#3 By the Light of the Silver Moon

Chapter 3


“That’s impossible.” Alpha Torrin’s facade dropped. I watched as the other man in the room stepped closer to me. I eyed him dangerously, threatening him with my expression to stay away. I didn’t need any more alpha males touching me.

“And yet it’s the truth.” Alpha Finn declared. Torrin slumped in his chair, holding his head in his hand. Alpha Finn turned towards me again.

“I’m Fox.” He introduced himself, holding out his hand towards me. I stared at it, unable to move,

“It’s okay, you’re safe now.” He said. I stared up at him with an amused expression on my face,

“Can I know your name?” The man who called himself Fox, asked. I looked over at Alpha Torrin pointedly.

“She cannot speak.” Alpha Torrin sighed.

“Excuse me? I heard her speak.” Fox’s patience was slipping.

“Well, yes, she’s capable of speaking. But, I silenced her.” Torrin explained. Fox’s expression turned violent.

“What have you done to her?” Fox growled.

“Speak, girl.” Torrin said, waving his hand in my direction.

“I’m Marigold and you don’t want to accept me as your mate.” I spoke quickly. Fox grinned at the sound of my voice,

“Of course I do. Marigold, what a beautiful name.” Fox purred,

“I won’t let him hurt you anymore.” He promised, eyeing my bruised arms and swollen face. I’m sure I must have been a sight to see.

“It’s not up to you.” I said.

“To hell it isn’t.” Fox growled.

“Alpha Torrin made a deal with my father. An alliance for me.” I explained.

“And her father does not alter deals.” Alpha Torrin said.

“Shut. Up.” Alpha Finn didn’t even bother to look at Torrin, his eyes were glued on me.

“Who is your father?” He asked me.

“King Titan of the Fae.” I said, shocking Fox and the other wolf in the room.

“You’re fae?” Fox asked me, looking me up and down.

“I used to be.” I mumbled.

“Her obedience was part of the deal.” Torrin spoke again. I held up my arm and showed off the golden bangle that clung to my wrist.

“This is why you have to do what he says?” Fox asked me, looking at the bracelet. It was as much a part of me as my own skin, buried deep in my wrist as a painful reminder of my servitude.

“It is. It also blocks my abilities as a fae.” I said. I kept eyeing Torrin, waiting for him to forbid me from speaking any further. He had never allowed me to explain our arrangement to anyone before. I didn’t know who this Alpha Finn was, but he must hold great power to intimate Torrin so much.

“What are the terms of this deal?” Alpha Finn turned his questions on Torrin. As he moved away from me, the other wolf moved closer. I observed him closely. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and light features.

“I’m Gamma Stone.” He introduced himself quietly as the Alpha’s spoke. I nodded slowly, finally understanding his protectiveness. If I were to be his Luna, he would be my personal guard; the most sacred job of the Gamma. I nodded my head in greeting but remained silent, my eyes glued on the Alphas.

“That’s between King Titan and myself.” Torrin snapped,

“And she needs to return to work.” Torrin glared at me and I felt my face go blank as I submitted to his word.

“Absolutely not. Stone, you won’t let her out of your sight.” Fox ordered his Gamma before addressing Torrin,

“Until this is settled, Marigold will remain under my pack’s protection. If any harm should come to my mate, you will have the full force of the Silver Moon pack to deal with.”

“What is there to settle? She has been promised me.” Torrin shrugged.

“She’s a person, not something you can barter with. I will go to King Titan and arrange for her freedom.” I was shocked by Fox’s promise. No one had ever promised me freedom before.

“And what of my end of the bargain? I have much to lose if this deal falls through.” Torrin yelled like a child throwing a tantrum. Fox rolled his eyes,

“Peacefully relinquish your claim and you will have secured yourself an alliance with Silver Moon.” Fox said. Torrin looked between me and the visiting Alpha, and I knew just what he was thinking; my father would never release me from their deal nor grant me freedom. Torrin had nothing to lose from accepting Fox’s offer.

“If I stand here today and agree to give in on my part of the deal, I want an alliance with your pack guaranteed, regardless of King Titan’s decision.” Torrin negotiated.

“Fine.” Fox grumbled, shaking Torrin’s hand and sealing Silver Moon’s fate,

“While I’m visiting with the Fae King, Marigold will stay in a guest room next to my Gamma. She will be treated like a member of my pack, with respect and kindness. She is no longer your slave.” Fox added, still gripping Torrin’s hand.

“Until King Titan dismisses you and she remains a servant to my pack.” Torrin added.

“That’s not going to happen.” Fox growled and I saw Torrin’s arm start to shake from Alpha Finn’s grip. Torrin ripped his hand from Fox’s and flexed it.

“My Gamma, Patrick, will show you to the guest wing.” Torrin mumbled just as Patrick entered his office. Gamma Patrick frowned at me before greeting the visiting Gamma and Alpha.

“Right this way.” Gamma Patrick said, motioning down the hall. Gamma Stone followed Patrick, and Alpha Finn nodded his head at me with a small smile, waving me in front of him. I was sandwiched between Silver Moon’s Gamma and Alpha.

Oh, lucky me.

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