#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 18

New Moon - Austyn-Rose

Magnus, Merdell, and Merida popped into my office unannounced, again, scaring the shit out of all four visiting Lunas.

“Who the hell are you?” Josie growled, immediately on high alert.

“We service the Luna Queen.” The three responded in tandem.

“It’s okay, they’re representatives for the Moon Goddess.” I explained, trying to settle the tension in the room.

“We told you we would return when you needed us, Queen Luna. We sensed that there was doubt among your followers and wanted to reassure them.” Merida spoke.

“It’s best if we speak to the Lunas without their Alpha males.” Merdell added.

“Do you have to sound like a fortune cookie?” Evie grumbled and I couldn’t help but smirk at her tone.

“I’m sorry, Luna Everleigh, we do not understand….” Magnus started.

“Just, go on.” I waved him off, “We can speak freely without the Alphas.”

“What is supposed to happen after we destroy the council?” Marigold asked the first question.

“The Queen Luna and King Alpha will assume the throne and take control of the Legacy Pack.” Merida said.

“Is there a literal throne?” Navy asked.

“In the werewolf realm there is a castle and land for the royal family. But, the Moon Goddess thought that the Queen Luna would be more comfortable transforming her own pack into the Legacy Pack and living here, instead.” Merdell explained.

“The werewolf realm?” Josie looked shocked, “I thought that was just a myth.” We all did, I thought to myself.

“It was sealed off after the monarch was massacred by the Moon Goddess herself. She would give you access to it, Queen Luna, if that is your wish.” Magnus said.

I looked around the room, at the faces of all the Lunas, and immediately knew what the right choice was.

“I don’t want New Moon to fall, I want it to rise with the Full Moon pack and see its full potential. We have failed them both already by not giving them the attention they deserve after Dark Moon’s betrayal. I want to reopen the werewolf realm, just as the other species have their own realms.” I said with a powerful voice. The Lunas nodded in agreement.

“We can all send strong representatives from our packs, from our Alpha bloodlines, to act as your royal guard again.” Josie suggested.

“Oh, I couldn’t ask….” I started to argue.

“That is tradition.” Merdel instructed me and I shot him a glare,

“You can shove your traditions up your….”

“Honestly, Austyn, I think that’s the right thing to do.” Evie spoke over top of me before I could insult Selene’s ambassadors.

“Well, you all need to speak with your Alphas and decide as a team. I don’t want anyone to come forcibly, everything has to be voluntary.” I said sternly.

“Of course, but we have to start off this new reign on a note of peace and unity. I think our four packs representing this fight until the end is the only way to go.” Marigold spoke softly yet regally, her own royal training coming through clearly.

“We can ask for volunteers from our packs, maybe even the entire species, to send tributes to live in the werewolf realm. Start the Royal Legacy pack solely on volunteers.” Navy suggested, speaking like the young princess she is.

“I think that’s a wonderful idea. A bit of tradition,” I said, looking towards the magical elders, “Mixed with new age.” I smiled.

“The Moon Goddess said that you five would find a way to blend the realms, the species, and the old with the new. She was quite right in her wisdom.” Merida smiled at us.

“But, before that time comes, you have one last challenge to face.” Merdell spoke ominously.

“The trial at the public meeting, we know.” Josie scoffed.

“No, that is only a formality. The packs are all ready to side with change. The betrayls of the Council have reached farther than even you can imagine.” Magnus said.

“The trial you have to face begins now with the invasion.” Merdell finished.

“What invasion?” I was suddenly worried.

“The Council’s last stand.” Merida’s voice rang out through the room even after the three had disappeared once again into a puff of smoke.

“Well that doesn’t sound good.” Evie huffed.

Just then, our Alphas rushed into the room with a hoard of Betas and Gammas behind them.

“Goddess, there really are way too many wolves here.” Evie shrieked as the office became overly crowded.

“The Council…” Noah started,

“Are invading.” I finished for him. Leo appeared at my side,

“How do you know?” He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed,

“The freaky trio visited you again, didn’t they?”

“All of us, yes. We’ve made a plan on how to unit the realm, but that’ll have to wait until after this one final battle.” I said.

“Alphas, Lunas.” A Beta pushed through the crowd.

“Ethan?” Josie looked over at him and the girl who clung to his side.

“This is what I have seen. It wasn’t the battle from before at Blue Moon. It was this one. I see two paths very clearly now.” The woman spoke.

“This is Sybil, Ehtan’s mate, she’s a witch who can see the future.” Josie explained quickly, “What have you seen?” She asked her gently.

“One leads to victory and peace, the other to pain and suffering. The outcome of this battle decides the fate of the species. Should we succeed, the packs will follow you to the new werewolf realm. Should we fail, the Council will be stronger than ever.” Sybil spoke as if something had taken control over her body.

“We can’t fail, then.” Leo said sternly into the crowd.

“Agreed.” August frowned and the rest of the Alphas nodded.

“Do you have a bunker or a safe house?” Navy asked Leo and I.

“Of course.” I said and Leo nodded.

“I’ll take the children, pregnant women, elderly, and those who cannot fight there. I’m not a fool, Knox, Cam, I won’t ask to fight today.” Navy smiled at her mates who looked a million different kinds of relieved.

“Don’t expect that from any of us.” Evie spoke for the rest of us.

“We wouldn’t dare.” Noah rolled his eyes at his mate and the others agreed.

“No matter how much we want to lock you away, we know this battle needs all of us.” August said, clutching Josie close.

“We need to move quickly. The borders are already being breached.” Leo said, mindlinking with the guards.

“Gammas, stay with your Lunas, Betas, stay with your Alphas. We’ll each take our own warriors into battle and command them with the mindlink. Alpha Leo, we follow your lead.” Fox said with a stern expression. Leo quickly shook his head,

“No, we have to do this together. Five Alphas, five leaders. As you said, each of you are the only ones who can communicate with your pack. We lead five separate packs working together as one.” Leo said and I smiled at him in awe.

“I’ll show Navy where the safe house is and then join the fight.” I said to Leo.

“I’m with you, Luna.” Nick, once again, stepped out of his Alpha role to be my Gamma, “Until the end.” He nods proudly.

“I’ll stay with Navy and keep her and the others safe.” Cameron, the siren mate, said.

“Agreed. Let’s move.” Leo kissed me deeply before releasing my hand and running after the others.

“Let’s go, this way.” I waved towards Navy, Cameron, Nick, and Dover whose own pregnant mate was close to his side.

I mindlinked my pack, as did the other Lunas, to inform all of the children, pregnant woman, elderly, and the defenseless to meet me in the packhouse lobby. There was an underground tunnel to our safehouse from there.

So many faces who I didn’t know before today joined us. The children of the four Alphas and Lunas, the pregnant mates, siblings, and members of our visiting packs, as well as my own pack members were all waiting in the lobby for my protection. It felt heavy and terrifying to have so many people relying on me, but I guess that’s what being the Queen Luna was all about, anyway.

“You will all follow Luna Navy and Alpha Cameron’s lead in the safehouse.” I announced, unlocking the secret door to the tunnels, “Do not come out until one of the Alphas or Lunas has come for you.” I ordered.

The crowd was silent, with wide eyes and white faces, but they all nodded obediently. I could sense their faith in me, my own pack members mindlinking me words of appreciation and encouragement. I turned towards Navy,

“They’re in your charge, Luna Navy. Be safe.” I gave her a reassuring smile and hugged her quickly, before running off to find my mate.

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