#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 53


The next couple of days were a blur of activity and emotions. Clay took the news about the new Velvet Moon very well, he was actually excited about the opportunities it would create. He spent an entire day looking for the very best property options for the new pack. Today, they were touring those options. Cameron had decided to go home for a quick visit to tell his mother what was going on. He promised to be back before dark.

I was with Jenna, Julia, and Natasha, ogling over baby Titan.

“I can’t believe how much things have changed in the last two months.” Jenna sighed, rocking Titan to sleep.

“Me either.” Julia said.

“You’re telling me.” I laughed

“Speaking of which, I have something I need help with.” Natasha sighed.

“What’s that?” I asked her, narrowing my eyes with worry.

“I think I might be pregnant.” She said in a rushed voice.

“What?” Julia gasped.

“Are you serious!” Jenna squealed.

“Yeah, I don’t know. I need someone to go to the store with me for a test. I’m too afraid to go by myself.” Natasha admitted.

“I’ll go with you.” I said,

“But, you’ll need to drive.” I added. Tasha laughed,


“Come back here and take the test, so we can all be together.” Jenna suggested.

“I will, you ready?” Tasha looked at me and I nodded.

We were standing in the middle of the pharmacy aisle, staring at the wall of pregnancy tests, when an overwhelming fear clenched at my stomach.

“Which one do you think?” Tasha asked me, but I couldn’t respond.

“I’ll just do one of each.” She answered her own question and started tossing them in her basket.

“Navy, are you okay?” She shook my shoulder.

“I….I haven’t had my period.” I mumbled .

“Do sirens even get periods?”

“When we’re in human form we do. I haven’t been a siren in a month, I should’ve gotten my period.” I gulped.

“Maybe your cycle is just off because you’ve been a siren for so long?” Tasha suggested.

“No, it doesn’t work like that.” I shook my head.

“Oh goddess.” Tasha gasped and started grabbing some more tests,

“We’re gonna need a lot of these.” She said to herself.

“Tasha….” I whispered, fear consuming me. Tasha wrapped me in a hug,

“Hey, listen, we’re going through this together, okay? Besides, our mates are the very best, they will take care of us. This is a good thing, Navy, especially for you.” She said, rubbing my back.

“Especially for me?” I asked, pulling away.

“Yeah, hopefully it’ll be a boy and then you won’t have to worry about having the Alpha’s heir anymore. You and Cameron and Knox can just focus on being a family and making babies.” She winked at me and I groaned loudly,

“Thanks, Tasha.”

“Come, let’s go find out if we’re mommies!” She smiled and paid for the tests. I rode in silence the entire way back to the packhouse. I was horrified when I ran into Knox before I was able to escape to the elevator.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Of course Knox sensed my anxiety. He quickly wrapped his arms around me.

“Let her be.” Tasha demanded, pulling me away from them. Knox nearly growled at her,

“Just, hold on.” She said, standing her ground.

“Navy.” Knox pleaded. My grandma, like usual, came to my rescue.

“You look like you’re feeling sick, dear.” Grandma said, putting her hand against my forehead,

“Haven’t you shifted in a while?” She looked at me with a pointed gaze.

“No, I haven’t. It was dumb.” I agreed, sensing her plan.

“What’s going on?” Knox asked.

“If a siren doesn’t shift for a while, she starts to feel ill. Eventually, Navy’s body will get used to it and she won’t be affected anymore. Quin, honey, don’t you remember the first few months I was here?” She looked at her mate who nodded,

“Of course I do, you felt terrible. It got better after about five months or so.” He said, looking at Knox.

“I’ll clear my schedule, baby.” Knox said.

“No, no. The girls are taking care of me. Tasha just took me to the store to get some medicine. I’m okay, Knox, really, I just want to rest for a little.” I said sweetly, giving Knox a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Okay, but I’ll be up soon to check on you.” Knox said with worry in his eyes.

“Love you.” I said encouragingly.

“Love you back.” Knox smiled before releasing me. Tasha and I quickly escaped to the elevator.

“Phew, that was a close one.” I sighed.

“Was all that true, what your grandma said?” Tasha asked.

“Yeah, technically, which is another reason why I think I’m….” I motioned towards my stomach,

“I should be feeling sick, but I’m not. I should have intense body aches, sweats, and seizures.”

“Instead you’re just feeling pregnant.” Tasha laughed.

“I don’t actually feel anything.” I shrugged.

“Well, you would only be like two months pregant at most, so that makes sense.” Tasha said as the elevator dinged open.

“Holy Goddess, did you really need that many tests?” Jenna laughed at Tasha as she carried a bag full of boxes into the bathroom of the nursery.

“They aren’t just for Tasha.” I sighed, looking at the ground.

“Wait, really?” Jenna squealed, jumping towards me.

“Maybe, I don’t know.” I said as Jenna threw her arms around my neck.

“Just give me the easiest ones to read.” I grumbled, holding my hand out. Tasha dug through the bag and handed me a box with two tests. She chose a box for herself and went to another bathroom.

I stomped into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it. I was so nervous I wasn’t sure I would be able to pee. I took out both tests and sat on the toilet. I did my business on both sticks and washed my hands. I sat the sticks on the sink and stared at them. They had three little dots that acted as a timer. The first dot was blinking solid black.

After twenty six hours passed, or at least it felt that way, the three blocks finally filled up and the digital screen paused. It felt like the entire world came to a stop as I waited for the digital readout to tell me whether I was with child or not.


I quickly looked at the second stick.


“Holy fu…”

“Navy, are you done in there yet?” Jena screeched. I sighed and grabbed the sticks in my fist. I exited the bathroom to see Tasha jumping up and down.

“I’m pregnant!” She screamed, jumping onto me. I numbly hug her back.

“Congratulations.” I mumbled. She pulled away and eyed me,

“Are you….” I showed her the sticks and she screamed again.

“We’re both going to be pregnant at the same time!” Tasha smiled.

“I’m going to be an aunt!” Jenna was the next to hug me, but I was still frozen.

“Navy, are you okay?” Julia asked, noticing my tentativeness.

“I’m freaking terrified.” I admitted.

“Well duh, so am I.” Tasha said.

“Really?” I looked at her.

“Yeah, it’s my first pup and my first pregnancy. But, I want this. It might be a little early and a little unplanned, but Dover and I both wanted this.” Tasha said.

“Do you not want this, Navy?” Julia asked me.

“Knox will do whatever you need him to do, I’m sure of that.” Jenna nodded.

“No, I want a baby, a family, with Knox and with Cam. It’s just, really, really soon.” I gulped. Jenna rubbed my arms,

“Your life has been full of twists and turns, Navy, if anyone can handle this it’s you.” She said reassuringly.

“And you’re not alone, you have two mates to help you through this and all of us. You have a huge family here.” Julia said.

“What if Cam is jealous of Knox? What if he hates this baby?” I voiced my deepest fears.

“No way, Luna, not a chance. He’s your mate, that’s physically impossible.” Tasha shook her head.

“She’s right. He loves you so he’ll automatically love your pup.” Julia agreed.

“And I know my brother is so freaking excited. He told me so when I had Titan.” Jenna smiled.

“Okay, okay. I need to tell him. I’m going to wait for him in our room.” I decided, giving Jenna a hug before stubbornly storming off.

I was sitting on the bed with the pregnancy sticks still in my hand. Dover was waiting outside my door like usual, but he had no idea that his mate was pregnant. I felt extremely guilty about that. I mustered up all my courage and hid the sticks under my pillow. I opened the door and motioned for Dover to come near.

“Can you mindlink Knox? I need him here. Then, you need to go see Tasha.” I said.

“Why? Is she okay?” Dover’s eyes went huge.

“She’s fine, I just think she misses you. She said so earlier today.” I tried to smile.

“Okay, Luna.” He nodded, eyeing me with worry. His eyes went black as he mindlinked his Alpha.

“He’ll be here soon….” Before the words left his mouth, Knox was barrelling down the hallway,

“Navy! Are you okay?” Clearly he had run up the steps.

“I’m going to go check on Natasha.” Dover said, not even worried about asking for permission. He wandered off and Knox stared at me, looking over my body to make sure that I was okay.

“I’m okay, Knox, I just need to talk to you.” I pulled him into the room and shut the door.

I nervously walked over to the bed and pulled the tests out from under the pillow.

“You’re not sick, are you?” He asked me,

“I can sense that something else is bothering you.”

“You’re right.” I mumbled.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Knox was watching me, clearly worried out of his mind.

“Nothing’s wrong.” I said, at least I hoped that was true. I wrapped my arms around myself,

“You look scared.” Knox resisted the urge to come near me, sensing that I needed my space.

“I am.” I nodded.

“Baby, I promise, whatever it is, I’ll protect you. It’s okay, we’ll face it together.” He closed the distance between us, no longer able to resist.

He gripped my elbows and looked into my eyes. I pulled my hand out from my chest and opened my fist, handing over the two pregnancy tests. Knox took them from me, not sure what they were at first. He turned them around so he could read them clearly and then his entire face froze.

“Knox?” I squeaked. My timid voice unlocked him and he grinned enmoursly, wrapping his arms around me and picking me.

“We’re having a baby!” he cheered, sitting me down and holding my face. I didn’t even realize that I was crying until he wiped the tears away,

“Aren’t you happy?” He attempted to control his own excitement.

“I’m scared. I’m afraid that I’m not going to be good at this, that you’re going to be disappointed in me, that Cameron will be mad, that I won’t be a good mom….” I started to rattle off my insecurities but Knox clamped his hand over my mouth and chuckled.

“You will make a perfect mom, you could never, ever disappoint me, and Cameron will love our baby. We’re already a family, my love, a team. You have nothing to worry about. I love you so much. But, I will do whatever you want to do.” He held me closely, bringing his lips to mine.

“I love you, too, Knox. We’re going to have a baby?” I looked at him hesitantly.

“Yes we are, little mate.” He grazed his thumb over my cheek and I finally started to smile. I looked down at my stomach and so did Knox. In fact, he hit his knees and cradled my flat tummy,

“You are already so loved, little one.” He said, kissing my hand and then my stomach. He stood up and kissed me again.

“I hope it’s a boy.” I told him.

“Why, baby?” He asked.

“Then you’ll have your heir and the three of us can just focus on our family.” I echoed Natasha’s words.

“I’m not worried about that, baby, I just want you and the pup to be safe.” He said, kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around me.

“What’s going on here?” Cameron was standing in the doorway,

“Why are you crying, Navy?” His face was full of worry.

“Cam? I thought you would be gone all day?” Knox kept his arm around me as I held out my hand for Cam. He quickly grabbed a hold of it,

“I was, but then I sensed that something was wrong with you. I came back right away.” He said, looking me over.

“Nothing’s wrong, man.” Knox grinned, squeezing me close. He handed Cameron the tests and he eyed them with huge eyes.

“You’re pregnant?” He gasped. I nodded, biting my lip. I waited a painfully long time for Cameorn’s reaction. His broke into a grin as he hugged me,

“That’s amazing, Navy!”

“You’re happy for me?” I pulled him away to look at his face.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” He narrowed his eyes.

“I was afraid that you might be mad or hate the baby because it’s not….yours.” I sighed. Cam tightened his grip on my hand and Knox squeezed my shoulders.

“Biologically the baby might not be mine but I feel like a dad.” Cam confessed, blushing.

“Because you are a dad, we both are. We’re a family, baby. We’re both the father of your babies.” Knox said, kissing the top of my head. Cameron leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

“I truly am the luckiest girl in the entire world.” I smiled at both my mates, feeling a warmth fill my body, completely replacing any fear or anxiety that I had.

“No way, we are the lucky ones.” Cameron smiled and we all piled together for a group hug. All three parents’ hands rested on the stomach that was protecting our baby.

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