#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 20

Silver Moon - Fox

It was a work of art to watch our five packs destroy the rogues and the Council’s wolves. Fae and siren magic lit up the environment, rattling the unsuspecting wolves. Meanwhile, the massive Alpha wolves were all using their unique fighting skills to take down dozens of wolves at a time. Not to mention Quinn and Ember, whose wolves were ridiculously massive. I swear, they could eat an entire wolf if they wanted to. Hunter got a kick out of that mental image.

I was immensely proud of my mate as she schooled her fair share of wolves. She wiped them off the field before they even had a chance to greet any of our wolves. She was flinging them back into the woods, locking them down with roots, and dragging them from their wolf forms. Once human, our wolves chained them up in silver and left them to suffer.

Then there were Sol’s flames which kept everyone together. They were enchanted or something, no wolf was able to pass through the barrier. Bay’s ruthless winds were so fierce that they blinded the rogues and threw them through the air like they weighed nothing. Honestly, it was a sight to behold.

I was lost in thought, my guard left down, as a wolf lunged towards my hindlegs. Before he could touch Hunter, Stone’s wolf ripped him apart.

“Dude get your head in the game.” He huffed at me before jumping towards another wolf.

“You okay, Alpha?” Ferra joined the link.

“Fine, just got distracted watching Marigold and her brothers.” Hunter shook his head and focused on the battle in front of him.

“They are fun to watch.” Ferra chuckled.

To my right was Remi and Evie who was surrounded by a huge barrier of warriors. It was difficult to ignore her Luna commands as they boomed over the rogues. Greyson and Gena were both by Remi’s side, Greyson in his wolf form and Gena with her deadly fangs and mad fighting skills.

I had never seen a vampire fight before, but it was something else. Her eyes were bright red, her fangs so white that they seemed to sparkle. Her fingertips were sharpened into long nails which weren’t much different from our own half-shifted claws. She was so fast that she looked like a blur of movement, swiftly taking down one wolf after another. She was strong, too, snapping their necks in a split second.

Snarling, Hunter ripped through another wolf and tossed his bleeding body to the side. He dove into a group of wolves who were harassing Ferra and Frankie. He picked them apart without a second thought and added them to the pile of discarded body parts.

Marigold’s screams caught my attention. I whipped around and noticed that the fire was no longer surrounding the fighting. Marigold was leaning over something while Bayu protected her flank. A dozen of my wolves closed ranks, guarding them closely. Hunter ran towards her and dove into the crowd, shoving them aside so he could get to his mate. I shoved him to the side and demanded control, shifting back into my human form.

“Mari, what’s going on?” I wrapped my arm around her back and looked over her shoulder.

Sol was laying on his back, his shoulder covered in blood and his face twisted in pain. Stone was finishing off a wolf behind them.

“A wolf attacked us from behind. Sol jumped in front of me and the wolf clamped onto his shoulder.” Mari sobbed.

Even though her focus was on her brother, her body was still filled with rage. All around us, the earth was coming to life. Wolves were being flung across the grounds by tree branches and roots, her magic protecting her as she worried over Sol.

“He needs to get to the infirmary. Leo already has it prepared for the wounded.” I said, pulling Mari to the side so I could pick up Sol, “You should….” I started to say but Mari cut me off,

“I’m staying here.” She snapped, her anger overshadowing her grief.

“Bayu, keep an eye on her.” I demanded before mindlinking Ferra, Frankie, and Stone the same command.

“Just get my brother help.” Bayu nodded before taking his position beside Mari.

I ran Sol into the packhouse and straight to the hospital wing, which was already bustling with activity. I guess Sol wasn’t the first wounded to arrive.

“King Solaris was attacked by a wolf.” I said to the nurse.

“We’ll take care of him, Alpha.” The nurse nodded, wheeling over a bed for me to place Sol on.

“He’s in good hands.” A woman I recognized walked over towards me.

“Kasey, right?” I was surprised to see the mate of August’s Gamma here.

“I’m a nurse. Figured I could help more here.” She said before tending to Sol. She started to frown,

“He isn’t healing.” She said.

“What? Why?” I said in a panic.

“Wolfsbane? I’m not sure. Come on, let’s get him inside.” She ordered and they rushed him back to a private room.

With nothing else to do, I ran back towards the fight. I nearly plowed through Josie on my way.

“Are you okay?” I grabbed a hold of her arms, scanning the Luna for injuries.

“I”m fine. I’m a doctor. Kasey minlinked me, she said that King Solaris is in bad shape and so are some of the others. Things are under control out there, I can do more good here.” She explained in a hurry before running around me and towards the hospital.

“That’s not good.” I said to myself, sighing. I made the decision not to tell Marigold about the extent of Sol’s injuries until she was ready to leave the fighting. I needed her to focus.

I threw myself back onto the battlefield, shifting into Hunter and rushing over towards Marigold to defend her again.

It was long before we heard the screams. Since Sol’s fire barrier was no longer up, the rogues started to slip past us and into the packhouse. Wolves in the field started to howl in pain, rushing towards the packhouse. Their mates were in danger.

Alistair ran past me in a fury, jumping up the steps to the packhouse in a few strides and disappearing down the hallway.

“The rogues found the safehouse.” Someone yelled and more wolves ran inside to help.

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