’m so sorry, Josie.” Kasey squeezed my shoulder, “August is on his way with their mates.”

A few minutes later, August walked in with Willow, Penny, and Roxie, their mates. They were sobbing, holding onto each other for comfort. August walked over to me and helped me stand from the chair, he pulled me into his chest.

“I’m so sorry, Josie.” He ran his hand through my hair. I soaked in his comfort before pulling back and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

“I’m so sorry, girls.” I walked over to Willow, Penny, and Roxie who couldn’t seem to bring themselves to let go of each other.

“Oh, Luna.” They sobbed and collapsed into my arms. I soothed them the best I could, rubbing their backs and arms, trying to heal them even if I couldn’t heal myself.

“Go say your goodbyes, trust me, you’ll regret it if you don’t.” I told them softly, lightly nudging them towards their mates.

They each reacted differently. Roxie crawled in bed beside Ty, Penny hit her knees beside Theo’s bed while clutching his hands, and Willow pulled Dru’s head into her lap and ran her hand through his hair. I pulled August away and drew the curtain shut around them.

“I can’t believe this. First Marigold’s brother and Dover’s mate, and now this. Who else are we going to lose?” I sobbed, coiling myself against August.

“Marigold’s brother?” He asked with his chin resting on the top of my head.

“Yeah, he came in a while ago. We couldn’t heal him. He died.” I mumbled.

“Which brother?”

“Solaris. I guess Bayu is the king now.” I said.

August ran his hands down my arms and hummed in my ear, giving me all the strength I needed to keep going.

“Is the fighting over?” I asked.

“Nearly.” He replied quietly.

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