#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 12

New Moon - Leo

“I’m sorry, can you just go through all of that one more time.” I mumbled, plopping down on the large sofa in my office, dragging my mate, Austyn, down with me.

There were three magical beings in my packhouse, sent by the Moon Goddess, Selene, herself. The two men, Merdell and Magnus, had white hair and long white beards. The woman, Merida, had short silvery hair. They were wearing matching gold bands on their heads that wrapped around their foreheads and robes that had the same design but in different colors.

“You are the King Alpha,” Merida explained slowly, “Deemed worthy by our Queen Luna, heir to the royal throne.” She nodded towards Austyn who was just staring at them all with a blank, wide eyed expression.

“And the part about my pack?” I pushed.

“The pack of the Alpha King and Luna Queen must become the royal pack known as the Legacy pack. You will no longer be known as the founding name. It is the tradition. You may choose to either remain here or bring the pack to the royal palace.” Magnus explained for the third time.

I was ready to do anything for my Austyn-Rose, anything, including dissolving my pack and giving it another name. But, I needed to know everything first, all the details.

“Just because something is tradition doesn’t mean it has to happen that way now.” Austyn spoke up.

“Queen Luna….” Merida started but was interrupted by Merdell,

“Might I suggest we table this discussion for another time. Right now, there are more pressing matters.” Merdell said.

“Like what?” I asked.

“The packs of the four corners have assembled at the Blue Moon pack in California.” Merdell said.

“Why? What happened?” I was immediately on edge.

“The Council elders used their rogues to attack Blue Moon and their siren Luna.” Magnus explained.

“We have to help them.” Austyn gasped, looking at me with her doe eyes.

“They were able to easily subdue the rogues and have managed to capture the elders who were overseeing the raid. What they need is the truth of their destiny and their heritage.” Merida said, “You two must go there and explain to them all that we have told you.”

“It’s not safe for my Luna to leave the pack grounds.” I snapped only to earn a stern gaze from Austyn.

“It’s our duty to protect and lead them, Leo. It’s time.” Her eyes were hard and stubborn, and I knew there was no arguing with her.

“Jacks and Nick are both coming with us.” I demanded.

“Nick has his own pack to worry about now. He’s not our Gamma anymore.” Austyn started to argue but I shook my head, silencing her with my lips.

“With all due respect, Luna, I will always be your protector.” I didn’t even realize Nick had entered the office until he was growling at the Moon Goddess’ advisors.

“Nick….” Austyn stood up and walked over towards him.

“I’m sorry, I was listening in. I was worried about you two and your safety. I overheard what you said. I’m 100% in on this, Austyn.” Nick replied sternly and Austyn could only nod, unable to argue.

“Are you coming with us?” I asked the advisors.

“No, this is you and the Queen Luna’s task. We will come again when you need us, once the Council has been overthrown and the royal heir takes her place.” Merida said, speaking in her usual riddles. Then, in a puff of smoke, the three of them disappeared.

“That wasn’t really informative, was it?” Nick grumbled, looking at the now empty spot filled with smoke.

“It left me with more questions than answers, that’s for sure.” I mumbled, taking Austyn in my arms again.

“I guess we’re going to Eureka, California.” Austyn sighed and we both reluctantly agreed.

An hour later, Nick, his mate Amber, Jacks, Austyn, and myself were all piled into a car with the Luna Guard and Alpha Guard following in two others. It was a short drive to the Blue Moon pack, but it seemed like an eternity with the weight of what we had to tell them. When we pulled up to the guard gate at Blue Moon, they were all on high alert, as to be expected.

“I’m Alpha Leo Storm from New Moon. We have information regarding the Council for the packs of the four corners.” I spoke seriously. The guards’ faces went blank as they mindlinked someone, probably their Alpha, and then they escorted us the rest of the way to the packhouse.

There were wolves everywhere, the entire yard was overflowing with warriors. Eight very strong auras were waiting for us at the front gate. These had to be the Alphas and Lunas from the four packs. The power radiating off of them even made me want to submit. I looked sideways at Austyn and she was smiling, seeming to be absolutely calm.

“Those are our allies.” She announced, hurrying out of the car as soon as it stopped. I hurried after her with Jacks and Nick quickly to follow.

“What is this about?” One of the Alphas who was standing beside a very pregnant she-wolf, stepped forward and spoke first, “I’m Alpha Knox, this is my pack.”

“I’m Alpha Leo, this is my mate and Luna, Austyn-Rose. We know about your conflict with the Council, it’s our war, too. We have information that you need to know.” I tried not to sound to ominous, knowing that riddles only succeeded in pissing off Alphas; I speak from experience, of course.

“We’re listening.” Alpha Knox sounded irritated.

“Knox, don’t be rude. Let’s go inside your office.” Alpha Knox’s mate chastised him and smiled at us, “I’m Luna Navy.” She said and gestured for us to follow after her.

I placed my hand on Austyn’s back and gently guided her after Luna Navy. I kept a watchful eye on the surrounding Alphas, my instincts kicked into hyper drive. Nick and Jacks were close to Austyn’s side, their protectiveness over their Luna clearly overworked just like mine. We followed the Alphas and Lunas to Alpha Knox’s office. Once we all sat down and were comfortable, the others introduced themselves.

Then, Austyn and I explained everything to them. We told them about the royal legacy, their heritage, and their future. Everything that I’ve learned since meeting Austyn-Rose. They shared what they knew with us, as well. Explaining the Fae prophecy and how each family from the packs of the four corners are descendants from the final royal guard. The four Alphas in this room today are heirs of the men who protected my mate’s ancestors.

“So, we will overthrow the Council and then you’ll take up the throne again, restoring the werewolf kingdom.” Luna Evie summarized.

“And your four packs will take their rightful spot as the royal guard once more. I don’t know how this all works, but I do know that we’re supposed to do it together.” Austyn said.

“I agree, I can feel it.” Luna Navy nodded.

“Me too.” Luna Josie agreed.

“There are only allies in this room, friends.” Luna Marigold smiled.

And, as usual, the Alphas couldn’t do anything other than agree with their Lunas.

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