#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 39


“What did you just say?” I stood up now, showing dominance over my father.

“You heard me.”

“How do you know about that?”

“I know exactly what happened to the Velvet Moon Pack. You would to if you hadn’t been so hell bent on standing against me.” He slowly rose from his chair to match my height.

“What are you talking about?”

“The lie told to the pack is that my father didn’t know what happened to the pack who previously lived here. The truth is, he knew exactly what happened. The Council told him as a threat to keep him in line. Of course, he didn’t need to be threatened. My father hated species mixing as much as the Council does. He passed that truth down to me and I would have told you, but I knew you were too weak. I should have named someone else as the Alpha.” My mouth popped open at my father’s confession.

Clay and Dover were standing now too. Dover was placed protectively behind my mate, who was nearly hiding in her chair. She looked absolutely stunned. Mason was leaning over the table, protectively hovering over Jenna who looked like she was going to punch something. Even Meredith looked appalled.

“Did you know about this?” I looked at my mother.

“No.” She said in a broken voice.

“You need to tell him, now.” I ordered Fiona. She couldn’t deny me, she nodded and turned towards her mate.

“I’m from Velvet Moon. My uncle was the Alpha, Quinton Marshall.” She confessed.

“You bitch! You lied to me for all these years!” Alto hollard, lunging for Fiona. Mason stood quickly, pushing Jenna and Meredith behind him and shoving my father out of the way.

“I want answers, now!” I shook the room again, this time with the Alpha tone.

“Quinton Marshall was a damn fool, just like you. He took a siren mate, against the Council’s wishes. Hell, even she was smarter than him. That fish swam back where she came from, abandoning her children in the middle of the night. Quinton never stopped looking for her, however, and that pissed off the Council. They told him to stop and take a chosen werewolf mate or his pack would be destroyed. He refused. The Council kept their word. They sent an army of rogues to Velvet Moon and killed everyone. At least, they thought they killed everyone.” He glared at Fiona again. I felt sick at his story,

“They just killed an entire pack over the mate bond?” I snarled

“Yep.” Alto grinned at me.

The walls started to shake again, thunder was cracking outside and rain was assaulting the windows. A storm was brewing. I felt sparks run up my back and I looked down at my mate, realizing that she was responsible for it. I reached out to calm her, but it was no use.

It started to rain inside the dining hall, the entire room was shaking like an earthquake. The dining table cracked in half, right down the middle, like it was drawing a line between those who were on our side and those who were against us. Every ounce of water in the room, from the flower vases to the glass pitchers, was boiling.

“Navy?” I tried to speak to her calmly. Her hands were gripping the chair so tightly they were turning purple. Her face looked like it was etched from stone.

“Is she doing this?” Jenna’s voice came from somewhere behind me. I ignored her.

“No good comes from a siren!” My father was stupid enough to shout.

Dover and Clay snarled at him, but my mate was already on it. She jumped from the chair and turned her murderous gaze on him. Her eyes were so bright they were blinding.

“No good comes from you.” She growled at my father, her voice so level that it scared even me.

Water exploded all over the room as the rain continued to shower us. I noticed that Navy was the only one left dry. The chorus of waves shot straight for Alto, wrapping him up violently. She threw him across the room, plastering him to the wall with the force of her water.

I didn’t even attempt to stop her. My father earned all of this. Navy glides across the room to stand face to face with Alto.

“You will explain to me exactly what happened to Quinton and his children. What did the Council tell you when you came here?” Her voice left no room for argument, even my father couldn’t deny her.

“The Council called my Alpha in Canada, requesting he send the best to an abandoned pack in America. He chose my father as the Alpha and allowed him to pick fifty others from his pack. Word got out and members from neighboring packs joined our migration. We had more than a hundred wolves by the time we reached California,

“Elder Jacobs met us here. Apparently he dealt with the pack before, of course he wasn’t an elder then. He told my father about the disobedience of Quinton and his siren Luna. He said that an example had been made of this pack but he couldn’t allow word to get out yet that the Council was outlawing interspecies mating. He made my father swear on his life and the survival of his bloodline that only the serving Alpha would know the truth,

“When I turned 18, he told me the truth. He said that it was imperative that the myth of sirens stayed a myth. He forced me to choose a mate so I wouldn’t accidently mate with a siren. The Council has left us alone ever since.” Alto’s voice was academic as he explained what happened when he and my grandfather first came here.

“What about Quinton?” My mate demanded, pulsing the water that was crushing my father’s body.

“I don’t know. Jacobs just said that the past Alpha and pack wouldn’t be a problem. He said everyone who mattered was dead and gone.” Dead and gone.

Those words cut through my mate’s anger, I could feel her resolve weakening. I stepped up behind her and touched her arm gently. She completely relaxed against me, the storm vanished and all the water was gone. The entire room was instantly dry as were the rest of us, like it never happened.

“They were only children.” She sobbed, thinking about her grandmother’s first two babies.

“I know, baby.” I cooed in her ear, pulling her back towards me. She gave up and gave in to me, collapsing in my arms.

My father hit the ground with a thud, he was the only one who was still soaked. He had the good sense to look frightened. I collected my mate under my arm and glared at the room.

“Anyone who has a problem with my mate or our decisions, can find a new pack for themselves.” I looked right at Fiona, Alto, and Meredith who were all huddled together,

“That includes you three.” They looked at me in shock.

“Knox…” My mother whined,

“Silence.” Alistair growled, my eyes turning black as he forced them to submit.

“Let’s go, my love.” I picked up my mate and carried her up to our room.

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