"Welcome, students from Howlstone Academy and Frost pack, to the ultimate werewolf hunting camp experience!" The camp director, a tall man brimming with charisma, announced through the megaphone.
His enthusiastic greeting was met with groans from our bus.
"I wish he would stop," Ryder muttered, prompting me to lift my head from his shoulder.
The students were already filing out of the bus, so we stood and joined the line, following the crowd outside. As soon as my feet touched the campgrounds, I was struck by the sheer size of the place. I breathed in the fresh air, feeling the cool breeze that the tall trees stirred up as they swayed gently around us.
I looked around, taking in the grandeur of the scene before me. The entrance was impressive, with tall, intricately designed gates that opened up to a beautifully landscaped garden. The path leading into the camp was lined with lanterns, casting a warm, inviting glow for the evening.
"Wow!" I exclaimed.
"You should have seen it from the bus," Hazel squealed, leaning toward me until our cheeks touched. My brow furrowed as I remembered how she had woken us up just minutes earlier.
"Your luggage is ready," one of the camp guides announced.
We joined the quickly forming line of students, waiting our turn. When it came, we collected our bags and waited for the next instruction. Other schools were around too, going through their own processes with their guides.
"Line up to get the keys to your cabin," someone instructed, and once again, we queued up. I was the first of the five of us to reach the table, and a middle-aged woman handed me a key that was separate from the others. "906," I said aloud, glancing at the number on the key.
"The room is for all five of you," the woman explained. "There are two bedrooms in it." I forced a smile in response.
Being privileged was great until you caught the weird stares from other students who felt marginalized. Grabbing the key, I stepped out of the line, and the others followed.
"Is it just me, or does this camp feel peaceful?" Hazel mused, but her peace was soon interrupted. A fleet of black cars rolled toward the bus, kicking up dust that had us all coughing and gasping for breath.
As the dust cleared, a man dressed in black emerged from one car and opened the door of the car in the middle. Fae's perfectly manicured foot, adorned with a six-inch heel, stepped out first. The man took her hand, helping her out of the car. Then, Sebastian followed closely behind her.
"Of course, her royal bitchness and her underdog," I muttered, earning chuckles from the group. "We better get going."
"We'll catch up with you guys," Ryder said. "I want to grab some snacks. The first day is always rough." I nodded in agreement.
I rolled my suitcase down the path that led to the luxury cabins nestled among the towering trees. Each cabin was a modern masterpiece, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.
Everything here was beautiful, and it made me wonder why daddy never allowed me to go for hunt games. During this period, he would keep me busy with special defense classes to distract me.
Finally, we arrived at our cabin. But right on the deck was a tall guy with one hand in his pocket and the other typing on his phone. There was luggage strewn around him.
From the badge on his uniform, it was clear he was from the Dusk pack.
I glanced at the key in my hand, labeled 906,
back at the tall guy standing a few feet away from Hazel and me.
"I think you're in our space," I told him, raising a brow.
He shoved his phone into his pocket, then he turned his head in our direction.
"No way. My room says 906," he countered, shaking his head.
"That's wrong," I insisted. Hazel snatched the key from my hand and marched up to him.
"Look, we're tired, and we just want to go inside, take a shower, and rest. So move your ass, because the key says 906!" Hazel yelled, startling him. He frowned and took the key from her.
"You're holding it upside down. It says 609." As soon as he said this, Hazel's defiance melted away.
A wave of embarrassment engulfed us, and Hazel shyly reached for the key.
"Sorry for the mix-up," I said, while Hazel let out a sigh.
"You probably think I'm some ill-mannered girl," Hazel began, attempting to explain. "We're just exhausted and-"
"I think it was sexy," he interrupted, and I raised a brow, looking at him to see a smirk forming on his lips with his gaze on Hazel like he had found a rare jewel.
"Say what now?" she asked. He chuckled softly and took off his glasses, revealing the most striking green eyes I'd
ever seen.
"I'm Riley Storm," he said, extending his hand.
"Hazel Baudelaire," she replied, shaking his hand.
"Related to the female Baudelaire from the Dusk pack?" he asked, and she nodded. "That's cool. So I'm probably talking to a real-life witch."
Hazel took a step back, her smile stiffening.
"I didn't mean to scare you," Riley said quickly. "Can I get your number so I can call you sometime?" He looked at her with an easy confidence.
Hazel glanced at me, seeking permission.
I tilted my head, giving her the green light. She handed over her number, and then we turned to leave.
"Nice meeting you, beautiful ladies," Riley called as we turned to leave.
Shortly, we arrived at the right cabin. There we saw the triplets sitting on the deck of the cabin, lounging comfortably.
"What took you guys so long?" Ryder asked as they got to their feet.
"We just met the hottest guy in camp with the rarest green eyes," Hazel announced, leaving my mouth hanging open.
"I thought you weren't interested," I said, surprised.
"You have to play the game," she replied, walking up to the door to unlock it.
"Great. First day of camp, and our girlfriend has already met a guy hotter than the three of us," Kai grumbled. I rolled
my eyes and sighed, giving each of them a quick peck on the cheek before walking into the cabin.