#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 15

Blood Moon - Noah

A few days later, we were all gathered at New Moon’s packhouse in Oregon. It turned out that Alpha Leo’s Gamma, Nick, and his mate, Amber, were actually the new Alpha and Luna of their own pack. New Moon’s newly named sister pack, Full Moon, was created from the ashes of Dark Moon and handed over to Nick and Amber to rebuild. There was a lot of work that needed to be done to earn the trust of Full Moon’s people, but anyone could see that the pack members were excited for the change. It did, however, make some things more difficult.

The pack’s creation was so new that Full Moon hasn’t been fully organized yet. Alpha Nick was apparently taking New Moon’s Beta Jacks with him as his new Beta to pull strength from. I also heard a rumor that there was a conflict between Luna Austyn and Jacks’ mate, Madeline. Because of that, Alpha Leo had no Beta or Gamma by his side. Honestly, it was a bit of a mess.

No one wanted to disrespect Leo and Austyn, especially if they were chosen by the Moon Goddess herself to lead our realm, so we all kept our mouths shut. But, I wasn’t the only one with concerns and most of us called for more back up from our packs. Which is why Jack and Lucy were both due to arrive at New Moon sometime today.

Everyone was outside, the packhouse too small to host everyone for indoor gatherings. Breakfast was being served under a large tent and we were gathered around circular tables that had been nicely arranged. String lights and lanterns littered the canopy, illuminating the area while the morning sun was still rising.

Evie was sitting next to Josie, happily chatting away about something while I was scanning the crowd. I felt on high alert 24/7 now, always ready for an attack, and I knew that I wasn’t alone.

Mari and Fox wandered over to us with two strange looking men behind them. I sniffed the air and learned right away that they weren’t werewolves.

“Noah, these are my brothers. King Solaris and Prince Bayu of the Fae.” Mari proudly introduced her brothers, “This is Alpha Noah and Luna Evie of Blood Moon, and Luna Josie of Crescent Moon.” She motioned around the table.

The girls smiled and waved politely before returning to their conversation. I shook both of the fae’s hands.

“I apologize, I’m not entirely sure how to greet Fae royalty.” I chuckled nervously.

“No formalities needed, we’re just happy to be of service.” King Solaris grinned with a certain spark in his eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was mischief or excitement, but something about it made my wolf stir.

“We wanted to be here for the public meeting.” Prince Bayu added.

“Well, we’re happy for all the help we can get.” I nodded, pushing the uneasiness aside for now. Having representatives from other species, royalty at that, would certainly help our cause.

“I heard Luna Navy’s parents were coming as well.” Fox said, seeming to read my mind.

“That’s good. The werewolves need to see all of the species getting along. Of course, we have Greyson’s mate here, too, the princess of the vampires.” I said.

“Speaking of…..” Evie smiled at something behind me and I turned to see Greyson and Gena walking in our direction.

“Princess Gena, a pleasure to see you again.” King Solaris and Prince Bayu both bowed in greeting.

“Again?” Greyson eyed them wearily.

“Solaris, Bayu! I heard you two stage a coo.” Gena grinned wickedly.

“Not that our father left us much of a choice, unfortunately.” King Solaris sighed.

“Cerintaly. He was an odd bird, that one. I trust you’re less power hungry then he was.” Gena said to the king.

“You should really visit, again, Princess Gena, it’s a new fae realm indeed.” Prince Bayu said.

“We should! Greyson, oh, you would love the fae realm. It’s such a dream.” She smiled at Gresyon who looked extremely uncomfortable, “Oh, this is my mate, Greyson. He’s a werewolf but I try not to hold it against him.” She snickered.

“Right.” Greyson mumbled and the fea brothers laughed at his discomfort.

“Anyway, we should find our seats.” Gena said.

“Why don’t you sit with us?” I offered and the two nodded, joining our table.

“Come on, I’ll take you two to meet the other Alphas.” Fox sighed, motioning for the brothers to follow him.

“This is a whole lot of weird.” I said, mostly to myself.

“Hopefully this will be our new reality, if all goes well.” Evie scolds me.

“It’s going to take a lot of adjusting, that’s for sure.” Greyson nodded in agreement.

A little while later, the guards announced the arrival of Jack and Lucy. There was a constant flow of guests these days. Siblings, Betas, warriors, and pack members from all four packs rolling in to support their Alpha and Luna. Evie stayed behind with Sawyer, and I left to gather my brother and sister.

“How’s Sawyer?” Lucy asked quickly, immediately worried about her mate. Jack rolled his eyes and I wondered how insufferable our sister has been without her mate these past few days.

“He’s fine, Luce, come on.” I chuckled at them both, leading them back towards the packhouse.

“Evie and Sawyer are in the courtyard. Alpha Knox’s siblings just got in a few minutes ago.” I explained, showing them around the grounds.

I grinned when I spotted Evie, feeling calmer the closer I got to her. She was surrounded by unfamiliar faces and that made me feel uneasy. Lucy squealed and ran towards Sawyer when she saw them. Everyone turned their heads in our direction and started laughing.

Knox’s three siblings and their mates had joined us not too long ago; his brother and Beta Clay and his mate Julia, and his sisters, Jenna and her mate Mason, and Meredith. They were all three a lot like Knox, besides Meredith. She was still young, just turning 18, and had a very heavy chip on her shoulder. I wasn’t sure what her deal was, but I knew Knox was a better man than me to deal with her attitude.

But, that Moon Goddess sure does love her tricks.

Jack went stiff beside me, skidding to a stop while we were still ten or more feet away from the group. His eyes were huge and his jaw started to twitch in tension.

“Jack, what’s wrong?” I shook his shoulder and he actually growled at me, never taking his eyes away from whatever had his interests.

“Meredith?” I barely heard Knox’s voice before Jack was taking off towards something.

Of course, it was Meredith Greystone.

“Mate!” Jack snarled, ripping Meredith away from Knox. Meredith looked shocked and Knox looked murderous. I hurried over to defuse the situation.

“Looks like our siblings are mates.” I chuckled nervously. Evie was eyeing them, seeming both worried and excited as she inched closer to me.

“Your brother is out of control.” Knox growled, clenching his hands into fists.

“Knox, remember how it was for you?” Navy replied softly, patting his back.

“Jack….” I tried to intervene, but my words had little impact.

Suddenly, Meredith and Jack were all over each other. Clearly, Meredith had no issues with Jack’s behavior. Knox groaned loudly and turned his back on the pair while I couldn’t control my laughter.

“Noah, if Knox rips your head off, I’m going to be so pissed at you.” Evie warned me in a low voice. I attempted to reign in my outburst.

“Get a room!” Meredith’s sister, Jenna, huffed.

I noticed she was laughing just as hard as me. She and Mason had brought their son, Titan, with them and she was covering his eyes with her hand, preserving his innocence. Titan swatted at his mother’s hand, but she wasn’t giving it up.

“Guess Harvord is old news.” Her brother, Clay, mumbled under his breath. I silently wondered who Harvord was.

Mercifully, the two took their make out session somewhere more private and we were left to chat.

“I guess we all need to get more formally acquainted then, huh?” I snickered, earning a glare from Knox.

“We were just heading towards the water, actually. Navy’s family will be here soon.” Dover explained. His mate, Natasha, had also joined them. I noticed that she seemed to be just as pregnant as Navy.

“I can keep your siblings company, Knox.” I offered as an olive branch of peace. Knox rolled his eyes at me.

“That would be lovely, Alpha Noah.” Jenna smiled, taking Titan’s hand and walked towards me. I offered her my elbow,

“Just Noah.” I shrugged and the rest of the Greystone family followed after me.

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