#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 24


My beautiful mate was asleep before the movie even started. Her soft snores filled my ears as she snuggled closer to me. Her head was on a pillow that was resting on my lap, her face snuggled into my stomach as my arms cradled her close. Her expression was relaxed and peaceful. I couldn’t bring myself to move her. I watched the movie and dozed off on the couch. Sleeping beside my mate was the best rest of my life.

I stirred and discovered that I was alone. With a groan, I looked around, trying to focus my tired mind. Sunlight was barely peeking through the windows, I craned my neck and read the clock above the fireplace mantle: 5:30. I groaned again, more dramatically this time. I loved my mate, but why did she have to be such an early riser?

And let’s not even talk about the fact that it was barely 2 o’clock in the afternoon when we started that movie. Clearly nothing beats sleeping in the arms of your mate if we could manage to stay like that for 15 hours.

I stood from the couch and sniffed the air, trying to find my mate. I followed her scent all the way to the back door. I opened the screen door and saw her sitting on the patio. She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, still wearing her clothes from yesterday. Her feet were bare as she dangled them from the red adirondack chair. The chairs were made for werewolves so they dwarfed my petite mate.

She didn’t see or hear me yet as I crept across the yard. I wasn’t trying to sneak up on her, it was just natural for werewolves to creep. She heard the shuffling of leaves as I moved closer and jumped, looking towards me. She shrieked, covering her mouth. Her scream turned to a giggle when she realized it was only me.

“Knox! You scared the daylights out of me!” She yelled.

“I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to.” I chuckled at her expression, kneeling down to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. I walked towards the wood box that was positioned under a large redwood.

“I’ll get a fire going.” I said, noticing the chill in the air.

“Okay. I’m sorry that I’m up so early.” She mumbled.

“It’s okay, love, but don’t hold out hope for turning me into a morning person.” I teased her, tossing chunks of wood in the fire ring. I grabbed a match and struck it, watching as the fire sprang to life.

“I wouldn’t dream of changing anything about you.” She replied casually. I paused halfway between standing and sitting in the chair next to her,

“What?” She eyed me strangely.

“You like me the way I am?” I asked in a quiet, insecure voice. I could practically hear Alistair laughing at me.

“Yeah?” She was looking at me like I was crazy.

“It’s just, I don’t know, you don’t ever say anything. I’m not sure how you feel.” I mumbled, feeling self-conscious. I finished sitting in the chair. She blushed and looked away from me,

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you feel unwanted.” She whispered.

“I know you’re taking your time, baby, and that’s okay. I’m not mad at you or pushing you towards anything. It just makes me happy to hear you say that you like me. Alistair is practically beside himself.” I threw my wolf under the bus and he cackled at me, accusing me of being the lush.

“Well, I like you and I like Alistair, although I haven’t really gotten to meet him.” She said.

“Do you want to?” I asked in an excited voice.

“I think I do but maybe not right now?” She said hesitantly, trying not to offend us. Alistair howled, thrilled that she was even thinking about it.

“Just the idea that you want to meet him someday is setting him off.” I chuckled, trying to rein my wolf in. He was giving me a headache already.

“How long are we staying here?” She asked suddenly.

“I cleared my schedule through Tuesday.” I said.

“I think some day before we leave would be good. I want to meet him before we go back.” She said with a thoughtful expression.

“Whatever you want, baby.” I replied.

“I wanted to tell you that I do like who you are,” She redirected the conversation,

“I like that you’re sweet to me and protective, even if it drives me mad sometimes. I like that you are strong but compassionate, I like how much you love your pack. I like the little expressions you make when you think no one is looking. I like when you touch me.” She rattled off a list that set my world on fire.

“She likes us, she really likes us!” Alistair was going absolutely nuts in my head, pacing and howling like an idiot.

“She likes me!” I replied in a cocky tone.

“Oh please, who gave you all those tips for wooing her?” Alistair scoffed. I ignored him.

“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that, baby.” I purred, dropping down to my knees in front of my mate.

I couldn’t stand being away from her anymore. I wrapped my arms around her legs and laid my head on her lap, perfectly aware of how pathetic I looked. Navy didn’t even hesitate, her hands went to my hair as she massaged my scalp. I purred again at the pleasant feeling, resisting the urge to moan.

“I love everything about you, I love you.” I couldn’t help it, the words just spilled out. She sucked in a deep breath, saying nothing.

“I love how kind and caring you are, how well you’ve adjusted to the pack, how you get along with my family. I love the sound of your voice, your scent, the warmth of your skin. I love how stubborn and strong you are, but also compromising. I love your heart.” I was speaking into her thighs as I named only a few of the reasons why I had the most perfect mate.

When she didn’t respond, I lifted my head and met her gaze. Tears were swimming in her icy eyes and a pink blush was prominent on her cheeks. Her hands dropped from my hair and rested down my back, her arms dangling around my shoulders.

“You love me?” She was breathless.

“Since the day I met you.” I replied casually but passionately.

“You’re mad, Alpha.” She smirked at me, a playfulness to her tone.

“Madly in love, my Luna.” I winked at her causing an adorable reaction.

“Will you sit with me?” I asked, standing up.

She looked between the two chairs like she thought I really was crazy for wanting to share a chair. She shrugged silently so I scooped her up and she shrieked in surprise. I sat down and positioned her on my lap. She was cradled against my body with my arms wrapped possessively around her tiny frame.

“You’re such a tiny little mate.” I said, nuzzling my face in her neck.

“Sirens are naturally small just as werewolves are naturally large.” She replied academically.

“Oh, I am indeed naturally large.” I growled in a low, husky voice. I felt Navy stiften on my lap before she swatted at my arm.

“That is not what I meant!” She snapped.

“You’ll see one day.” I promised, nipping at her bare neck. She shivered, tiny goosebumps popping up over her skin at my touch. I grinned at her body’s reaction towards me.

“You should know that I’ve never….I haven’t….I’m….” She was stammaring now. I could practically feel the embarrassment rolling off of her.

“Shhh, baby, it’s okay. More than okay, actually. I’m honored to be your first and I promise to take care of you.” I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, my face still stuffed against her neck as I soothed my mate.

“It’s embarrassing.” She mumbled. I pulled away from her neck and cupped her face with one of my hands. One hand was nearly the size of her entire face, anyway.

“Not at all, baby. It’s adorable and honorable. I wish I had shown that kind of restraint.” I replied seriously.

“I didn’t expect that you would be….I mean, I figured that you were with others.” She waved her hand around, trying to articulate her thoughts.

“I’m a manwhore, it’s okay, you can say it. I’m not proud of it, but it’s in the past now. None of them ever meant anything, anyway.” I assured her.

“Really? None of them? You never had a girlfriend?” She had a face that said she didn’t believe me.

“Okay, I had a girlfriend once. I was sixteen and we dated for two years. I knew I wanted to be single before I turned 18 so I wouldn’t scare away my mate. After I turned 18 and didn’t meet her, I still decided not to date so I wouldn’t jeopardize anything. I did sleep around.” I wanted to be completely transparent with Navy.

“Who was your girlfriend?” She asked the dreaded question. I sighed,

“Lolly.” I grumbled. Her eyes grew two sizes as she gaped at me,

“That girl from breakfast? The Beta’s daughter?” She gasped.

“Unfortunately.” I frowned.

“You dated her for two years?” She still couldn’t believe it.

“I did.” I said.

“But I thought you said you didn’t date?” She called me out on our earlier conversation about Lolly.

“I lied. I didn’t want you to be upset. It was wrong if me and I’m sorry. To be fair, dating is a very loose term to describe what we did. Lolly was far more interested in the title being with the Alpha would get her and I was just trying to please me father.” I signed, feeling guilty for misleading her in the beginning.

“Why?” Her face contorted and I stifled a laugh.

“She had my father’s approval because she was a ranked member and someone he could easily control. She’s who my dad wanted me to take as a chosen mate. At the time I was still desperate for my father’s approval.” I admitted.

“You’re not anymore?” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“No, I gave up on that a while ago.” I shook my head.

“So, Lolly wasn’t just a bitch to me because I stood up to her. She was a bitch because I was your guest.” Her eyes narrowed.

“Yes.” I ducked my head in shame.

“When we get back to the packhouse, are you going to announce me as your mate?” Her voice made me look up, wondering if I had heard correctly. She was jealous.

“Is that what you want, baby?” I asked. After our last conversation regarding this topic I wasn’t so sure that she wanted me to announce her as my mate, so I had held off. She nodded, biting her lip,

“Yes.” She replied simply.

“Then it’ll be done.” I agreed.

“Okay.” Her face softened. I rubbed my thumb over her bottom lip, tugging it free from her teeth.

“I would much rather bite that lip.” I growled.

She blinked quickly, looking taken aback before she composed her expression. She seemed to be complimenting something. Then, she grabbed a fist full of my shirt and yanked me towards her. She smashed her mouth to mine and moved passionately against my lips.

It was my turn to freeze, shocked at her initiation of a kiss. I came to life quickly, moving her with ease so she was now straddling my lap. I ran my hands up her back, gripping her shirt as desire took control of me. The intense make out session lasted for a few minutes before Navy wiggled free of my grip and ran across the yard.

She paused at the door to throw me a mischievous smile before disappearing inside. I smirked and jumped up, chasing after my tiny mate. She was already up the steps, closed off in her bedroom. I decided to wait in the living room for my mate.

A few minutes later, she came down dressed in a mouthwatering outfit. She had on a purple crop top and jean shorts. Her hair was wet and tied up in a messy bun indicating that she had gotten a shower. I had no idea how she showered and dried off enough to get her legs back in the ten minutes she was gone, but she managed. She danced down the steps and smirked at me. She knew exactly what she was doing to me and I loved it.

She walked into the kitchen and started digging through the cabinets. I watched her, saying nothing. She dug out a few things as I sat on one of the bar stools pulled up to the island. She switched on the gas stove and started warming up a pan. She cracked some eggs in a bowl with a few other dry ingredients. She grabbed a whisk and started mixing.

“What are you making, baby?” I finally asked. She was swaying her hips as she mixed the bowl and I was itching to stand behind her. I had to make conversation to distract myself.

“Pancakes. Romino has been teaching me how to make breakfast. I think I’ve got pancakes down pretty good now.” She smiled proudly at herself.

“I bet they are delicious, baby.” I knew for a fact that they were not, but, I didn’t care. I would pretend that they were the best damn pancakes in the whole world to please my mate.

She poured the mixture in the pan and made three very large, very undercooked pancakes. I stabbed into mine and ate the entire thing without complaining. What didn’t kill me makes me stronger, right?

“Amazing, baby!” I gushed, forcing down a second pancake. She sat down with the third pancake and took one bite. Her face contorted and she spit it out on the plate.

“You are such a liar, Knox! This is nasty!” She yelled, stomping over to the trash can.

“No, no! I loved it!” I argued. She paused in the middle of throwing her pancake away.

“Oh really? Do you want mine, then?” She pressed her lips together firmly, trying to call my bluff.

“Of course!” My voice went unnaturally high as I lied. I took the plate from her hand and scarfed down the third pancake.

“I don’t want to hear it when you have food poisoning and spend the rest of our weekend throwing up. I told you not to eat that, you dummy.” She rolled her eyes at me. Somehow I think I was in more trouble now than if I would have just thrown the pancake away.

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