2400 AD

Chapter Book 6


Like a sudden gust of wind on a lake of still water, Gideon’s calm demeanor broke. With his hands cuffed behind his back, 60% of his mobility was compromised. Still, he violently pushed his left shoulder into one Android who was sent off balance, the moment he realized what was happening he straightened up and leaned in to attack Gideon, but Gideon head-butted him and came in with a powerful knee into the Android’s groin and at the same time kicked out with his other leg. The Android fell, releasing his weapon. The other Android stepped in immediately and fired his laser, it missed Gideon and struck the fallen Android in the leg.

Callum, taken by surprise, kicked out against the Android’s leg, first the Android on his left, then the one on his right. Both fell, and attempted to get up. Callum leaped up and lunged at the Android’s head with both feet. The Android fell back whilst the other approached Callum, aiming his weapon straight at his head.

Gideon called out, “They have no training in armed combat. They only know how to use the lasers. Disarm them and they’re helpless. Make sure their weapons are out of reach.”

They were now back-to-back in fighting mode. One Android down. Three approaching.

“When I say the word ‘Now’, dive and roll towards them. They won’t move out of the way. Make sure you collide with them just below their knees and then aim for their eyes,” Gideon said. “NOW”

Both fell to the floor and rolled straight for the group of Androids. When they collided, all three of the Androids fell, losing their weapons.

With all three down and one injured, Gideon said, “Their heads, kick them in their heads. Remember, they’re not human. Their power source is behind their eyes. Kick those eyes and when they pop, kick some more. Don’t let any of them reach their weapons.”

Callum nodded. He didn’t stop kicking until their eyes popped and even then, like an unstoppable animal, he continued kicking.

Gideon sidled close to him and said, “They’re immobilized. You can stop now.”

With one last kick, and a heavy cry, Callum stepped back as though drunk and fell onto his ass.

Gideon approached the Android who’d been shot.

“You want to land up like your buddies?”

The Android shook his head. He knew that to be immobilized meant being thrown onto an Android trash heap, and his existence was over.

“Good Android. Now uncuff me. Uncuff me and you’ll still be around tomorrow.”

The Android stared at him.

“Do it!” Gideon screamed.

Within seconds Gideon was free. He uncuffed Callum and before they turned to leave, Callum spun around and kicked at the eyes of the injured Android. Instead of connecting with the eyes, his boot connected at the base of the Android’s neck. His neck snapped sideways, tearing the soft plastic skin.

This time Callum kicked and hit the target right between the eyes. The Android’s head snapped back and tore from its shoulders.

“Let’s get out of here,” Gideon said, making for the exit.

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