Chapter Complications

Rain fell through the Skylines and brought the grime and dust from the upper levels to the Builds. It would rain blood-red on the streets of the Piles, but Wu DaQi had no need to drive through the muck of the lower levels. If he couldn’t see a doctor from the company, he’d prefer to go to the Skylines for help, but he didn’t trust that Mann Enterprises wasn’t watching. Instead, he headed to the lower levels where he could easily evade their eyes. His informants gave him the name of a specialist they claimed was the best in the Builds. DaQi did his research though and the physician wasn’t connected with Mann or any of its umbrella companies.

When he entered the clinic, it was as clean as the offices he was used to visiting. The reception wasn’t as fancy as something he’d find in the upper-level clinics, but it was sufficient to his needs. DaQi walked up to the front desk and smiled at the man behind it.

The guy looked up from his display screen and his mouth dropped open as he looked at DaQi. DaQi ignored his reaction. “I need to speak with the doctor today.”

The man licked his bottom lip and nodded, swallowing visibly. “Let me ask if he’s available for walk-ins today.”

He stood to go back to the doctor’s office, but DaQi touched his wrist. The man gaped at him in surprise. “I’ll pay whatever fees he asks for an immediate appointment.” The receptionist looked at where DaQi touched his wrist and DaQi smiled again. “I would be grateful. Thank you.”

He dropped his hand and stepped away, letting the man hurry away to the back.

DaQi walked to the windows and looked out at the downpour. The rain drowned out the sound of anything else in the city, drumming on the rooftops as it continued its journey. He twitched his head to the side as ghostly lips pressed behind his right ear. He could almost hear words, but no matter how he listened, they never came.

It didn’t come often, this ghost, but it was one of the only things he thought of as his own. He had no memories, no past, but the ghost claimed him when he least expected it. It was just whimsy, an overactive imagination trying to give him something he craved, but some days he wondered.

He’d been wondering a lot since he met 531.

DaQi heard the slide of shoes behind him, and he turned. “The doctor said he’ll see you now.”

DaQi followed the man past the front lobby and towards the back of the office. He passed rooms on either side but only two were open. He heard moaning coming from one but refused to look.

When they reached an empty office he sat on a stool in the center of the room. The receptionist walked to the door but stopped and turned back to him. The man opened his mouth but before he could speak the doctor came in. “I’ve got it,” he said, dismissing the receptionist.

He left with a final glance back at DaQi. The doctor eyed him for a moment before he closed the door behind him. “I’m Dr. Warner. I was told you needed to see me immediately.”

“I’m sorry for the urgency. I have something I need you to look into and I can’t wait.”

“What is your problem, Mister?”

“Anonymous. I’ll pay double the fees to keep it that way.”

“I’ll need proof of payment upfront before I do any work.”

“I understand.”

“Then what is your problem, Mr. Smith?”

DaQi gave him a grateful smile and nodded. “I was told I had a sensory augmentation procedure three months ago that caused massive memory loss. I’m not certain my current doctor is doing everything he can to repair my memories. I want you to look at the augmentation and give me your assessment and treatment recommendations.”

The doctor came forward and pulled a tray of tools and a stool next to DaQi. He snapped his fingers and the lights on the wall flew forward to give illumination to the source of the noise. “I’ll take a look, then we’ll talk about payment,” the doctor comments as he sat down.

DaQi closed his eyes and concentrated on the feel of fingers in his hair.

“I see the seam here. It’s very delicate. Whoever did the procedure has a fine hand.”

Dr. Warner snapped his fingers again and the lights whirled into motion. He heard the scrape of a tool being picked up and took a deep breath. He could feel the prick and pull of something on his scalp and in his hair, but there wasn’t pain. The odd sensation made him want to squirm, but he held still.

“What the hell?”

The doctor jumped out of his seat and stepped back, causing his stool to roll out from behind him. DaQi looked up and the doctor was staring at him.

“What happened?”

The doctor shook his head, his eyes wide. His heart was racing and he licked his lips.“This … this isn’t…”

“What? Tell me what’s wrong?” .

“This is beyond me. I can’t help you.”

“What’s wrong with me?” DaQi demanded.

“I know someone. I can’t do this, but I know a doctor who might be able to help you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“This isn’t augmentation,” Dr. Warner said, shaking his head. “It’s … more complex. I don’t know how to start deciphering what I’ve seen, and it was just one port. If you want to find out what they did to you, I’ll give you the name of another doctor. She can help you.If anyone can.”

Warner came back to the stool and fixed the port he’d opened before he held his hand out, showing an information port opened in his finger. DaQi opened the information port on his arm to accept it.

“Atieno Obuo. She’s in the Piles, but she’s the best there is. If anyone can sort out what happened to you, it will be her.”

The doctor backed off again and DaQi was left reeling. “What do I owe you?”

The doctor pointed to the door. “Just leave and don’t tell anyone you came here.”

He’d come for answers, but this just gave him more questions. DaQi left, rubbing his hand over the port the doctor had opened. Warner’s reaction should have terrified him, but he was largely relieved to know that there was something to investigate. He wasn’t losing his mind. He wasn’t crazy for listening to the things 531 had said to him. He decided to lay low for a few hours. If the doctor’s reaction was anything to go by, Dr. Obuo wouldn’t be happy to see him either.

He took his bike and drove to an old storage unit that he’d found abandoned on his first case back. It was empty now, so he parked his bike inside and pulled up the display on his forearm. He needed to know who this Dr. Obuo was, why someone with her skills was in the Piles, and if she could really help him?

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