#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 6


“You really don’t want to reject me?” I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. Again.

“No, in fact….I, Alpha Leo Storm of Full Moon, accept you, Austyn…..” Leo paused, waiting for my name. I sighed,

“Austyn-Rose Merriweather.” Leo’s eyes widened slightly as he continued,

“Austyn-Rose Merriweather as my mate.” I blinked at him in surprise, completely flabbergasted by his confession.

“Merriweather? As in the previous Beta?” Leo asked.

“He was my father.” I mumbled in response,

“This is a lot.” I added, mostly talking to myself.

“Why did you think I would reject you?” Leo asked, seeming hurt by my assumption.

“Because just yesterday an Alpha made it very clear that I was worthy of nothing, let alone being an Alpha’s mate.” I said.

“The same person who gave you that?” He pointed towards my lip. I only nodded.

“Did Alpha Victor do that to you?” He asked between gritted teeth. I was repulsed by his name but shook my head,

“No. His son.” I answered.

“Well, he’s dead.” Leo replied a little too calmly for my taste and began to turn away from me.

“Wait, he’ll kill me if he finds out that I told you.” I cried. Leo turned his fiery gaze on me,

“No one will touch you ever again.” He promised.

“He was my mate. He was my mate and he rejected me and made me promise not to tell anyone.” The words came spilling out of my mouth.

“I’m your second chance mate?” Leo asked.

“I guess so. Must be some kind of record.” I shrugged.

“What does that mean?” Leo asked.

“That was 2 days ago.”

“What was?” Leo asked again. I raised an eyebrow at him,

“When Kayden rejected me.” I clarified,

“Which so happened to also be my 18th birthday.” Leo stared at me, unmoving and unspeaking.

“Yeah, welcome to my life.” I mumbled.

“My birthday was also 2 days ago.” He admitted. I looked Leo up and down, feeling pretty confident that he wasn’t 18. I said nothing.

“Kayden did this to you two days ago when he rejected you?” Leo pointed towards my face as he began to piece everything together.

“That’s correct.” I failed to offer up any more information.

“Okay, we can figure everything else out later. For now, I’m getting you out of here and dealing with Kayden.” Leo reached out for my hand and I recoiled.

“Please, I don’t like to be touched.” I muttered. Leo closed his eyes like he was fighting with himself before opening them and nodding.

“Will you come with me?” He asked.

“You mean, upstairs?” I looked towards the staircase.

“No, I mean to my home. To New Moon.” Leo said, shaking his head.

“Oh, well, I guess anywhere is better than here.” I shrugged.

I had no idea if I could trust this Alpha Leo. He had accepted me and he seemed genuine, but I could also just be trading one evil Alpha for another. Either way, I had to take my chances. I always knew the mate bond was the only way I was getting out of here. Yesterday I thought that plan had gone out the window. Today was a new day.

“Let’s go then.” Something told me that he wasn’t exactly thrilled with my reply, but he settled for it anyway.

I followed Leo up the steps and into the packhouse. I suddenly felt very exposed as Leo led the way down the hall. Pack members eyed Leo and I suspiciously, but said nothing. They didn’t dare question an Alpha. Leo guided me towards Alpha Victor’s office. I was trembling at the thought of going in there.

“Please, do we have to go in there?” I whimpered.

“Did he do something to you?” Leo’s voice was dark. I pressed my lips together and stayed silent.

“I have to tell him that I’m taking you with me and that his son will pay for his assault against you. Alpha to Alpha.” Leo explained before shoving the door open, not even bothering to knock.

“Alpha Leo?” Alpha Victor shot up from his desk. Kayden was in the chair across from him. They both locked their gaze on me.

“What did she do?” Alpha Victor sighed, sounding annoyed as his wandering eyes once again scanned my body. I recoiled behind Leo who gladly allowed me to use his body as a shield.

“She didn’t do anything. She’s my mate.” Leo said.

Suddenly he seemed so much taller and wider than when we were down in the basement. I noticed how he hovered over Alpha Victor and Kayden, standing a good foot taller than either of them. His shoulders were broad and his arms were huge. It looked like he could crush Kayden with one flex. Kayden’s voice startled me from my admiration,

“That’s not possible.”

“Why? Because she was your mate first? Well, you were stupid enough to reject her and now she’s mine.” Leo’s voice came out like a growl and I wondered if his wolf was taking over. Kayden looked over at his father, waiting to be rescued, as usual.

“Austyn is a member of our pack and she’s mated to the Alpha’s son, we cannot allow her to just leave.” Alpha Victor said smoothly.

“No.” Leo’s voice was plain.


“No, she is not your son’s mate. He rejected her.” Leo said.

“I did no such thing.” Kayden spoke up, glaring at me. My mouth popped open,

“Liar!” I couldn’t help myself, I shouted at the Alpha’s son.

“Watch your mouth!” Alpha Victor snapped at me.

“You will not speak to her that way.” Leo’s voice was so calm, so deadly, it was so much worse than shouting.

“My apologies, Alpha Leo. You see, Austyn isn’t well. She’s been through a great deal and has just recently returned to the pack. She’s confused and likes to start trouble. Perhaps you are mistaken about her being your mate?” Alpha Victor was trying to smooth things over. The large fists that formed from my mate’s hands told me that wasn’t going to happen.

“I’m not mistaken. She is my mate and I will be taking her home with me.” I could tell that what little patience Leo had left was slipping. I felt his emotions break through my barriers like a train, waves of fury rolling over me like they were my own.

The door to the office burst open again, revealing the man I had nearly taken out with the bookcase door earlier and another man I didn’t recognize. Amber was just behind them.

“What’s going on here, daddy?” Amber’s childlike voice filled the room. I couldn’t stand her. She was a spoiled brat, always has been. She was just two years younger than me but we couldn’t have been more different.

“Just a little dispute between Alpha Leo and Kayden, nothing to worry about.” Alpha Victor tried to control the room, but Leo and the other two men weren’t having it.

“There’s no dispute. She’s our Alpha’s mate and she’s coming home with us.” The man from earlier spoke sternly.

She’s the Alpha’s mate?” Amber’s voice squeaked. Everyone ignored her.

“She’s Kayden’s mate.” Alpha Victor argued.

“The solution is simple, a duel for the girl.” The man I didn’t recognize said. By the way Amber was clinging to him, I assumed he was New Moon’s Gamma and Amber’s new mate.

“Fine by me.” Leo shrugged, seeming unbothered by the idea. My heart sank as I imagined Alpha Leo in a fight. Alpha Victor looked over at his son whose face was clouded with fear.

“This is my pack, she is our servant, she is my mate!” Kayden yelled like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum. Alpha Victor glared at him,

“When two men are mated to one woman, a duel is ordered.” Alpha Victor stated. Kayden looked between Leo and his father. He nodded once in defeat.

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