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Chapter ch 53

As they drove, Andrea looked out the window, watching the scenery change from one side of the city to the other, until they finally reached the building where her apartment was. “You have to close your eyes,” he said, his tone smiling. “Milo and Loan put a lot of effort into this, I know they wish they could be here to see your reaction, but they’ll settle for me telling them about it. So close your eyes.” Andrea complied, allowing herself to be led to the front door. As soon as they crossed the threshold and he told her she could look around, Andrea was in awe and wonder. The floors were freshly polished, the walls washed and painted, and the furniture had been arranged and arranged so that the apartment looked spacious and bright. They had put a lot of effort into making the place look new and welcoming, and it was clear that it had been worth it. Andrea couldn’t believe her eyes. “Oh, God!” This is a thousand times better than I imagined,” she murmured, walking around, looking at all the details the Keller boys had put into the place. “Do you like it?” Zack smiled. “Everything is too perfect!” “I know, I’ll leave my apartment and move in with you,” he said. “Hey, can I move in with you? Let’s see if the bed is big enough!” He dragged her into the bedroom and they saw the double bed already made up for the two of them. There were clean sheets and a new comforter, and the walls were adorned with a beautiful painting. Andrea was overcome with emotion. Thank you for reading at LeeNovelas.com. “This is incredible. I can’t believe the boys did all this for us…” “Why not? They’re your brothers-in-law, Adriana is their niece. It would be strange if they didn’t help,” Zack replied with a shrug. “They did it because they love you, Cupcake… Just like I do.” Zack licked his lips before approaching her and taking her hands. Andrea, I want us to be together again. Please forgive me. Forgive me for leaving. She shook her head, closing her eyes. “Forget it, Zack. Just forget it…” “I can’t. I’m dying to be with you guys again, for us to be a real family again, but I need you to tell me because if not…” “Hey, hey! Don’t go around like that, if you need to hear it, I’ll tell you: I forgive you, really… but that doesn’t mean I won’t get even with you,” Andrea said with a sly smile. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. “And how are you going to get even with me?” Zack asked with a pout. “I don’t know, let me finish all this and I’ll try to come up with something evil.” “OK, but in the meantime, you told me to ask you in January,” Zack said. “Andrea Brand, will you be my girlfriend?” She sighed deeply and smiled at him. “Yes, of course I will.” You’re my second favorite person in the whole world. Zack pulled her into his arms for a kiss and immediately got flirty. “One of these days, if I behave well enough, I might be your third favorite person in the world.”Or the fourth… or the fifth… —he looked at the ceiling and shrugged, maybe even the s@xt! Andrea opened her eyes wide and frowned. —Are we talking about the same thing? —About children? Yes, I think so —he said with an innocent face. —Do you want five children? —Please? Andrea hit his chest and got out of his hug. —That’s it Keller, you scare me! —she scolded him and left the room. —What’s wrong? What do you have against world overpopulation? —Zack shouted running after her. That night, while they went over their answers for the trial for the thousandth time, Andrea felt more than nervous. Losing Adriana was a terrible possibility no matter how much Zack told her it wouldn’t be like that. That night the baby slept in the bed, between the two of them, while neither of them closed their eyes. —She’s so pretty —Zack murmured, caressing the three lint-like hair she had—. And she’s going to be a bad-tempered girl just like me. “She’s also a wild eater, like you,” Andrea mocked. “That’s because we’re both growing, leave us alone,” Zack grumbled as the baby put a little foot on his arm. The next day they woke up late but ready. The way to court was torture and luckily the judge allowed Adriana to stay outside, in the company of the social worker and Milo. When Mason arrived, everyone noticed that he looked unfriendly. The trial began and Mason’s lawyer asked for full custody of the girl. That was his only request. Mr. Gazca of course did the same, but in his case, with a strong argument about the commitment she had shown since Adriana’s birth, something that Mr. Lee obviously lacked. “Let me see if I understand this. So there is no possibility of an agreement?” asked the judge addressing the parents and they both stood up. “No, Your Honor,” they declared in unison. —Well, in that case the possibility of joint custody and a quiet trial is ruled out. The lawyers are free to present their arguments. Mr. Gagnon stepped forward and began his speech of accusations against Andrea. The tension in the room was suffocating and she could not believe how far Mason’s lies went. Finally she tried to convince the judge with the argument that it was better for the baby to be with him, where she would find better conditions and resources. —We must not forget that Mrs. Brand has no stability! he declared, looking at her with evil eyes. To begin with, she is her boss’s lover! The same boss who went to jail two nights ago for invading my client’s house by breaking down doors as if…! —Objection! Gazca stood up. —My client acted in response to an emergency situation that his partner, Mrs. Brand, had. And if we’re going to that fact, I should mention that the same night that my client was jailed for entering Mr. Lee’s house, your client was also jailed on a charge of attempted rape. The room immediately filled with murmurs.—That was just a setup by Mrs. Brand and her lover to discredit my client and take away his daughter! —There are four witnesses, two of them police officers who went to the scene, who testified to the attempted abuse! —Gazca snapped. —Paid! —Mason’s lawyer shouted—. In collusion with Mrs. Brand and her lover… —Oh please! —Growled Attorney Gazca, buttoning his jacket. —Stop calling him “lovers” because the judge is not an idiot, if he is sitting there it is because he belongs to the small circle of men who do not allow themselves to be brainwashed! The reality is that your client abandoned Mrs. Brand, therefore she can have a boyfriend, lover, master or toy boy, none of that could be considered against her. Basil Gagnon clenched his fists, furious, and they heard the thud of the gavel on the table. —It is admissible —he said taking a deep breath. Well, since it is obvious that there will be no possible reconciliation, let’s start with the least difficult part. This afternoon social workers will be sent to their homes to check that they have suitable environments for the minor. In addition, the lawyers must present the income records, payments, debts and tax returns of the parents. The trial will resume tomorrow at ten. The session is adjourned! Zack looked at his watch. Only two hours had passed and Andrea was literally exhausted, but he remained firm at her side to give her all the support she needed. “Can this really affect us?” Zack asked with concern and Gazca shook his head. “No, it shouldn’t. In any case, we were already preparing for this. You know what you have to do,” said the lawyer and Zack nodded. He took Andrea’s hand and led her out of the courtroom, but when they reached the entrance steps she picked up Adriana and Loan took them to the truck. Zack, for his part, took a minute to approach Mason. “If you were an intelligent man, you would disappear,” he said quietly, taking out his cell phone and showing her the video they had taken two months ago, where Mason tried to rape Andrea and he went in alone to rescue her. Zack saw him go from “livid trapped” to “impotent red.”Since it is obvious that there will be no possible reconciliation, let’s start with the least difficult. This afternoon social workers will be sent to their homes to check that they have suitable environments for the minor. In addition, the lawyers must present the income records, payments, debts and tax returns of the parents. The trial will resume tomorrow at ten. The session is adjourned! Zack looked at his watch. Only two hours had passed and Andrea was literally exhausted, but he remained firm at her side to give her all the support she needed. “Can this really affect us?” Zack asked with concern and Gazca shook his head. “No, it shouldn’t. In any case, we were already preparing for this. You already know what you have to do,” said the lawyer and Zack nodded. He took Andrea’s hand and led her out of the courtroom, but when they reached the entrance steps she picked up Adriana and Loan took them to the truck. Zack, for his part, took a minute to approach Mason. “If you were an intelligent man, you would disappear,” he said quietly, taking out his cell phone and showing her the video they had taken two months ago, where Mason tried to rape Andrea and he went in alone to rescue her. Zack saw him go from “livid trapped” to “impotent red.”Since it is obvious that there will be no possible reconciliation, let’s start with the least difficult. This afternoon social workers will be sent to their homes to check that they have suitable environments for the minor. In addition, the lawyers must present the income records, payments, debts and tax returns of the parents. The trial will resume tomorrow at ten. The session is adjourned! Zack looked at his watch. Only two hours had passed and Andrea was literally exhausted, but he remained firm at her side to give her all the support she needed. “Can this really affect us?” Zack asked with concern and Gazca shook his head. “No, it shouldn’t. In any case, we were already preparing for this. You already know what you have to do,” said the lawyer and Zack nodded. He took Andrea’s hand and led her out of the courtroom, but when they reached the entrance steps she picked up Adriana and Loan took them to the truck. Zack, for his part, took a minute to approach Mason. “If you were an intelligent man, you would disappear,” he said quietly, taking out his cell phone and showing her the video they had taken two months ago, where Mason tried to rape Andrea and he went in alone to rescue her. Zack saw him go from “livid trapped” to “impotent red.”—Did you sneak a camera into my house, you bastard? —Mason hissed. —No, actually it wasn’t me, it was Andrea’s idea. And we’re going to use it in the rape trial against you—Zack smiled—. You shouldn’t have underestimated her, my Cupcake has a face that doesn’t break a plate, but she snuck a camera in because she knew that sooner or later you would screw up. Now, accept it once and for all, that woman will never fuck you again… but I will remember you while I’m fucking her wildly. She turned her back with a sarcastic and satisfied smile, and got into the car with Andrea. As they drove away she saw Mason arguing with his lawyer and how he put his hands to his head in frustration. Ten minutes later Andrea’s cell phone started ringing like crazy and in fifteen they arrived at the house. Zack gave the baby a kiss and handed her to Loan while he ran with Andrea upstairs and locked himself in his room with her. — Cupcake, listen to me —he said, taking the phone from her hands to check that it was Mason who was calling her—. This is going to sound crazy to you but I need you to scream. —Huh? —Andrea asked confused. —Scream, baby, moan, cry, as if I were giving you the biggest fuck of your life! —he said hurriedly—. You have to trust me. Do it baby, just scream please… —But… —Later I’ll do it for real, I swear I’ll do it to you later but now imagine that I’m doing it to you and scream! —He turned her around and slapped her hard, which excited her in half a second and in the other half she had already started screaming because she wasn’t in the mood to argue with him about the order. Zack bit his lips when he heard her and kissed her with such passion that a minute later when she answered the call, she was already panting. “Call her when she’s not busy, motherfucker,” he growled, and knew that the silence was because the background noise Mason was hearing was Andrea’s orgasmic screams. “You want more, baby? You want more?” Andrea got into character, and after the first “Oh, God!” she called the entire heavenly court. Zack hung up the call, and she finally fell silent. “Now what?” she gasped. “Now we wait,” Zack said, knowing that the next thing to come through that phone would be his salvation.

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