#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 10


It wasn’t long after Leo left that the Gamma, Nick, showed up with my belongings from Dark Moon. It wasn’t much. Some clothes and a few family pictures. I finally worked up the energy to climb the steps and check out the upstairs. The furthest room was the master bedroom. I arranged what few items I had in the closet and dresser. I didn’t have near enough things to fill them.

I decided to take advantage of the luxury shower in the attached bathroom. I carefully removed the gauze from around my ribs and showered off as much of the dirt and grime as I could. I scrubbed my skin raw, trying to remove the feeling of Alpha Victor’s eyes and Kayden’s hands on my body.

After the water had run cold, I stepped out and put on the only pair of comfy clothes that I owned; a pair of blue joggers and a gray T-shirt. I struggled back down the steps and started exploring the house. I spent the next few hours settling in.

Leo was right, the entire house was completely stocked. The kitchen had all the essentials; pots and pans, utensils, baking dishes, appliances, and more. The bathrooms were filled with towels, toiletries, and all the needed fixtures. The bedrooms had fully made beds and extra linens in the closets. The living room had all the latest technology. This was easily the nicest place I’ve ever lived in.

I had just begun to explore the large TV hanging above the fireplace when someone knocked on the door. I expected it to be Leo, instead it was a young woman.

“Hello, Luna! I’m Mallory and I’ll be your housemaiden.” The woman grinned brilliantly, crinkling her brown eyes and revealing her prominent dimples. She had long brown hair and a strong frame. She looked to be only a few years older than me.

“Oh, Hi. Come in.” I mumbled, motioning for her to enter. She skipped inside, way to chipper for my taste,

“Please call me Austyn.” I added.

“The Alpha wanted me to check in and see what I can get for you. I know the kitchen needs to be stocked so I thought we could make a grocery list together.” Mallory smiled, walking into the kitchen.

“Honestly, I’ve been a little sheltered, I’m not sure what a kitchen needs and I can’t cook.” I shrugged.

“Oh, well, I can make the list then! And I can get some easy to make meals. Do you have any dietary needs?” She asked, pulling out a pad of paper and pen from her bag.

“I’m allergic to shellfish and nuts, oh and gluten.” I said. Mallory looked at me strangely and I knew just what she was thinking: werewolves didn’t have food allergies.

“Alright. I’ll have to do some research on gluten free options.” She said to herself.

“Thanks.” I grumbled, feeling uncomfortable with someone waiting on me.

“No problem! I’m so honored to have been chosen to be your housemaid!” She said, seeming almost giddy with excitement.

“This is weird.” I said to myself. Mallory either didn’t hear me or just ignored me as she continued to scribble down items on her list.

She asked me about supplies I needed for the bathroom and I had no answers for her again. I think she finally gave up on me because she stopped asking questions and just left, informing me that she’d be back tomorrow with everything I needed.

Another hour passed and I was beginning to feel the day’s activities take their toll on my body. My side was throbbing in pain. I carefully slipped out of my shirt and went to find some ice in the freezer. I wrapped a bag of ice in a towel and laid it on my side. I gasped loudly as the cold made contact with my broken ribs. I waddled over to the counter and leaned against it for support.

Someone new knocked on my door and all I could do was call out,

“Come in!” I was in too much pain to move. Leo’s scent filled the room as the door slowly opened.

“You shouldn’t just let anyone in.” Leo began to scold me until he saw my state.

He rushed to my side and took in my appearance. All the color drained from his face as he saw me. From side to side, I was covered in dark bruises of varying colors and states of healing. From stomach to back, there wasn’t a spot left unbruised.

“I’m going to kill them.” Leo’s voice was so dangerous, so deadly, I was sure it was Quinn’s. Leo’s eyes were pitch black.

“I’m just thankful that you saved me, Leo, so it doesn’t happen again.” I said, trying to soothe him but feeling seriously out of my depth.

“I should have killed Kayden when I had the chance.” He growled.

“Why didn’t you?” I asked curiously. Leo blinked, his eyes clearing as he looked away from my body and to my face.

“You know why. You asked me not to.” He replied.

“I wasn’t sure that you heard me.” I admitted.

“I’ll always hear you, Austyn.” He smiled sweetly, seeming to forget about my injuries for a minute.

“Well, thank you for not killing him for me, even though I know you wanted to.” I said.

“How long has this been going on for?” Leo asked.

“Well, I left for boarding school when I was 13 so I had a brief intermission then. But, pretty much since I moved in with them after my parents died. It started off as small things. It didn’t get this bad until I came back from boarding school a few months ago.” I explained.

“What the hell is wrong with them?” Leo’s hands were visibly shaking. I had to do something to calm him down,

“Do you think you could help me ice this? My ribs are really bothering me.” I asked gently.

Leo quickly nodded, his expression softening as he took the ice from my hands. He helped me to the couch. I was shocked that hands as big and rough looking as his could be so tender and agile as he cared for my wounds. Leo’s face was scrunched up in pain, a vein threatening to pop out of his forehead.

“You could try an ice bath.” Leo suggested. I shivered at the thought,

“That sounds unpleasant.” I said.

“I could be there, to help with the pain.” His voice was quiet, almost shy, as he cared for me.

“I’m sorry.” I sighed suddenly, feeling frustrated that I couldn’t return his affection.

“Sorry for what, love?” He asked, looking up from my bruises and into my eyes.

“For being so damaged.” I mumbled. Leo’s free hand cupped my face as he tilted my gaze to meet his.

“You are not damaged. You are strong, the strongest person I know.” He replied fiercely. I looked at him like he was crazy. He smirked at my expression,

“You’ve survived a life that tried to destroy you.”

“I’m not sure that I survived.” I whispered.

“You did, and now it’s over. You don’t have to fight anymore.” He promised. I only nodded, pulling my face from his grip and looking away. I heard him sigh as his focus returned to my abdomen.

“I want to at least take you to the infirmary to make sure you’re okay and get you properly treated.” He returned the conversation to my injuries. I shook my head,

“No, it’s fine. I’m used to taking care of myself.” I said with a shrug. Leo growled low and quiet in his chest,

“That doesn’t make it okay, Austyn.”

“I know that.” I said, standing from the couch.

“Where are you going?” Leo asked, sounding concerned as he stood with me.

“To get the gauze wrapping.” I said, going to the laundry room and pulling the wrapping from the dryer. I only had one and the Goddess only knew how old that thing was. Washing it wasn’t ideal, but, unfortunately, it was necessary.

“You need a new one of those.” Leo observed as I returned to the living room.

“It’s fine.” I snapped. Leo sighed again and stepped towards me.

“Let me help.” He demanded, not asking for permission as he took the gauze from my hand and started wrapping it around my sides. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out in pain.

“I should let you get some rest.” He mumbled after securing the wrap.

His hands were resting on my hips and his face was just inches from mine. His warm breath blew across my face and I breathed in his scent. My head started to spin and I was left speechless. Leo’s crooked grin returned to his charming face as he sensed my reaction. He stepped away and I was able to think again.

“Thank you for your help.” I said, clearing my throat.

“Of course, my love. I’ll have some breakfast sent over for you in the morning.” He said, heading for the door.

“Thank you.” I mumbled again. Leo smiled at me, pausing at the door to study me a moment longer.

“Goodnight, sweet dreams.” He said sweetly before closing the door behind him.

“Goodnight.” I said too late.

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