#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter Epilogue


2 months later

“How far along are you two again?” Mandy asked.

“12 months.” “20 months” Tasha and Navy answered at the same time.

“Four months.” I answered Mandy, rolling my eyes at the ladies.

“It’s best not to anger a pregnant siren.” Cameron warned me,

“Or a pregnant she-wolf.” Dover added. I looked at the kitchen table to see both my mates glaring at me.

“Oh, my love, you look stunning.” I purred to Navy, puckering up my lips for a kiss that she forcefully declined. The entire room laughed at me,

“I told you that having a pregnant mate isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” Mason chuckled.

“Oh how I cannot wait for this.” Clay said in a sarcastic tone earning a jab from Julia.

“I have an announcement!” Meredith stormed into the kitchen. She had one of the new members from Velvet Moon in tow.

“Yes, Meredith?” Navy turned her diplomatic gaze on her new sister.

“I would like to introduce to you my mate, Frank Daniels from Velvet Moon.” We all blinked at the poor fool.

“Oh, man, I’m so sorry.” Clay shook Frank’s hand like he was attending a funeral.

“Best of luck, Frank.” Jenna frowned. I opened my mouth to speak but Navy cut me off,

“Knock it off you lot. Welcome to the family, Frank.” She glared at me, threatening me to say something sarcastic.

“Of course, welcome Frank.”

“Thank you Alpha Knox and Luna Navy, it’s a pleasure to be a part of the renowned Greystone family.” He grinned.

“That’s what I thought at first, too….” Navy slapped Cameron upside the head,

“And, of course, it turned out to be true.” He rubbed his head, quickly correcting himself.

“Don’t mind them. I just became a Greystone myself, it’s quite something.” Navy grinned proudly, showing off her rings.

“Alpha! Luna! Rogues at the border!” A warrior wolf from the front gate mindlinked Navy and I.

“Which border?” I asked.

“All of them!”

Navy and I shared an expression before bursting into action.

“Clay, we are being attacked, ready the army.” I said just as Navy spoke to the ladies,

“Let’s get the women and children into the bunker quickly. Tasha, you go there straight away and begin to prepare it.” She ordered.

“But, Luna…” Tasha began to argue,

“Now!” Navy used her Luna voice against her and she submitted.

“Dover and Cameron, you aren’t to leave Navy’s side.” I said to the Gamma and our siren mate.

“No, Knox, take Dover with you.” Navy turned her orders on me.

“Love, I’ll have an entire army. You need protection, you and our son. It’s not up for debate.” I said sternly but softly, kissing my mate.

“Dover, call Alpha Fox on the way and then shift so you can protect your Luna.” I demanded.

“Yes, Alpha.” Dover nodded and pulled out his phone, quickly dialing Alpha Fox’s number. I overheard the conversation before heading out,

“Alpha Fox, it’s Gamma Dover…..that’s right, we’re under attack. Yes, it’s the rogues.” Alpha Fox seemed to guess what Dover was going to say before he said it. There was a brief pause in the conversation then,

“No, we haven’t had any visits from the Council but the past Alpha…..no we haven’t seen him. Yes, he could be capable of organizing this with the Council.” Dover looked at me with a guilty expression but I nodded in agreement.

“We need your help right away. Thank you.” Dover ended the call,

“They are coming. He’s calling the other packs.”

“Good, now go!” I kissed my mate again,

“Go straight to the bunker.”

“No, I’m going to help clear the packhouse first.” The look on her face told me not to argue.

“Cameron, after the packhouse is cleared, you get her to the bunker even if you have to carry her.” I grabbed a fist full of Cameron’s shirt. The look on his face told me that my threat was unnecessary.

“She’s safe with me, you know that. Take care of yourself, Knox.” He leveled me with a glare full of worry.

“I will.” I looked back Navy,

“I love you. Both of you.” I rubbed my hand over her stomach.

“You come back to me, wolf.” She squeezed my arm,

“Always, little Luna.” I promised her before running out of the kitchen.

The grounds were alive with fighting already, the rogues had broken past our borders by the dozens. Alphas Henry and Harper had already been informed, their pack responding as well. Between Velvet Moon and Blue Moon, we outnumbered the rogues but they were feral and more prepared. It was already turning into a bloodbath.

I burst into Alistair and he was ready for a fight. With Clay on my flank, we dove into battle. It wasn’t long before I sniffed out the culprit, confirming Dover’s accusations. My father was standing in the shadows of the forest with Elder Jacobs and a few other older looking men dressed in fancy robes behind him. The Council and my father had orchestrated an attack against us all because we dared to stand against them. I dared to take my chosen mate. I dared to mix the wolf bloodline with that of a siren.

Today, the Council would see what happens when you mess with the mate bond, when you threaten a man’s reason for living. I had no doubt that Alphas Fox, Noah, and August would come forward with their packs to help. Alpha Fox’s pack was just across the state border, it would take them less than an hour to get here. We only had to hold them off long enough for his pack to come. With more witnesses, the Council would likely try to flee, but we wouldn’t let them.

The Council was done. Their packs of feral rogues were done. Today was the beginning of the end, the start of the final battle of a war that should have ended long before it even started. The royal legacy would be fulfilled and the Council would fall.

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