#3 By the Light of the Silver Moon

Chapter 10


Hours later, after night had fallen, I snuck out of my hotel room and crept down stairs to the lobby. I had no idea what I was going to do or where I was going to go, but I knew it was time for me to leave.

“Ms. Fae?” A voice startled me. I looked around the lobby and saw that the man behind the counter was staring at me.

“Me?” I asked, unsure.

“Are you Marigold Fae?” I stared at the man curiously. Fae’s had no last names so I wasn’t sure if someone created a fake one for me or if this mortal knew something.

“I guess.” I approached the clerk’s desk. He pulled out a large yellow envelope from behind the desk and held it out for me.

“Mr. Oxford left this here for you. He also had us arrange a car to take you wherever you need to go.” The clerk explained. I hesitantly took the envelope from him and stared at it.

“He did?” I was shocked.

“Yes, ma’am. Mr. Oxford also said you may need some assistance booking a transportation ticket and to charge his credit card on file.” The clerk said. I couldn’t believe that Finn had done all of this for me. Moreso, I couldn’t understand how he even knew I was going to run.

“A transportation ticket?”

“Yes, ma’am. For the train, bus, or a plane perhaps?” The clerk was looking at me with a slight expression of judgment or maybe it was pity.

“Maybe I could use some help.” I sighed, I really wasn’t prepared for my new found freedom.

“How will you be traveling?” The clerk turned on his computer and began typing on the keyboard. I stared at him blankly.

“Okay…where do you want to go?” He tried a different question.

“America.” I answered with the only other place I really knew. The clerk nodded and started typing again.

“Then you will need to fly. Any particular state?” The clerk asked.

“I don’t really know.” The look on the clerk’s face told me that he was beginning to think I was an idiot.

“Well, I’ve seen many travelers come through my lobby and many of them speak highly of California. Do you like the beach?” The clerk’s voice was polite.

“I’ve never been to the beach. I think I’d like it.” I answered thoughtfully.

“There’s a flight leaving in a few hours.”

“Book it.” I instructed, feeling confident about my decision. The clerk hit a few buttons and then his printer began to make a noise. He handed over a piece of paper that had my plane ticket information.

“Do you have a suitcase?” The clerk asked, eyeing my trash bag. I shook my head.

“You can’t get on a plane with a garbage bag. Here.” The clerk disappeared into the room behind him and came back with a small duffle bag. I stuffed my garbage bag of clothes inside and zipped it closed.

“Thank you.” I mumbled.

“Anything else I can help you with today, ma’am?”

“Just….please tell Mr. Oxford thank you for me.” I answered.

“Of course, Ms. Fae. Your car is waiting for you just out that door. Show him the paper I gave you and he’ll know where to drop you off.” The clerk smiled and pointed towards the front door.

I did as I was told and let the black town car take me to the airport. The driver helped me use the self-service kiosk to print out my boarding ticket. I found my way through security and to my departure gate. Thankfully, the one thing I did have was a passport from my international travels between packs, so I was able to use that to load the plane.

I stuffed the duffle bag the clerk gave me in the overhead storage and sat in the window seat. I secured my seatbelt and opened the envelope Finn had left for me. The first thing I pulled out was a small white envelope. I broke the seal and pulled out a handwritten letter,

My dearest Marigold,

I wanted you to know that I’m a man who keeps my promises. I promised you freedom and the ability to make your own choices, and that’s what you have. After we spoke in the hotel, I knew that you weren’t ready to feel the mate bond and come back to the packhouse with me. I hoped I was wrong, but in my heart I knew that I wasn’t. I need for you to be cared for and safe. All I want is your happiness.

I’ve left you an envelope with different currencies since I didn’t know where you would go. Once you land in a country, you will be able to exchange the foreign currencies at the airport or train station. Please, don’t be stubborn. Take the money and be safe. I’ve also given you a phone. The hotel clerk bought and activated it, I don’t even have the number. But, I did have him enter Stone and I’s phone number in case you ever need any help. I’m going to include the location of the packhouse in this letter as well so you always know where to go if you ever need any help.

I just want you to know that I’m always going to be here for you, Marigold. Without a doubt, I know that I love you and I know that I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with you. There’s no one else for me. I need you to know that when you choose to come to me, when you choose our mate bond, that it was your choice and no one else’s. I’ll wait for you for the rest of my life, but I’ll understand if your heart never finds its way to me. I hope that someday you’re able to let in just a little bit of the love and happiness that our mate bond will bring and see that you deserve every single ounce of it.

You deserve the whole world, Marigold, and I’m going to make sure you get it, no matter if we’re together or not.

I hope our lives are brought together again one day, but until that time, I need you to stay safe, stay happy, and live a beautiful life.

Always yours,


Tears splashed on the lined paper and it took me a second to realize that they were mine. I wiped my face clear and held the letter against my heart. Finn was wrong, I didn’t deserve happiness and I certainly didn’t deserve him.

I folded the letter carefully and put it back in the envelope. I pulled out the phone and recognized it as one of the smartphones I’ve seen Alpha Torrin and the others use. It had a small apple on the back and was a shiny, black color. Also inside the yellow envelope was a thick bank envelope stuffed with cash.

Sighing, I turned on the phone and started playing with the settings to pass the time. Eventually, I turned my attention to the screen on the back of the seat in front of me. I tapped a few buttons and found a movie to watch. After what seemed like forever, the plane finally touched down. I looked out the plane window and saw tall, funny looking trees and blue skies so unlike the gloomy skies of Ireland.

I found the currency counter in the airport like Finn told me to and exchanged all my currency for American dollars. They also helped me turn some of the cash into a card so I wasn’t carrying around wads of money. They pointed me in the direction of the car service counter. I used some of Finn’s money to get a car and a driver, considering I didn’t have a license and had never driven a car in my life. The service counter also helped me find a hotel to stay at nearby.

I found the driver outside of my arrival gate. I was surprised by how warm it was here and how amazing the sun felt on my skin. The driver didn’t speak much as he drove me to the hotel. As we approached the regal looking hotel, I read the large sign out front: Montage Laguna Beach.

“Excuse me, sir? What part of the state is this?” I asked him as we pulled in front of the hotel.

“South Laguna Beach.” He grunted, putting the car in park and getting out. He opened my door and retrieved my duffle bag from the trunk. The service counter reminded me that tipping was a custom in America so I handed the driver a few bills from Finn’s envelope.

I walked myself into the hotel lobby and checked in with the front desk. I looked around the grand room with tall ceilings and expensive detailings.

“Ms. Fae, welcome to Laguna Beach! You’ve booked one of our penthouse suites but did not indicate a check out date? Is your stay open ended?” The lady behind the desk was way too perky, it took my ears a minute to adjust to the tone of her voice.

“I’m not sure how long I’ll be staying.” I replied, not exactly sure what ‘open ended’ meant.

“That’s no problem at all, Ms. Fae. We are happy to accommodate long term residents. Is that your only bag?” She nodded towards the duffle bag thrown over my shoulder. I nodded.

“Would you like help carrying it to your room?” I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. It was a 2 pound duffle bag, was she nuts?

“No, thank you.” I mumbled.

“Here is your room key. Use the north elevator and go to the top floor. You’ll need to swipe your key card to get the elevator to move as well as to enter your room which is number 505.” The woman smiled and handed me the room card.

“Okay.” I said and followed her instructions.

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