#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 37


At some point I had to tell Dover to shut off the mindlink so I couldn’t see anything. I was so pissed off I couldn’t see straight. It wasn’t fair to Navy and I had promised Cameron that I wouldn’t kill him if he asked for permission. So, I was left sitting in my office feeling all my rage on my own. Was I really going to have to share my mate for the rest of our lives? I had no idea how I was going to survive this.

Finally, by the mercy of the Goddess, their date ended and Navy was safely back inside our home. I hurried out of my office to meet her in the kitchen. She was already busy helping Romino with dinner.

“Hello, my love.” I smiled, grabbing her tightly and pulling her close for a kiss.

“Are you okay?” She asked me immediately.

“Better now.” She rolled her eyes at my tactful answer.

“What’s for dinner?” I asked with my arms wrapped securely around my mate’s waist as I stood behind her.

“We’re going Mexican tonight, Alpha.” Romino answered, showing me the chili he was making.

They were also preparing a “do it yourself” taco bar. They had homemade chips and different types of dips including queso, avocado, and salsa. There were also going to be plenty of margaritis and mixed drinks for the evening.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked, surprised at the festive diner.

“Honestly, Knox.” Navy shook her head at me and I felt fear gripping my chest,

“Did I miss something? It’s not your birthday is it?” I asked with wide eyes.

Romino and the rest of the kitchen staff laughed at me. What was this little Luna doing to me? My staff would never dare to mock their Alpha before and now I was just letting them.

“It’s your parents’ anniversary.” Navy sighed at me.

“Wait, really?” I didn’t even know they had an anniversary.

“Yes, Knox.” Navy shook her head,

“Jenna said that they went to Mexico after they got married.”

“They did?” Navy glared at me. Okay, I’ll admit, I was a sucky son.

What’s worse is that I didn’t even know they were married. It wasn’t a common practice for werewolves to have weddings until a few years ago. It was known as a modern age tradition by the pack geezers who didn’t see the point in all the fuss.

“So, you’re throwing them a party or something?” I asked.

“Not really. I’m pretty sure that they wouldn’t show up to something like that. I just suggested that we do a Mexican themed dinner. I’m surprised Clay didn’t tell you. I asked him to say something to your dad.” Navy looked at me curiously.

“He didn’t say anything. Navy, I don’t want my father anywhere near you.” I said sternly.

“It’ll be fine, Knox.” She blew me off. I huffed at her in frustration just as Clay entered the kitchen.

“I guess I’m busted now.” He said, having overheard our conversation.

“Did you talk to your dad?” Navy asked.

“I did.” Clay eyed me like he knew he was in trouble,

“And?” Navy pressed.

“I shouldn’t say.”

“Clay, you opened this can of worms.” I glared at him, knowing damn well that Navy wasn’t going to drop this.

“Fine, he said no.”

“Just no?” Navy narrowed her eyes at my brother. My badass warrior Beta succumbed to the tiny siren before him,

“He said no because it was your idea.”

“Course he did.” I grumbled, watching my mate’s face. She remained unaffected.

“Too bad. You boys should personally invite your mother and wish her a happy anniversary.” She suggested.

“You’re playing with fire, Luna.” Clay sighed.

“Oh well.” She shrugged her shoulders and smirked at Clay.

“I nominate you to go speak with Mother.” I said to Clay.

“What?” He shrieked.

“I’m delegating, brother.” I said.

“Oh, no, Alpha, you’re going, too. Get going, both of you.” My Luna shoved my arm and ordered me away.

“Ha!” Clay pointed at me and laughed.

“You two are pathetic.” Dover shook his head at us from where he was sitting at the table looking after Navy.

“Says the wolf who follows after a 4 foot mermaid.” Clay glared at Dover.

“I am 4 and a half feet, thank you very much!” Navy pouted.

“That’s embarrassing, Navy.” Clay shook his head, earning a punch from my Luna.

“Ow! How do you hit that hard?” Clay rubbed his arm, looking at me.

“Don’t start shit you can’t finish.” I laughed at him.

“Get out, both of you!” Navy shooed us away, kicking us out of the kitchen.

“If we don’t go see Mother she’ll never stop.” I mumbled, grabbing Clay by the collar and pulling him towards the elevator.

“How does your mate get me into trouble?” He cursed at me.

“Because she’s your Luna.” I answered simply.

We sulked the whole way to our mom’s room and knocked on the door.

“My, my, two visits from my son within a few weeks. I must be dying.” Her tone was snarky as she opened the door.

“Well, I’m out.” Clay tried to run away but I grabbed his shirt and yanked him back.

“We have an invitation for you, Mom.” I said.

“Okay?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“The kitchen is making Mexican for dinner, a real smorgasbord, in honor of yours and Dad’s anniversary.” I said, glaring at Clay for hiding behind me. He was such a chicken.

“Your Luna really needs to mind her own business.” Mom snarled.

“Mom! Don’t talk about her like that.” Clay spoke up. He might bicker with my mate like a twelve year old child, but he was still my Beta and she was still his Luna.

“You’re going to stand here and act like this was your idea when you didn’t know we were married?” She asked.

“No, nobody said that. Jenna told Navy about your anniversary and Navy came up with the idea to have a Mexican themed dinner. That’s all it is, a kind gesture.” I said sternly.

“It’s not a day I want to remember. Besides, I’m quite sure your father isn’t coming.” She snapped.

“Now, Fiona, why would you think that?” I nearly died at the sound of my father’s voice coming from behind me. Clay and I both froze, refusing to turn around and confirm what we already knew.

“Alto?” My mother gasped.

“It’s our anniversary, dear, we should be together.” Oh this wasn’t going to be good.

Clay and I stepped to the side so he could approach Fiona. We watched our father closely, trying to decide what he was up to.

“You actually came?” She was in shock.

“I was invited.” Alto shrugged, looking over at Clay.

“You said you weren’t going to come because it was Navy’s idea.” Clay replied.

“Then, I thought better of it.” My father responded, like it was totally normal for him to just change his mind. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t. Ever.

“Shall I escort you downstairs?” Alto offered Fiona his arm like he was some sort of polite gentleman.

“I have to get changed.” Fiona stammard, looking down at her casual attire.

“I’ll wait.” Alto shrugged again, earning a collective gasp from all of us. Fiona stumbled inside to change.

“What are you up to, Dad?” I asked, staring at him accusingly.

“It’s my anniversary, can’t I spend it at the packhouse with my wife?” He asked innocently.

“No.” I replied plainly. Alto chuckled,

“I want to meet this mate of yours. It would seem that you are quite serious about her.” He said, nodding towards her mark on my neck,

“I didn’t even know sirens could mark their mates.”

“Neither did I and yes, I am serious about her, I always have been. I love her.”

“Yes, yes, I’m aware. I can’t pout forever, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to meet her. Do you disagree?” My father asked. I stared at him harder, trying to read his mind. He was so full of shit.

“Okay.” I mumbled, not really having any other option. I felt Clay staring at me.

“I’ll wait here for your mother, go ahead downstairs to your mates.” He said to Clay and I. I looked over at Clay,

“I’ll wait here, too.” Clay said, knowing that I wasn’t about to leave them alone together.

“I used to run this packhouse, son, I know my way around.”

“That’s not the point.” Clay grumbled, holding his ground. I gave Clay a stern look and then left him with our parents. Goddess help us all.

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