#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 13


I was more than thrilled when Austyn agreed to go on a walk with me. Technically it was a tour, but I was counting it as our first date. She handled the news of my infidelity better than I expected, actually better than I deserved. I wouldn’t let her nonchalant attitude about it deter me from making up for my betrayal.

I led Austyn through the grounds first, showing her the large village and community center. The community center had a kitchen, dining hall, classrooms, banquet rooms, and a daycare along with outdoor amenities like a large playground, a pool, a pond and creek, and sporting fields and courts. Austyn admired the facilities with wide eyes.

“You did all this for your pack?” She asked me. I puffed out my chest proudly,

“Nothing’s more important than the pack. Well, nothing besides you.” I corrected,

“Besides, this wasn’t all me. My grandfather built the community center and my mother insisted on adding the playground and the pool. I just had it upgraded and put in a daycare.”

“This is amazing.” She said in a breathy voice.

“Well, you’re welcome here anytime.” I shrugged as we continued the tour.

Past the community center were the training grounds. There were two large arenas for sparring, a field for training, a running track, and a large building that housed a workout gym and indoor track. The training grounds were alive with activity.

“Do you make everyone train?” Austyn asked as we stood on the observation deck above the arenas.

“I don’t make anyone do anything. They volunteer.” I said, almost offended by her question.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She mumbled under her breath.

“Don’t be sorry, love, it’s okay. Things are different here.” I sighed.

“It’s so strange. Dark Moon is just a few miles away, but it minds well be on a different planet.” She said and I was inclined to agree.

“I run my pack with a strong hand but I respect my people and I’ve earned their respect. They honor that by making sure our territory is safe.” I explained.

“Would you explain to me how it works?” Austyn asked hesitantly, looking over at me.

“Austyn, you can ask me anything you want. I have no secrets from you.” I sighed, trying to make her believe me.

“I’m just wondering how the pack is structured. Why did you pick the wolves you did to patrol my house?” She asked. Quinn purred in my head as she called the cabin home and I had to shush his excitement.

“Those wolves training over there are a part of the Warrior squad,” I said, pointing towards the A section of the second arena,

“The Warriors are our pack’s most elite wolves and capable fighters. They’re like the pack’s army. That group there are the Border wolves,” I pointed to section B,

“They protect the pack’s borders and guard the tower gates at our North and South entrances. The next ranked wolves are the Patrol,” I said as I motioned towards section A in the first arena,

“They guard the packhouse and patrol the villages and the rest of the terrority. You’ll see them out and about the most. The final group are the Fighters. They’re the rest of the wolves who want to fight but are still in training or have something to learn.” I finished with the last group training in section B.

“How do you decide who gets into which group?” Austyn asked with genuine curiosity in her voice, her eyes seeming more alive than ever before. I grinned, more than happy to indulge her questions,

“Nick, my Gamma, is in charge of that. Twice a year he holds an audition of sorts to determine the levels of each wolf. He also picks the members of the Alpha and Luna Guard, the most honorable and desired position among the pack. That’s how your guards were chosen.” I answered.

“What are their names?” Austyn asked, causing Quinn to growl in my mind.

“Why?” My expression instantly hardened. Austyn looked at me in surprise,

“Because I want to know their names?” She looked at me like it was obvious.

“You don’t need to.” I snapped.

“What if I want to ask them something?” She argued.

“You can ask me.” I could tell I was ruining the mood, but I couldn’t help it. Austyn crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me,

“What is wrong with you?” Her voice was hard.

“I’m not interested in you getting to know my wolves that personally.” I said.

“I thought I was welcomed to anything?” She threw my words back at me.

Almost anything.” I clarified.

“Fine. I’m going back to the cabin.” She stomped down the steps.

“The tour isn’t finished.” I followed her.

“It is for me.” She said without turning to look at me.

“Austyn, wait!” I demanded, grabbing her hand and forcing her to stop. She shot daggers at me as she fought to free her arm from my grasp.

“What?” She bit.

“I’m jealous.” I admitted. Austyn immediately stopped moving,

“What?” She said again, only in a different tone this time.

“I’m jealous of your interest in the pack members. I’m jealous that you want to know their names. Quinn isn’t capable of listening to you being interested in other men while you’re still unmarked.” I tried to explain my emotions.

“Leo,” She sighed, relaxing in my grip,

“I’m not interested in them, at least not in the way you’re thinking. I just want to get to know them. I want to thank them for keeping me safe.” She said. I stepped closer to her and was surprised when she let me.

“Grant, Teddy, and Hank are there now. Riley and Peter are the other two members of your guard.” I confessed, giving in to her wishes.

“Thank you.” She said with an appreciative smile.

“Can we continue the tour now?” I asked and she rewarded my honesty with a nod.

I released her arm and led the way to the packhouse. It was large and grand, too grand if I was being honest. My great grandfather designed it and he wanted to prove to the surrounding packs that ours was more prestigious. It stood five stories tall with Juliet balconies on each floor.

The basement was above ground level and contained the holding cells and integration rooms. The first floor was the common grounds, offices, and conference room. There was a dining room, kitchen, living room, and recreational room as well. These facilities were mainly used by the rank members and guests, leaving the rest of the pack and large gatherings to the community center.

The second floor was for guests visiting the pack. The third held the Beta and Gamma quarters along with the past Alpha and Luna, if they chose to stay at the packhouse. The top floor was for the present Alpha and Luna, and their children.

“Wow, I didn’t expect it to look like this on the inside.” Austyn observed as she looked around the packhouse.

“What did you expect it to look like?” I chuckled.

“It looks like a hotel from the outside.” She shrugged. I guess she was right. The outside was much grander than the homey feeling it had on the inside.

“My office is this way.” I wanted her to know where to find me if she ever needed me and I was almost always in my office.

I led the way down the hallway, far from the common areas. It was quieter and darker in the back of the packhouse, allowing for more productivity. The library was also back here. I pushed open the door and welcomed Austyn into my office.

She stepped inside and looked around. I was watching her with a smile, thinking how perfect she looked standing in here.

“You’re welcome here anytime.” I said.

Austyn touched my desk and suddenly she was shaking. I saw her hands begin to tremble as they ran along the top of the mahogany desk. Her shoulder blades pulled together and the tension was evident all over her back.

“Austyn, what’s wrong?” I was on alert immediately, looking for whatever threat she was sensing. I hurried to her side and studied her face, noting the fresh tears welling in her beautiful hazel eyes. She shook her head,

“Nothing.” She lied.

“You’re crying.” I said dumbly. She touched her face, seeming to notice the wetness for the first time.

“I’m fine.” She sniffed, quickly wiping her hand across her face. I grabbed a tissue and handed it to her, desperate to ease her pain.

“Please,” I begged, closing my eyes tightly,

“Talk to me.” I was falling apart, losing control. I needed to help my mate as much as I needed air to breath. I opened my eyes and saw Austyn’s were wide as they examined my face.

“It’s just a memory that’s all.” She said.

“A memory? You’ve never been here.” I was confused.

“No, but this desk…..” She waved towards my desk and I was ready to set it on fire for hurting my mate,

“Alpha Victor and Kayden have the same one in their offices.” She winced as she said their names. I looked between her and the desk.

Without a second thought, I moved Austyn behind me and picked up the desk. It was heavy, but I didn’t care. Quinn contributed his werewolf strength to help us move the thing that was causing Austyn pain. I opened the door and chucked it out into the hallway.

“There, gone.” I said, shutting the door. Austyn was staring at me with an open mouth,

“You just….but….why?” She stammered.

“It was hurting you.” I shrugged. Just like that, the most genuine little laugh came from my mate. It sounded like a thousand windchimes and I knew that I could listen to it all day.

“That was nuts.” She said, shaking her head.

“I’ll do anything for you, Austyn.” I said matter-of-factly. She stopped laughing and looked at me sincerely, almost like she was just now realizing how much I meant that. She only nodded.

I motioned towards the chair and she sat down, catching her breath from the whole experience. Once she seemed settled down, I spoke again,

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but, why were you so upset at the desk?” I asked hesitantly. She searched my face, like she was trying to decide if she was ready to trust me or not. I prayed to the Goddess that she was.

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