#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 42


“I just heard from Clay, they’re on their way back.” I told Navy as we sat at the breakfast table.

“What did they find?” She asked eagerly. The boys have been gone for nearly three days now.

“He didn’t say, just that they found something. He said it was easier to explain in person. They should be home in a few hours.” I said, force feeding my antsy mate another piece of pancake.

“Do you miss Cameron?” I asked curiously.

Honestly, I had no idea what snapped inside me. Maybe it was Alistair feeling the call of the mate bond or the fact that he was so fiercely protective of our mate as well, but I was no longer jealous of Cameron. In fact, I was actually starting to like the guy. I found myself wondering about his safety and calling Navy our mate.

“Yes, actually.” Navy sighed, eyeing me cautiously. She still wasn’t ready to accept the two mates thing. I think she was waiting for me to lose my shit.

“It’s alright, baby, he’s your mate, too. You would miss me if I was gone this long. Be honest with me and yourself.” I urged her, taking her hand across the table.

“Fine, yes, I miss him a lot.” She grumbled. I chuckled at her,

“See, that wasn’t so hard.” She rolled her blue eyes at me and pushed away her plate.

“I’m full. I’m going to go get dressed. Melly!” She jumped up from the table and started yelling. Melly came scurrying into the room,

“Right here, Navy!” Melly smiled, already prepared.

“Did you really have to yell?” I pretended to clean out my ear like she had just burst my eardrum.

“No.” She shrugged innocently before following Melly up the steps.

With my mate off getting dressed, I decided to find my sister and see how she was doing. She was due in a few weeks and I knew the last month of her pregnancy was a tough one. Selfishly, I wanted to find out what it was going to be like when Navy was pregnant.

Jenna was in the living room with Mason rubbing her feet. Julia was with her, pissed that I had sent her mate away for so long. Tasha had been her support person over the last few days since she was used to Dover being gone on Luna duty.

“How are you doing, sis?” I asked, sitting in the chair across from her.

“Your nephew can come out any day now.” She glared at me like somehow it was my fault. Mason just shook his head, warning me against speaking.

“He’s just comfy in there, Jenna.” Tasha smiled, patting her swollen belly.

“Well, I am not.” Jenna grumbled.

“Wait until it’s your turn, man.” Mason laughed at me.

“I literally cannot wait.” I said eagerly.

“You say that now.” Mason gave me a knowing look but I ignored him. I couldn’t imagine anything better than my mate being pregnant with our pup.

“How’s that gonna work?” Julia asked suddenly.

“Uh, do I need to explain to you how babies are made?” I smirked at her. She flipped me off,

“No, idiot. I mean how does it work with two mates.” She was so irritated that she actually called her Alpha an idiot. No one even flinched. Instead, they all stared at me, waiting for the answer. I shrugged,

“I suppose it works just like everyone else.”

“Will you take turns being the dad?” Mason asked.

“Dude, really?” I scoffed.

“I’m just wondering, sorry.” He avoided eye contact with me.

“I guess we’ll talk about it, I don’t know. Maybe we just won’t find out who’s the dad.”

“He’s a siren, you’re a werewolf. Don’t you need a werewolf to be the heir?” Tasha said.

“The baby will be part siren either way.” I pointed out.

“Well sure but there’s a difference between half siren and half wolf, and full on siren.” She said,

“Would it matter if my heir wasn’t a werewolf?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Do you want an honest answer?” Mason said.

“Yes, actually.” I nodded.

“I think it does matter. I think the Alpha needs to be a werewolf. The leader of a people needs to know what it’s like to walk in their shoes.” Julia said. Jenna nodded, agreeing,

“I think it would be odd if our Alpha was someone who had never shifted before. How would he help the pups?”

“And how would he help train? Mason added.

“Plus, what if he doesn’t mate with a wolf? Then neither the Luna or the Alpha would be a wolf. What happens to the bloodline then?” Tasha said.

“Those are all good points, thank you. Ultimately, Navy, Cameron, and I would have to discuss it.” I nodded, seriously taking in their point of view.

“You don’t seem bothered by having another mate for your Luna.” Jenna said.

“I’m not, honestly.” I shrugged.

“I get it. You do crazy shit for you mate.” Mason said, squeezing Jenna’s foot form where he was rubbing them. She nearly kicked him in the face.

“You’re a good man, brother, I’m sorry for everything Mother and Father have done.” Jenna sighed,

“And Meredith.” She added.

“It’s okay, Jen, I’m just glad that you’re on my side.” I playfully pushed on her side and she pushed back.

“I’ve always got your back, dummy.”

“What are you going to do about your parents?” Mason asked.

“Right now, they’re both gone. I have no idea where they’re at, Meredith either. They can stay gone for all I care.” I grumbled. Jenna frowned at me but said nothing.

“If they come back?” Tasha asked.

“I’ll deal with that, then.” I wasn’t in the mood to handle that problem right now. I had enough on my plate.

“Clay should be back soon, Jules.” I said.

“I know, he mindlinked me. You better give him a day or two off.” She glared at me.

“After we get everything settled with Navy’s family, he can have an entire week.” I promised. She cheered up at that,

“Deal!” She squealed.

“Awh, the Luna has made our Alpha such a softy!” Dover’s condescending voice graced the room along with the smell of my mate.

“Shut up, Dover.” Navy chastised him and joined me on the chair, sitting on my lap.

“How are you feeling, Jenna?” She asked my sister. Jenna was mid answer when suddenly she sat up and gasped, holding her stomach. There was a puddle of water on the floor.

“In labor.” She answered. Everyone started freaking out. Mason was frozen, Tasha was staring at the floor, Julia was running towards the infirmary, and Navy was hovering over Jenna.

“Mason!” I yelled in my brother-in-law’s face,

“Take her to the infirmary!” I shook him out of his trance. He nodded and scooped Jenna up, carefully and quickly moving towards the hospital wing.

Everyone followed after them. Julia already had the doctor on standby. She shooed all of us out besides Mason. We all waited in the hallway anxiously. An hour passed before Mason came out of the room with a huge grin.

“We have a healthy son!” He cheered and we all congratulated him.

“Alpha, she wants to see you first.” He opened the door and motioned me inside. I gave my mate a quick kiss and went to see my sister and new nephew.

My nephew was bundled up in a blue blanket sleeping peacefully in Jenna’s arms. He was suckling on her finger and she was staring at him in awe.

“He’s a handsome little guy.” I said, looking down at his squishy face.

“I want you and Navy to be his godparents.” Jenna revealed.

“We would be honored, Jen, of course.” I agreed, speaking for my mate,

“What’s my godson’s name?” I asked, pulling the blanket from his face to touch his tiny hand. He grasped my finger tightly.

“Titan.” Jenna smiled down at her son.

“Strong name for a strong lad, I like it.” I nodded approvingly, admiring my very first nephew.

“I can’t wait to be doing this with Navy.” I sighed.

“You’re going to be a great daddy, Knox, and a great uncle.”

“I’ll be the stern dad but the fun uncle.” I declared. Jenna laughed at me,

“Yeah, right. Navy is going to be the authority figure and you’re going to be getting in just as much trouble as the kids.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” I couldn’t even deny it.

Slowly, the rest of our family poured in to visit. I found myself glued to Navy as she rocked baby Titan in her arms. I couldn’t help my wandering mind, picturing her doing that with our own son. Clay showed up just in time to see our new nephew before Titan and Jenna needed their space to rest.

“I’m sorry the rest of the family couldn’t be here for this, Jen.” Clay whispered as he looked at Titan.

“Everyone I need is right here.” Our sister smiled at us and everyone else in the room. I looked around, too. She was right, all the family we needed was already here.

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