#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 21


“Why did you do that, you asshole!” I yelled at Quinn.

“What?” He replied innocently.

“She’s just starting to trust us and be comfortable around me. I can’t have you ruining that by being a dick.” I growled.

“She needed to meet me, too. She’s not just mated to you, asshat.” Quinn threw back.

“Yeah, I know, but I was waiting for her to meet you when the time was right.” I grumbled.

“Well, the time was right, right now.” He shrugged in my head.

“Dude.” I pinched my nose, trying to contain my anger with my wolf.

“Dude what? Didn’t you smell her? She wanted us as much as we wanted her! You need to man up.” Quinn snapped back.

I paused in my argument with Quinn, thinking about what he said. I thought back to the moment Quinn took over and pushed himself on Austyn. Her skin was warm, her eyes were a mix of fear, curiosity, excitement, and….desire? Once she realized Quinn wasn’t actually mad at her, all of the fear went away. Even if Austyn wanted us, I still couldn’t risk it. I had to take it slow.

“At least kiss her, you moran.” Quinn sighed after my inner monologue.

“We kissed at the photo shoot.” I pointed out

“That didn’t count. Those weren’t real kisses, that was just pretending for the camera. Come on, man.” I could practically sense Quinn rolling his eyes at me.

“Fine. Just don’t do that shit again.” I growled at him. He huffed but didn’t respond.

Austyn was finished with her shower in less than 10 minutes. I swear, she was the only girl I knew who took so little time to get ready. Of course, she could go without showering for days and come out in a garbage bag, and I would still think she was the sexiest creature alive. After a few more minutes, she came out of the bathroom in a pair of tight jeans and loose fitting T-shirt. The shirt was a deep V, showing off the tops of her breasts. Her hair was still wet as it clung to her skin.

“I’m sorry about Quinn.” I said quickly as she walked away from the bathroom.

“It’s okay.” She shrugged.

“Are you sure?” I eyed her timidly, trying to decide if she was hiding her feelings or telling me the truth. She turned towards me with a smile on her face,

“Yes, I’m sure. You should let Quinn out more often, maybe then he would behave better.” She laughed and my eyes lit up at her mocking tone. I loved seeing her like this, so carefree and lighthearted.

“I doubt it.” I chuckled.

“Well, Ember sure liked it. She was howling the entire time he was out. I feel bad that they can’t actually be with each other.” Austyn sighed, her face falling. I hurried to her side, not wanting her mood to go sour,

“Hey, it’s not your fault. Quinn understands and I’m sure Ember does, too. Quinn says that he can sense Ember anyway.” I assured her.

“Yeah, Ember says that, too. Still, you should let Quinn out so they can sense each other more often.” She said again.

“Whatever you want, baby.” I shrugged, giving in to her demands.

“I want to see Quinn when we get back to the packhouse.” She said, a new curiosity sparking in her eyes.

“Sure.” I shrugged again.

“Are we heading back now?” She asked, picking up her things as she started stuffing them back in her bag.

“If you’re ready. We can stop for breakfast on the way.” I suggested.

“That sounds nice.” She replied absentmindedly. I went over to my room and packed up my things before joining Austyn in the hallway.

“Ready?” I asked. She nodded and started walking towards the elevator.

Austyn was waiting for me by the door while I checked us out. All at one, it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. I turned towards the door, searching desperately for Austyn. I couldn’t find her. I ran from the front desk and out the door. I frantically search the sidewalk. The hotel was next to an alleyway which led to the parking garage. I ran towards it, using Quinn to guide us towards our mate’s scent.

Finally, the smell of citrus and daisies filled my senses and I locked on to my mate. She was standing with her back against the brickwall. I could see and smell her fear clear as day. I crossed the space between us in a matter of seconds, grabbing the man who was causing her fear by the throat and throwing him across the alleyway.

“Are you okay?” I looked sideways at my mate while never taking my eye off of the intruder. She whimpered, rubbing her arms, but nodded. Knowing she wasn’t in immediate need of medical attention, I focused completely on the man in front of me.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I growled at Kayden,

“Are you really this stupid?”

“I will take what is mine!” Kayden yelled, standing up from the ground and dusting off his pants.

“Holy shit man.” I shook my head, utterly done with this asshole. In two seconds flat, I had Kayden in a choke hold. I squeezed until he ran out of air and passed out.

“Austyn?” I crouched down in front of my mate. She was sitting on the ground now, tears falling down her face.

“Why does he keep coming for me?” She gasped between sobs.

“I don’t know, but he won’t ever again. He’s coming back with us and I’m throwing him in the cages. I’ll deal with him.” I told her, inspecting her body for injuries. Her biceps were red, the outline of a handprint turning into a fresh bruise. Her cheek was still red from where he had slapped her yesterday. I was completely over the edge of my patience, rage consuming me.

“He’s coming home with us?” She squeaked.

“I’ve already mindlinked Nick. He’s on his way. We’ll just have to waste time for two hours until he gets here to take Kayden back with him.” I ran my hand through her hair, smoothing it down and comforting her at the same time. She sniffed and nodded,

“Okay. What are you going to do with him until then?” She asked.

“I have some friends here who can hold him. They’re already coming.” I said.

“That was quick.” Her crying paused as she looked at me with an impressed expression,

“I don’t mess around when it comes to you, baby.” I smirked. She rolled her eyes at me, her signature move, and her tears began to dry.

“Come on, let’s get you up.” I helped her stand just as three new scents entered the alley. I pushed Austyn behind me as three men stalked towards us.

“Alpha Leo?” The eldest man’s voice covered the distance between us.

“Max, thanks for coming.”

“Of course. What’s going on?” Max and his two sons, Mason and Tison, were looking around the alleyway in question. They were longtime friends of my father, members of a small pack nearby. Mason and Tison visited the pack often when we were kids.

“Max, Mason, Tison, I’d like you to meet my mate and Luna, Austyn-Rose.” I pulled Austyn beside me, keeping a tight arm around her waist. She weakly waved at the three men.

“I hadn’t realized you met your mate.” Max’s face lit up.

“It was a recent development,” I said before motioning towards Kayden’s unconscious body,

“He attacked my Luna. I need a place to hold him until my Gamma gets here to take him away.” I said.

“Of course, we can do that for you. Boys, throw him in the car.” Max ordered his sons,

“He’ll be at the garage when you’re ready to pick him up.” Max owned a garage in town, a family business he intended to pass down to his sons. It also doubled as a mentorship program for wayward werewolves as well as holding cells in case any of those werewolves got out of control.

“Thank you, Max, I really appreciate this.”

“No problem. See you soon.” Max and I shook hands before they left the alley.

“Do you want to go back to the beach?” I asked Austyn. She nodded, clinging to my hand as if begging me not to let go.

We drove back to the beach and found a nice spot to sit. Austyn leaned against my side as we watched the beachgoers.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, concerned with her silence.

“Just a little rattled.” She said in a small voice. I moved so I could see her face and she arched her neck to meet my gaze,

“You know, this doesn’t ruin anything. This was still our perfect weekend, and I won’t let him near you ever again.” I promised her with a fire in my eyes.

“It just feels like everytime I start to feel happy and let my guard down, something bad happens, reminding me that I don’t deserve any of this.” She sighed, ducking her head again to avoid my gaze. I growled under my breath, pissed that something, someone, had made my mate feel so insecure.

I untangled myself from Austyn and crouched in front of her. I moved her legs out of the way so she was straddling me, and I took her face in my hands.

“Listen to me, Austyn-Rose,” I ordered, demanding her attention. Finally, her eyes landed on mine,

“I’ll tell you this everyday for the rest of our lives if I have to, to make you believe it. You are my world, my entire life. I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. But, I have faith that the Moon Goddess knew what she was doing when she gave you to me. You’re mine to love, to cherish, to protect, comfort, and care for. I won’t ever let anything compromise that. You deserve the entire freaking world and I swear, Austyn, I’m going to give it to you.” With that, I crushed my lips to Austyn’s, pushing my body against hers with more passion than ever before.

At first, she was frozen, unmoving. Just when I was about to retreat, she came to life under me. Her mouth moved against mine and her hands went to my hair. I pushed against her again and she gave herself to me, allowing me to push her back onto the sand so I was hovering over top of her. She gasped and I took my chance, diving my tongue into her mouth.

I felt her body tremble under mine and I released her lips, allowing her to breathe. She gasped and I continued my exploration. I moved my lips down her neck and across her shoulders, pausing at her marking spot to suck at the sensitive skin there. A soft, almost inaudible, moan escaped my precious mate’s lips and I struggled for control. I knew I had to stop or I was going to take her right here on this beach.

I pulled away and found her lips again, giving her a sweet and passionate kiss before I relinquished her completely.

“Uhm, Alpha?” Someone cleared their voice behind me. I didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Nick. I growled at him, my eyes never leaving Austyn’s. She blushed deeply at Nick’s presence and wiggled away from me.

“You got here quickly.” I complained, looking up at Nick.

“Just doing my job.” He shrugged, laughing at me. I stood from the sand and helped my mate up as well.

“Austyn, I’d like you to officially meet Nick, my Gamma.” I said, motioning towards Nick. She smiled and stuck out her hand, I growled at Nick again who shoved his own hand deep inside his pocket.

“Knock it off, Leo. I told you to stop growling.” Austyn snapped at me, rolling her eyes. Nick couldn’t contain his laughter.

“I like you.” He smirked, accepting her hand shake.

“Kayden is at Max’s garage. Go deal with him. We’re heading back.” I grumbled before grabbing Austyn’s hand and dragging her away. I felt her turn around and lamely wave goodbye to Nick.

“Why are you like that?” She glared up at me.

“Because you’re mine and I do not share.” I answered simply.

“Well, you’re gonna have to get over that because I like people. At least, I think I like people. I haven’t been around many.” She started rambling.

“It’ll be better once you’re marked.” I said matter-of-factly.

“Oh, sure.” She said sarcastically.

“Someone is getting spunky.” I chuckled, helping my mate into the car.

“Would you prefer doom and gloom?” She asked.

“No, I like sassy Austyn.” I smiled.

“Good, because she’s here to stay. Quinn is just going to have to get over my attitude.” She teased me as we began the drive back home.

“Like he said, you’re the only one who can get away with talking to us like that.” I repeated what Quinn had sat earlier this morning.

“Are you sure?” Suddenly Austyn’s face was serious.

“What kind of question is that?” I looked at her sideways.

“Nothing.” She mumbled, staring out the window.

“No, you definitely meant something. Tell me.” I pressed. Austyn sighed and I knew something was really troubling her,

“You sure Madeline Grace didn’t get to talk to you like that?” She glared at me, her arms crossed as her words sent daggers straight through my heart. Of course, I deserved it. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, feeling guilt and self-hatred bubbling up in my chest.

“No, Austyn, she didn’t get to talk to me like that. Madeline had one purpose.” I sighed.

“I do not want to know about her purpose.” She snapped. I groaned loudly,

“I deserve this, I know that. Baby, Madeline never meant anything to me. She was just a friend who was always there and….willing. She had ambitions, but she was clear on where we stood.” I tried to explain without offending my mate any further.

“And where do you stand now?” She asked, her eyes dangerously close to fury.

“She’s gone. I’ll never see her again.” I promised.


“I mean, she’s still in the pack but I won’t be seeing her again.” I said.

“Did you tell her why?” Austyn pressed. I kicked myself because I never did have an official conversation with Madeline, I just kicked her out of my room that first day and never called for her again. My silence gave Austyn the answer she needed. She glared at me with hurt in her expression.

“I’ll talk to her as soon as we get back.”

“Oh, sure.” She didn’t believe me, after I had worked so hard to earn her trust.

“Do you want to be with me?” I offered. She looked at me, horrified.

“No!” She cried.

“Okay, okay. What can I do to make this better?” I begged.

“Talk to her when we get back, today. Finish it.” She replied.

“I will.” I nodded in agreement.

“It’s not fair. You get to throw my ex in the dungeon.” She grumbled and I couldn’t help but chuckle at that, even though the thought of Kayden made me murderous.

“Do you want me to throw Madeline in the dungeons?” I asked her with puppy dog eyes. She looked at me like she was actually considering it,

“No.” She grumbled, defeated.

“I’m sorry, Austyn, honestly. I’ll never be that stupid again.” I sighed, reaching for her hand. I was relieved when she wrapped her fingers around mine.

“Better not be.” She said, looking out the window again.

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