#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 11


It had been two days since I last saw my mate and I was already on edge. I needed my mate like I needed air to breathe. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that she was coming back. At least, I hoped that she was coming back.

Before my mate returned, I knew that I needed to have a conversation with my father to ensure that he was on his best behavior. I summoned him to my office and sat him down for a formal conversation.

“Is this about your mate?” Father snapped.

“Yes, it is, and I expect your tone to change regarding her.” I sighed,

“She’s coming to stay with us.”

“Finally getting her under control?” Father smirked. I clenched my hands into fists, fighting to keep control over Alistair,

“I don’t control her. She’s made the decision to give us a chance.”

“You give her too much power.” He said.

“You will either respect my mate and treat her like the Luna she will be, or you will leave my packhouse.” My tone turned deadly.

“Take my advice, son, you need to keep your mate under control and ensure that she understands her place.” My father wasn’t seeming to get the message.

“Unlike you, father, I want my mate to be happy and satisfied, I want to build a relationship with her. I have no desire to control her and her only place is here, with me.”

I couldn’t understand how my father could be so disrespectful of the mate bond. I’ve only seen my mate a few times and I’m already head over heels in love with her, completely obsessed with worshiping and providing for her. I can picture our future together and cannot imagine my life without her anymore. I’ll be damned if I let my father, or anyone else for that matter, ruin it.

“Mark my words son, you’ll be coming to me for help soon enough.” Father smirked and I resisted the urge to punch him in the face.

“Are you going to be on good behavior or are you going to leave the packhouse?” I asked plainly, tired of this conversation. I wasn’t going to convince him of anything and he certainly wasn’t going to convince me of his views, so we were at a stand still. Like always.

“I’ll make myself scarce.” He said in a mocking tone.

“Fine.” I said, leaning back in my office chair.

“Anything else, Alpha?” He asked with little sincerity.

“No.” Father stood and left my office as smugly as he walked in. I growled to the empty room, banging my fists on my desktop in frustration.

As quickly as my anger came, it fled as the sweet siren song of my mate filled my brain. I let the song carry me away from the office and back to the beach. Sure enough, my mate was waiting for me in the cove.

“I’m so happy to see you.” I sighed in relief at the sight of her. She smiled brilliantly at me and stepped up to my side. She seemed more sure of herself today.

“I’m happy to see you, too.” She sang.

“Everything okay?” I asked. She shrugged,

“I’m here now.” I could tell that something was bothering her, but I didn’t want to press it. I offered to take her small bag from her shoulder,

“Are you ready?” I asked, motioning towards the mouth of the woods. She nodded with an eager smile and accepted my hand. I led her out of the woods and across the beach. She stared at my car like it was a mystery,

“I’ve never been in a car before.” She confessed. I smirked at my innocent little mate,

“I’m happy to be the one to introduce it to you.” I said, opening the passenger side door. She hesitantly climbed in. I hurried around to the driver’s side and joined her in the car.

“Before we go, I have to tell you something.” I said, looking over at Navy.


“The packhouse is mine, I’m the Alpha.” I said quickly. She smiled at me, almost like she already knew.

“Can I ask you something?” She said in response.

“Of course, anything.”

“Are you related to anyone named Quinton?” Okay, that wasn’t what I was expecting.

“Uhm, no, I don’t think so.” She smiled wider,

“Then we’re all good.” I stared at her in question but she offered no explanation. I just shrugged and started the car.

“I’ve prepared the Luna quarters for you. It’s next to my room. I thought you would be comfortable there.” I said as we drove towards the packhouse.

“Thank you.” She blushed.

“Also, I haven’t told the packhouse about you. Only my Beta and Gamma know that you’re a siren, and my parents and siblings know that I’ve found my mate but not what you are.” I said. Her expression changed slightly,

“Why?” She asked.

“I didn’t want you to be an exhibit. Before you, I didn’t even know sirens were real, and neither does anyone else. I don’t want them overwhelming you with questions or stares. Also, I want them to get to know you as you.” I wanted to assure her that I didn’t think she was weird or anything, I was just concerned about her safety and privacy.

“Is it a bad thing that I’m a siren?” She asked.

“No, not at all.” I reached over for her hand and she willingly gave it to me.

“Okay.” She said.

I eyed my mate, unsure what she was keeping from me. There was so much for us to learn about each other, so many mysteries we both had. I wanted to know everything as soon as possible, but I had to be patient with her.

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