2400 AD

Chapter 34

The other child, older than Thespian. Wiry. Slovenly. His clothes; a torn, button up long sleeved shirt and latex trousers. Bedraggled, red hair irregularly spread out. Speckled face, triangular with a sharp nose and shifty brown eyes with thick eyebrows.

“What’s your name?” Gideon asked, smiling.

“What’s it to you?”

Gideon’s favorite explanation. “We’re not numbers, at least not at Denizen 1. Names are important. My name means I’m someone. Your name means you’re someone. It means you belong. I belong. Everything in life depends on a name. Do you have a name?”


“Tell us about yourself, Jacob.”

Jacob’s gaze moved between the two adults before him. Reticent. Unwilling to give any information.

“We’re here to help you, Jacob,” Kendall said.

“I don’t need your help.”

“Do you understand what you’ve done?” Gideon asked.

Jacob stared at the wall behind them. Clearly he would not answer.

“Your mind is special, Jacob,” Kendall said. “You have ability beyond many Kines of your age. We’d like to teach you how to control it. Take possession of it. Do great things with it. Instead of destroying, your mind could be building. Would you like that?”

Jacob remained silent.

Gideon stood up and walked around him a couple of times. “We know about this game that you and your friends play. We could develop that game into something wonderful if you allow us to help you.”

“Help?” Jacob grinned. “The only help we ever got was the abusive kind.”

Kendall asked, “You mean you were physically harmed, or mentally harmed?”


“By whom?” Gideon asked, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. The boy moved away.

“Don’t touch me.”

“Sorry. It won’t happen again,” Gideon said, stepping back.

“You make me nervous,” The boy said, watching Gideon circle him.

“I’ll sit. But in order for us to help you, you must co-operate. The questions are simple. Who abused you?”

“She’ll kill me if I say anything.”

“No one can harm you here. You’re safe. Who is she?” Kendall said with a look of assurance on her face.

“No one.”

Kendall turned to Gideon beside her and whispered. “He doesn’t want to volunteer any information. I think we should give it a break. He’ll come around soon enough. Thespian is more approachable.”

Gideon nodded, and then turned his attention to Jacob.

“One last question, then you can go to your quarters, Jacob. Do you know Xenocon?”

Jacob stood silently for a moment then turned his back on them.

“He knows,” Gideon whispered.

“Looks like it. Let him go, we’ll have another opportunity.”

“Jacob, Feldspar will take you back to your quarters. If you need anything, let him know.”

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