500: An Anthology of Short Stories

Chapter The Traveler

Nick reached the peak of the mountain he had been sauntering up for most of the day just as the sun dipped below the horizon. The glorious hue of reddish-rose struck through with lighter tones of streaking yellow snatched his breath away.

“Beautiful!” Nick exclaimed, his worn features breaking out in a smile of pure bliss. “Such a pity you aren’t here with me right now to witness this, love,” he said a bit softer, lovingly stroking a small pendant dangling from his neck.

Sighing, Nick removed his heavy backpack, placing it with relief on the flat ground. He had chosen the spot to camp for the night because it was a natural grove of sturdy oaks, which would offer protection against wind during the coming night.

“Tomorrow, I hope to reach our special place, then we’ll once again be together, forever,” he murmured into the dusk.

Thirty minutes later, Nick had started a small fire and was frying a thin slice of chicken fillet and chopped mushrooms. The sudden absence of sound alerted him to the presence of the other.

She stepped out from the screen of trees as if from a dream, seeming like a mirage, for her form wavered slightly before solidifying. Nick stared in open-mouthed surprise at her.

“You have enough food for me, too?” the stranger asked, her voice sounding hollow, like an echo catching up to itself. Nick continued to gape; speechless, motionless.

“I think that’s enough for two,” the woman said as she looked into the pan. Nick couldn’t recall her moving forward, but she was suddenly right there!

Sitting down cross-legged, her red and yellow gown falling in folds over her feet, the stranger said, “I’m Maha; what’s your name?”

Finally able to speak, Nick said, “Um, I’m Nick. Where… where did you come from?”

“I’ve always been here. You’re the one who came from somewhere,” she answered.

“What are you doing here?” Nick asked, not realizing how rude he sounded.

“I live here, exist here. What are you doing here?” she riposted.

“I’m just travelling through. I’m on my way to a special place,” Nick answered, removing the pan from the fire.

“A traveler then, good. I’m a traveler, too. Would you like to travel with me, Nick?” Maha asked in that eerie voice of hers. Nick’s flesh pebbled involuntarily, as if a cold, damp, clammy hand had stroked his soul.

“Travel? With you? Where to?” Nick asked against his better judgment.

Abruptly, Maha was standing right in front of Nick, her face nearly touching his.

Nick gasped in shock, moved back hurriedly. Maha locked gazes with him.

“You know where, Nick. It’s what you came here for, isn’t it? You want to go to her, be forever with her. I can take you there,” Maha whispered.

Nick moaned like a man in mortal agony. His heart stuttered.

“Yes. God forgive me, yes!”

“Then take my hand, Nick.”

Seconds later, the whisper of a zephyr blew through the now empty grove.

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