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Chapter ch 50

Zack watched her sleep. In her own exhausted and nervous way, she was perfect, and seeing her rest in his arms gave him at least a little peace in the middle of that storm. Being left wanting, on the other hand, was a self-imposed punishment that he knew he deserved and that in a way he was enjoying as well. He waited until almost dawn and left as quietly as he had entered. It must have been eight in the morning when Mason was pacing the kitchen like a caged lion. But what the hell was going on with Andrea? Was she planning to go on a hunger strike? He was brooding over his annoyance until he saw her come down with the baby and put her in her stroller. “Do you think I’m playing, Andy?” he growled, approaching, without even saying hello, and she gritted her teeth. “I don’t know what you mean, and believe me, I’m not interested either,” she replied. Mason approached her and grabbed her by the arm, shaking her. “You’re in my house! You’re my woman!” How long are you going to keep up this ridiculous act of locking yourself up at night with the girl!? —he snapped at her furiously. —Until the day I take her out of this house. —That’s not going to happen, Andrea! You’re never going to leave here again, so don’t get your hopes up! —he threatened her and Andrea gave him a tired smile. —If we’re going to do this every morning, I can learn a few lines by heart— she replied—. Now with your permission, we’re going to leave. —You can’t leave! It’s the weekend! It’s not daycare day, you can’t take the girl out of here without my permission! —he growled. Thank you for reading on LeeNovelas.com. —Well, apparently I don’t need it, all I need is permission from a judge—she replied, passing by him to head for the door. And before he could react, knocks could be heard from the other side. —Vancouver Police Department. Open the door, Mr. Lee. Mason went through all the colors of the rainbow as he gritted his teeth at the sight of the pair of policemen on his doorstep again. “What now?!” he growled. “Do you have an alarm clock complex? It’s Saturday, there’s no daycare!” O’Grady put on his best fake smile and nodded. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. “We understand, Mr. Lee, but Mrs. Brand has permission from the judge to take her daughter out on weekends to authorized places.” He held out a document and Mason snatched it from his hands as his rage grew by the second. “How did this happen? Why wasn’t my lawyer notified?!” he hissed. “I have to call him to authorize…!” “You can call him whenever you want, but while the lady is leaving with us,” Byren replied. “With your permission. Mrs. Brand, this way if you would be so kind.” Andrea politely greeted the two policemen while Mason watched in bewilderment as Andrea and the little girl were taken away… haha, next door! And standing right in the doorway was him. The fucking boss! Zack turned to him and gave him a defiant smile before walking across the yard to greet his girls.Mason was so furious that he was shaking all over, feeling the rage rising through his veins until he couldn’t hold it in any longer and started yelling at them over the hedge. At one point he made an attempt to go after them, but the two policemen stopped him in time. “Be careful, Mr. Lee!” O’Grady said firmly. “Mrs. Brand is within her rights, and it wouldn’t be advisable for you to hurt her.” Mason felt a wave of fury and rage flood through him. He was so out of control that he couldn’t remember ever feeling like this. Andrea was his and the brat was his daughter! And he was rich now, damn it! How did other people’s money still weigh more than his own!? Zack hugged Andrea and lifted Adriana into his arms, who immediately began to gurgle happily. As soon as they disappeared into the house Mason called his lawyer and screamed at him for over half an hour, but there was nothing to be done. The judge had approved Andrea’s visit to the house, and unfortunately the company of two law enforcement officers was not something that could be questioned. “We underestimated her,” the lawyer declared. “There’s only one thing we can do to get out of this.” “What?” Mason roared. “Take them by surprise. Don’t give them more time to prepare.” “But the appeal is in two weeks, and she has to file it!” Mason exclaimed. “Not if we file another lawsuit first, I’ll think of why,” the lawyer said, and each one began to look for a good reason to get permanent custody of the girl. For his part, Zack was relieved to have them home and safe. “She may have to come back tonight, but at least it’s a relief that they’ll be with you for longer,” Byren assured. Andrea tried to rest while the uncles enjoyed their niece, but she had a bad feeling that she couldn’t shake. Mason had looked at her that morning as if he had already reached his limit, as if he was ready for anything. And it seemed that she wasn’t the only one who was worried. “I don’t like this, it would be more logical if he had destroyed our trucks with a hockey stick,” Loan said. “He must be up to something.” “Well, I thought of something… it doesn’t hurt to keep a close eye on him,” Milo replied, and soon after they agreed on what they wanted to do. Zack played with Adriana for a while, and as soon as he saw her super comfortable with her brothers, he took Andrea so she could try to sleep for at least a few hours. “I’m scared…” she murmured, looking out the window. “This is a face of Mason’s that I had never seen.” Zack hugged her from behind and kissed her head. “Sometimes that happens. We never really know people.” He hugged her tightly and felt her shake her head. “No, but if he had at least given me a clue… I don’t know, I feel like I made too many mistakes when choosing and that I had to be blind if he sent me signals and I didn’t see them.” Zack turned her around and kissed her slowly. —Sometimes people change. Don’t think you were wrong,You’re a good person, he’s the one who’s making a mistake. Don’t think about it anymore, everything will be okay. But the truth was that no, nothing would be okay because although at that moment she felt safe and protected, that changed the moment she set foot back in Mason’s house. Closing the door to her room didn’t help, and she was startled when she heard him knock fiercely. —Open the door, Andrea, you and I have to talk! —Well, I can hear you perfectly, if you want to talk, do it from there —she answered. —This is my house, Andrea! You can’t keep closing the door because I have the right to enter, open it because I swear that if you don’t I’m going to break it down! Andrea gulped and ran to her phone to call Zack, but she stifled a scream when she heard the door slam against a piece of furniture after Mason rammed into her, breaking the lock and the safety lock. —Who the hell do you think you are to challenge me!? —he snapped, grabbing her by the arms and shaking her. —Let me go, Mason! Let me go! Andrea screamed, but instead of stopping, Mason dragged her to the window that looked out onto the other house. —How dare you bring your lover into the house next door?”What kind of a bitch do you have to be to rub it in my face!?” he yelled at her, putting her face to the glass. “As much as you dare to abandon us and then come and take my daughter away from me! I learned from the best!” she replied, struggling. “Let me go! If you lay a finger on me, Zack will kill you!” “That’s what I’m waiting for! Where is your little boyfriend? Huh!? Shouldn’t he be watching you?” “Let me go…!” Scared, she tried to free herself but it was useless. Mason got behind her, put an arm around her neck while with the other hand he tried to undress her despite her resistance. “Let me go…!” Andrea sobbed helplessly because she already imagined what he was planning. In the other house there were only a pair of hands against the window glass and a lot of screams. Mason smiled as he watched Zack go crazy. “That asshole is going to learn that you are mine even if I have to show him myself!” Mason hissed as he pushed her to the ground and threw himself on top of her. He had done what he had to do, he had shown him what he had to show. Andrea tried to kick him but only earned a slap that left her stunned, but she still didn’t stop resisting. She screamed, bit, scratched, but she wasn’t about to let that bastard abuse her in any way. Then there was just a huge crash, a lot of screaming and at that moment Mason was thrown off of her as if he were a feather. Zack came in with all the fury of a raging bull, he lunged at Mason and threw him to the ground. “Don’t you dare touch her!” he roared as he punched him nonstop. Andrea was surprised by Zack’s strength, she had never seen that fury before. No matter how many times Mason tried to get up, Zack would knock him down again. The Keller boys came in right behind and tried to stop him as the cops closed in on Andrea. “I’ll kill you, motherfucker, I’ll kill you!” he shouted angrily. Mason stood up and looked at Zack with a mix of hatred and contempt. “Good for you!” he hissed with satisfaction. “You’re here to defend her? That’s very nice of you, but I have my rights too. Officers! Please arrest this man for invading my home.” Zack felt each word stabbing into his ears like knives, realizing that was exactly what Mason had wanted all along and neither O’Grady nor Byren, as representatives of the law, could refuse. “Damn bastard! This isn’t going to stay like this! Nobody messes with my family!” he shouted angrily. “No, it’s not going to stay like this, you’re going to jail…” Mason gloated. “Well, he won’t be the only one,” a hoarse, furious voice was heard, and everyone turned to look at Andrea, who was wiping away her tears. “I also have a complaint to make.”

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