#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 29


Everytime I swiped Leo’s credit card, a feeling of bitter happiness washed over me. I swore that I would never use Leo’s money, but today, I was just mad enough to do it. I know it was a mute point considering he told me to use his money and he’d probably be happy knowing I let him take care of me. But, he also knew how pissed I was and how against using his money I was. I hoped he got the message, no matter how muddy the message was.

I swear, we shopped at every single store in the mall. From Ulta, to Victoria’s Secret, to Bath & Body Works and a large variety of clothing stores. At Victoria’s Secret I found several pairs of sexy lingerie and pajamas that I knew would send Leo into a fit. If I was going to play the long game here, I needed the right ammunition.

After five hours of shopping, we stopped at the food court for lunch. Nick followed us around the entire mall, close enough to keep an eye on us but fair enough away to not be annoying. I was pretty impressed at Amber’s ability to ignore her own mate. Peter, Riley, and Teddy were outside the mall, staying hidden in the trees nearby.

“Girls, I believe we have officially shopped until I dropped.” Fern said in an exhausted tone, dropping down in the chair. We laughed at her,

“Keep up, Fern!” Emma laughed. I looked over at Mallory and was happy to see her enjoying herself. She was very stiff at first, but, by hour two, she relaxed and joined in on the fun. I used Leo’s credit card to spoil her, as well.

“I have no idea what the Alpha did to piss you off, Luna, but I sure wouldn’t want to be him.” Mallory smirked as she ate her sandwich.

“He’s trying to control me.” I mumbled, my bad mood returning.

“Now, now. Let’s not ruin the fun.” Amber said, trying to change the subject.

“No, actually, I need your help with something.” I lowered my voice,

“Amber, can you distract your mate so he doesn’t overhear us? I’ll fill you in later.” I asked. Amber looked at me curiously but nodded. She put on her best sexy face and strutted over towards Nick.

“Okay, listen. I need to talk to Leo’s father. When we get back to the pack, I need you guys to help me get away from my babysitters.” I spoke quickly. Emma, Fern, and Mallory looked at each other in shock and horror.

“For real?” Emma asked.

“Yes and we need to figure it out quickly before Nick hears us.” I said harshly.

“Right, okay, we can do this ladies.” Emma nodded.

“Are you serious? Alpha will kill us!” Mallory whispered dramatically.

“No, he won’t. I won’t let him.” I replied.

“She’s right, she’s the Luna and his mate. He’s incapable of hurting her. He won’t punish any of us if she tells him not to.” Fern said, sighing. She was reluctant to go along with the plan, I could tell.

“Fine. What’s the plan?” Mallory grumbled. I quickly explained to them my ideas. They all agreed just in time. Nick had caught on to Amber’s distraction techniques and stepped into our conversation.

“What’s going on over here, ladies?” Nick asked.

“None of your business, Nick.” I snapped, glaring at the Gamma. He looked back at me with hurt in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Nick, but you’re on team Alpha so I’m pissed at you, too, by default.” I sighed.

“I’m team Alpha and Luna. I want you two to get along. It’s miserable for everyone involved when you don’t. But, I am also team keeping the Luna safe, so don’t think I’m letting you out of my sight.” Nick said. I rolled my eyes at him,

“Whatever, Nick, have fun being the Alpha’s puppet.” I replied with a little more attitude than was necessary, but it got him to back off.

Amber looked around the table with curious eyes. Emma pulled out her phone and started frantically texting away. Amber’s phone dinged and she scanned the text, her eyes widening. She looked back at us and nodded quickly, agreeing to the plan.

We ended our shopping trip and drove back to the packhouse. We all ended up back at my cabin. Amber was on Nick duty, obviously. Mallory would go to the packhouse to keep an eye on Leo and the others. Emma and Fern were going to stay here, keeping up the charade that I was here, too. Meanwhile, I would sneak out of the cabin and find Frank.

I grabbed a sweatshirt and tugged the hood over my head. Mallory distracted the guard wolves on her way to the packhouse and I snuck out. I ran across the grounds and towards the last house Frank was seen at. Mallory knew all of Frank’s mistresses, but she said Mary was the last one she saw him with. Mary lived in the 22nd cabin, not far from mine.

Each cabin was numbered in the order in which it was built. The smaller the number, the closer to the packhouse and the older the cabin. The larger numbers were on the borders and in the woods. I lived in cabin number one. Don’t think that fact was lost on me. Of course, Leo put me in cabin one. It was closest to the packhouse and easiest for him to keep his eye on me. More evidence of his control.

I yanked open the door with the number 22 on it, without knocking. A woman gasped from the kitchen, turning her glare on me.

“Who the hell are you!” She shouted. A man sulked into the room, his face covered in healing bruises.

“Oh, Mary, don’t be rude. This is our new Luna.” His smirk sent chills up my body. He had the same hard features and strong jawline as Leo. But, the similarities between Frank and his son ended there. Mary’s eyes narrowed at me,

“What are you doing here?” She asked, her tone unchanging.

“I came to speak with Frank.” I replied sternly.

“That’s Alpha to you, girl.” Frank growled, stalking towards me,

“Mary, go for a walk.” He ordered his plaything without sparing her a single look. Mary huffed and left the cabin.

“Should I assume you’re here with the same questions as Leo?” Frank’s words shocked me. Leo actually came here and spoke to his father? I shook those thoughts from my head, I had to focus.

“I want to know what Alpha Victor and my father were arguing about before the rogue attack.” I demanded.

“You know, maybe you’re feistier than I gave you credit for.” Frank chuckled, moving closer to me. I stood my ground, not wanting to show him any fear as he closed the distance between us,

“I called Victor after Leo showed up and used his fists to question me,” Frank started to explain. I felt my eyes widen as I observed his face again. His lip was cut, although it was already healing, and his swollen cheeks had bruises that looked to be days old. His werewolf healing was slowing, due to his age, but it was still working just fine.

“Leo did that to you?” I asked, my composure temporarily slipping.

“What? Didn’t think your mate was capable of such horrors? I promise you, Luna, he can deny it all he wants, but he is my son. He has my same….appetite for dominance.” Frank snickered to himself.

I resisted the urge to defend Leo. I was here for one purpose and one purpose alone. To get answers.

“As I was saying. Victor explained his plans for you, after his son rejected you. I have to say, I didn’t see his interests at first. But, now, seeing you in person, I get it. You’re quite the little spitfire, aren’t you?” His eyes gazed over my body, just as Alpha Victor’s did in his office before Leo saved me. I gulped, trying to fix the fear I knew was obvious on my face.

“Do you know what happened between them or not?” I winced as my voice cracked, despite my best attempts.

“I do. What are you willing to give me if I tell you?” His eyes grew dark, his hands gripping my arms. I gave in to my fear and stumbled backwards, my back hitting the door. Frank laughed at me and backed away.

“I knew there was fear in there somewhere, girl” He flopped down on the couch and I took a breath of relief. I clenched my hands into fists, knowing that I wasn’t safe yet.

“You can run out that door or you can sit down and listen to my story.” Frank said, looking at me plainly. I gathered up my courage and walked across the room, sitting in the chair next to him.

“Tell me.” I snapped.

“Good girl. Now, let me think,” His eyes pulled together like he was trying to recall the memory,

“Twelve years ago I considered ending my alliance with Dark Moon over a discrepancy between Victor and Jason. You see, there was a time when our two packs were very much involved in each other’s business. We worked closely together, attending many festivities and events together. Suddenly, the invitations ended. Dark Moon seemed uninterested in our company and that made me feel…anxious. I didn’t like the lack of communication, I thought Dark Moon was plotting against us,

“Instead, I learned that it was all his Beta, your father. He was lying to both me and Victor. He was telling each of us that the other Alpha declined communication, thus making us believe that we were against each other. Victor assured me that our alliance was strong and that he would reprimanded Jason. A few days later, Jason was dead.” Frank’s tone told me that my father’s life meant nothing to him. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised.

“Why would my father do that?” I asked quietly, attempting to hide my sorrow.

“I have no idea. I didn’t really care. I was still thinking about ending the alliance because of Victor’s lack of control over his own Beta. But, then the rogue attack made Victor paranoid and more vicious than ever. Of course, I had no idea about you. I guess Victor was still keeping secrets.” Frank said in a chilling voice.

“Why would he hide me?” I was more so asking myself than Frank.

“Because he was ashamed, embarrassed, or maybe he just wanted you all to himself? Who knows?” Frank shrugged casually.

“Now, I have held up my end of the bargain. How about you?” Frank’s eyes returned to a dangerous emotion. He stood from the couch and hovered over me. I shrank back in the chair,

“I have nothing for you.”

“Oh, that’s not true, dear. You have much.” He reached down and grabbed my arms, pulling me up.

His grip on my arms was painful as he crushed my chest to his. His body grinds against mine and I felt his intentions clearly on my leg. I reached down inside myself to grab every ounce of rage fueled strength I had to use against him. I jammed my knee into his groin and ran for the door once he released me. It was a failed escape plan. Frank slammed his hand against the door, keeping me from my freedom.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He growled, all of the humor and teasing gone from his face. He grabbed my hips and slammed my bottom into him. I whimpered as he rubbed himself against me.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” His mouth was against my ear as he brushed my hair from my shoulder,

“I see my son hasn’t marked you yet. What an opportunity for me.”

“Leave me alone!” I cried.

“Now, why would I do that? Before me stands an unmarked Luna. I’ll admit, you’re more suited to lead than my son. It’s clear that you were born to be a Luna, we just need to work on the submission part. I mark you as mine, break my son’s heart, and make him weak. I can easily kill him, and you and I will take control.” Frank’s devious plan made me feel dizzy. The idea of him marking me, him taking me from Leo, killing Leo, was ripping me apart.

“You would do that to your own son?” I spit out.

“I don’t care about him.” He said matter-of-factly, his lips finding my bare skin. He started to suck on my earlobe.

“Don’t worry, dear, soon you’ll be begging for me.” He abruptly pushed against me, slamming me against the door.

He grabbed my wrists in one of his hands and lifted my arms above my head. With my arms restrained, he explored my body with his free hand. His hand dipped under my dress, all the way up to my bra. With one tug he was under my bra and began groping my breast.

“I’m going to make you scream. You’re going to be thankful you didn’t let my foolish son take you first.” He painfully bit my ear before moving his lips down my neck.

He released my arms and turned me to face him. I fought and struggled in his grip, but it was no use. He grabbed a fist full of my dress and ripped it from my body. With lightning speed, he whipped me against the opposite wall, pressing my back against it as his front pushed against me. I was in my underwear now, almost all of me exposed. His hands ravaged my body and I screamed in my head for someone to help.

At some point, the scream left my head and out of my mouth. Frank slapped me, hard, silencing my screams. My head snapped to the side and bounced off the wall. I felt my lip split open. I groaned in pain as his hands continued their assault.

Then, out of nowhere, his disgusting presence was removed from my body. I gasped at the animalistic sounds that took over the living room. I covered my face, not wanting to see the gruesome scene. I heard Quinn’s growls as he ripped Frank apart with his teeth, his own father. Frank didn’t even have time to shift before Quinn ended his life. I was in the darkness when a new set of hands touched my arms. I started screaming again, trying to get away.

“Austyn, Austyn, baby, it’s me.” Leo’s voice cut through the screams and filled my ears. His scent clouded my senses, trying to soothe me.

I blinked my eyes, moving my hands away to look at Leo’s face. I looked behind him and saw Fern in the doorway.

“I want Fern.” I whined, locking eyes with her. That was all the permission she needed. She ran across the room and practically shoved Leo out of the way. She wrapped her arms around me.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” She picked up my sweatshirt and wrapped it around my naked body. I avoided Leo’s eyes, knowing that I would only see pain. I also kept from looking around the room, not wanting to see the remains of Frank.

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