#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 20


I was sitting in my office, finishing up the financial statements for the month, when I heard a commotion outside. I squinted at the door, using Allistair’s sensitive hearing to try and make out the conversation. I heard Megan’s voice, high and screeching, talking to someone else. I immediately recognized my mate’s voice and her sweet aroma as it filled my office. I shoved my chair backwards and quickly crossed the room.

“What’s going on out here?” I asked, glaring at Megan who had her hands on my mate. Navy’s expression was murderous.

“I caught her trying to get into your office, Alpha.” Megan was clearly very proud of herself.

“Get your hands off her, now.” I growled, shoving Megan out of the way and taking my place next to my mate.

“I was just trying to keep nosey civilians out of your office, Alpha.” Megan whimpered.

“She’s not a civilian, Megan, she’s my mate.” I had enough of trying to hide her identity. It was only causing more trouble and disrespect towards Navy. Megan’s eyes widened,

“I’m…I’m ssss…orry, Alpha. I didn’t know.” She stammered. I grabbed Navy’s hand and pulled her into my office, ignoring Megan.

“I’m sorry, I should have called first. I didn’t mean to cause trouble.” Navy sighed.

“Not at all, you’re welcome here anytime. It’s my fault. I’m going to announce you to the pack immediately so this never happens again.” I said.

“You don’t have to.” Navy mumbled and I realized then that something was bothering her.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I held Navy’s arms in my hand, giving her a squeeze.

“I just wasn’t sure if you really wanted to tell your pack about me.” She shrugged, looking down at the floor. I picked up her chin, forcing her to look at me,

“I told you before, love, I only did it to protect you. I never should have assumed, I should have asked you what you wanted. Of course I want to tell the pack, I want to tell the whole world how lucky I am to have you.” I held my mate’s face in my hands.

“I can take care of myself.” She replied stubbornly. I chuckled at her,

“I know you can, but you don’t have to anymore. It’s my job now.” I said.

“Not if it means hiding me.” She replied.

“You’re right and I’m sorry.” I ran my thumb across her cheek,

“Did you need something?” I asked after a few minutes, wondering why she had come here in the first place. I let my hands fall from her face and stepped back, giving her space to speak.

“I wanted to see you.” She shrugged casually, but her simple words sent Allistair into a frenzy. Our mate wanted to be with us.

“I’m all yours.” I grinned. I saw a small smirk on Navy’s face as she rolled her eyes at my expression.

“I was afraid that you might be regretting asking me to come here.” Navy admitted. I closed the distance between us again,

“Why would you think that?” I asked her, beginning to panic.

“We just haven’t spent a lot of time together.” She replied sheepishly.

“I know and that’s my fault. I think that I’ve been so worried about overstepping and scaring you off that I forgot what we’re supposed to be doing here. I actually have been working on some plans for this weekend, if you’re up for it.” I was talking quickly, probably too quickly, but I had to make her hear me.

“Really?” Navy’s face perked up.

“If you want?” I asked.

“Yes, yeah, that would be great.” I could tell that she was trying to dial back her excitement, but I wish that she wouldn’t.

“How do you feel about camping?” I asked. She started to look nervous,

“Like in a tent?” I chuckled at her,

“No, a cabin. It’s not very rustic at all. It has running water and electricity. It’s a few miles inside the redwoods, not too far from the packhouse.” I explained.

“Oh, okay, I think I can handle that.” She laughed to herself.

“Good, I’ll make all the arrangements and we’ll leave on Thursday when I wrap up work.” I said and she nodded in agreement.

“Your sister abandoned me here.” She sighed, looking around the room like she was nervous I was going to kick her out.

“I’m almost finished. You can stay here with me until I’m done.” I smirked at my mate. She nodded and plopped down on one of the chairs.

“What are you doing?” She asked me curiously after a few moments of silence.

“Just looking over some financial spreadsheets for the last six months. My board seems to think we can cut production costs but I’m not sure it’s such a good idea.” I said, typing away on my computer.

“Why?” She asked and I looked up from the screen to see if she was genuinely interested or just bored.

“I don’t want to sacrifice quality.” I said.

“Oh, I see.” She hummed while wearing a thinking face.

“Are you actually interested?” I asked hesitantly, not wanting to upset her. Her eyes widened,

“I am. I’m sorry, shouldn’t I be?”

“I think it’s amazing that you are.” I smiled widely.

“I’m used to helping my brother, I’m his advisor.” She shrugged.

“I’ll never turn down your help, love.” I assured her.

“Does that girl out there like you?” She changed the subject quickly, pointing towards my office door.

“You mean Megan?” I asked, she only nodded.

“She’s a member of the pack and has been my executive receptionist for a few years now.” I shrugged absentmindedly.

“I think she likes you.” The tone of her voice gave me pause. I studied her and realized what she was implying.

“We’ve never been together if that’s what your asking.” I said, my fingers freezing over my computer keyboard.

“I don’t think that was her idea.” She grumbled, a hint of jealousy in her expression.

“Probably not. I’ll admit, I’m pretty blind to anyone’s flirting. I always have been. Since watching my parents’ relationship, I knew I always wanted to wait for my mate so I ignored everyone else. Besides a few casual relations.” I said, not wanting to upset my mate.

“Like Lolly? ” She said in a snarky tone that seemed to surprise even her. I flinched but shrugged it off,

“Is my little mate jealous?” I teased. She glared at me,

“No.” She snapped unconvincingly.

“It’s okay if you are, baby, I actually think it’s very attractive. I mean, I’m ridiculously jealous of that siren.” I couldn’t even say his name.

“I just don’t like her.” She said, pouting.

“I can move her somewhere else if it’ll make you feel better? I’ll hire a male receptionist.” I suggested. She looked at me in shock,

“That’s not necessary.”

“If she’s upsetting you then it is most definitely necessary.” I argued.

“No, it’s fine. If you say it’s nothing, then it’s nothing.” Her expression relaxed slightly.

“If you change your mind, I will, it’s really no trouble.” I said before typing on the laptop some more. After another half an hour, my work was finished enough for me to take my lovely mate home.

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