#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 57


Five months later, I was standing at the end of an elegantly decorated aisle waiting for my mate to walk down towards me. We had decided to have a combined wedding and Luna ceremony, two things that Evie wanted to accomplish before giving birth.

She was the most beautiful pregnant woman I had ever laid eyes on. I, of course, was worshiping at her feet. Her wish was my command, even more so now than before she was pregnant. All I wanted to do everyday was lay wrapped around my mate and her swollen belly.

We had a lot of fears after Evie found out she was pregnant. The biggest one being what a human-wolf pregnancy would look like. Normal wolf pregnancies lasted only three or four months, while human pregnancies were closer to nine months long. We had no idea what to expect from our pregnancy.

We visited the pack infirmary twice a month, monitoring the baby closely. Evie was five months pregnant, but measuring at around 7 months gestation. The doctor predicted that she would give birth in another month or two, at the most.

We had converted one of the four guest rooms on our floor into a nursery. Evie spends every day there painting and decorating. She’s absolutely over the moon about becoming a mom. The second she saw our baby on the ultrasound for the first time, she was hooked.

Elijah and Molly had come home two months ago to help Evie through her pregnancy, and with the wedding and Luna ceremony. It was hard for Evie to go through this without her mom, but it was her choice not to call her. She didn’t want to have to lie to her mom, especially about her pregnancy. She decided to wait until after the baby was born to have her family come out for the first time.

The wedding march started playing and my eyes were trained on the end of the aisle. I looked out over the crowd and grinned at my brothers and sister who sat in the first row. Next to them sat my mother and her mate. At the encouragement of Evie, I had lifted the banishment on my mother after the execution of my father. Evie wanted to at least have my mother here for support and I couldn’t agree more. Her and Evie hit it off right away, making me an even happier mate and son.

Elijah was the one escorting Evie down the aisle towards me, as a stand in for her father. I nearly dropped to my knees at the sight of my precious mate.

She was wearing a gorgeous blush pink gown, the traditional color of a Luna ceremony dress for our pack was any shade of red. However, the gown was long and extravagant like a wedding dress. It was made of a delicate sheer material and flowered perfectly over her body, highlighting her swollen belly.

It was long sleeves, the material slightly more see through at her shoulders, exposing her scars and how strongly she wore them. The sleeves stopped just passed her elbow, a long train of fabric flowing from her elbow down to the floor of the gown. The fabric also swooped down her back, giving the illusion of an elegant hood.

She wore it confidently, gliding down the aisle towards me with a breathtaking smile on her lips. The dress fanned dramatically behind her, the long train catching the breeze and swirling around her tiny frame. Her golden curls were draped methodically down her back.

Elijah handed Evie over to me. I eagerly consumed her hands. The pack officiant continued with the ceremony, asking Evie and I to devote our lives to each other through the good times and the bad times.

“I do.” Evie sang sweetly as she slipped the silver wedding band on my finger. The officiant looked to me,

“I do.” I replied confidently, adding a silver wedding band to her engagement ring.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Alpha Noah, you may kiss your bride.” I didn’t let the officiant finish before I was crushing my mate’s lips to mine. Evie groaned against me, leaning into our kiss. The officiant cleared his throat and the entire pack started laughing.

“Shall we commence with the Luna ceremony?” He asked.

I nodded for my mother to join us. As the former Luna, I had asked her to be a part of the traditional ceremony. She insisted on having the pack vote on her involvement. She didn’t want Evie to start off her reign as Luna on a sour foot. Of course, the pack agreed. They always loved my mother, it was their Alpha who was a total tool.

The officiant began to drone on with the traditional ceremony speech. I was too involved in staring at my new wife to pay attention. Evie, on the other hand, was engrossed with the speech, taking in every second of it. At the end, the officiant ordered my mother to pass on the Luna crown to her daughter-in-law.

The crown was delicate and gold. It looked like intricate vines twisting around each other with tiny flowers and leaves decorating the vines. My mom placed the crown on Evie’s head. Evie was grinning proudly as the crown settled on her purposefully styled hair.

“Do you, Everleigh Landry of the Human realm, swear to protect this pack to the best of your ability?” The officiant asked. I grinned at the sound of my last name attached to hers.

“I do swear.” Evie responded how she and my mother had practiced.

“And do you swear to stand beside your Alpha as a partner and wife?”

“I do swear.”

“And do you swear to lead with grace and compassion?”

“I do swear.”

“I now name you Luna Everleigh of Blood Moon!” The officiant introduced my mate officially for the first time.

The entire pack roared in approval, standing and applauding their new Luna. I grabbed Evie’s hand and kissed it, pressing my lips against hers again. She had a deep blush on her face at my very public display of affection.

“I love you so much, little Luna.” I whispered to her,

“Mrs. Landry.” She giggled at her name and leaned into me.

“I love you, my husband.” She grinned, staring out over her pack.



I was rocking my precious daughter in my arms as Noah greeted our visitor. I was waiting for Noah and the witch in his office, excited about finally being able to mark my mate and husband. Noah entered the office with a tall, magically dressed woman in tow.

She had raven black hair, olive skin, and black orbs where her pupils were supposed to be. She had on an arrangement of colorful robes, dark leather pants, and high heeled boots. Her lips were stained red and her face was expressionless.

“This is my Luna and wife, Everleigh.” Noah quickly came to my side, wrapping his arm around my waist,

“And our daughter, Sage.”

“I am Mayze.” The witch introduced herself.

“Thank you for coming.” I bowed my head graciously.

“I understand you would like a way to mark your Alpha.” Mayze said. I nodded eagerly,

“Yes, please.” Mayze pulled something out of the folds of her ribe, handing over a wooden object that resembled an old-fashioned stamp.

“Once the Alpha marks you, you’ll press this against your mark. The pad will observe a copy of your mark that you’ll then be able to transfer to the Alpha by stamping his neck.” Mayze explained. So, it turned out that this was exactly like an old-fashioned stamp.

“That’s it?” I asked, examining the stamp.

“That’s it.” She purred.

“Wow, okay, thank you.” I grinned.

“You’re lucky, I just did this for Alpha August of Rhode Island and his wolfless Luna so I was well prepared.” Mayze explained. I looked sideways at Noah.

“We appreciate you doing the same for us. Alpha August is actually the one who recommended you. He said you were extremely sympathetic to the cross-species mate bond.” Noah said.

“That’s true. Have you spoken in length with Alpha August?” Mayze asked, perching herself on the armrest of one of the large chairs in Noah’s office.

“We discussed his run-in with the coven of witches and the Council. We share a distaste for the Council’s control.” Noah said. I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Perhaps you would consider creating an alliance with the Crescent Moon pack. There will come a day when they need your help.” Mayze said mysteriously.

“Have you predicted something?” Noah asked, suddenly holding Sage and I closer.

“The thunder of change is upon us. There are more of you to come, more bonds to be tested. Your packs must come together to protect your families and change the wheels of fate.” Mayze spoke in song. She startled me when she pointed in my direction.

“More of me?” I squeaked.

“More wolfless mates for strong Alphas.” She clarified, a far off look on her face,

“The Moon Goddess has chosen strong partners for strong Alpha’s. Hidden gems within other realms. You have the gift of the Luna command, do you not?” Mayze asked me. I looked at Noah who answered,

“She could use her Luna voice even before her Luna ceremony. She commanded Alphas and vampires.” Noah explained.

“She was given a gift that will be key to the upcoming war.” Mayze predicted.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my family. We’ll be ready when the time comes.” Noah replied sternly.

“It will take everyone to succeed.” Mayze warned before snapping her fingers and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

“What the hell was that about?” I gasped, looking towards Noah.

Four Years Later


I burst out the back of the packhouse, stumbling onto the patio where my wife was playing with our four children. Evie jumped up and looked at me with her blue doe eyes, worry clear on her face.

“What is it?” She asked, clutching our 8-month old son, Shephard, to her chest.

“It’s time. Alpha August and Luna Josie just called me. They need our help. The Council has overstepped, the packs of the four corners are assembling.” I could tell that my eyes were wild as I clutched my mate close to me.

“Simon, Stella, Sage! Come here.” Evie called for our older children who were running through the yard. Our two-year old twins followed their oldest sister to the patio.

“What is it, Mommy?” Sage asked.

“We need to go inside now to see Uncle Eli and Aunt Molly.” Evie and I had already made a plan for what would happen with our children when this time came. They would stay with Evie’s brother and wife in a safe house deep inside the bayou.

Greyson, his vampire mate Gena, Jack, Lucy, and Sawyer were waiting for us in the lobby. The patrols were already alerted, the warrior wolves ready to defend the packhouse. Thanks to the security precautions I had put in place after Evie was kidnapped by the Vampire King, we were ready for any assault.

Evie knelt down in front of our kids.

“Mommy and Daddy have to go visit a friend who needs our help. You’re going to stay with Uncle Eli and Aunt Molly for a little while, okay? We’ll be back soon.” She was holding back tears as she made a promise we didn’t know we could keep. She hugged our children close, kissing their cheeks. I did the same, taking Shepherd from my mate’s arms to give him one last kiss.

“Mommy and Daddy love you.” Evie ushered Sage, Stella, and Simon to Elijah and Molly, I handed Shepherd over to my brother-in-law.

“Love you Mommy. Love you Daddy.” Sage smiled, waving at us. We blew kisses and watched as Elijah and Molly took them away.

“I swear, Everleigh, we will see them again.” I promised my mate, kissing her fiercely.

“Our kids are safe, Noah, that’s what’s important. We have to fight for a better world for them. Their half-human and half-wolf, we can’t let the Council win.” Everleigh’s eyes were dark as her inner Luna came forward. My mate might not have a wolf, but her Luna was so fierce that it didn’t matter. She had the spirit of a wolf and that’s what made her so dangerous and so strong.

“They messed with the wrong Alphas and the wrong Lunas.” I growled, speaking for each of the packs of the four corners.

We had made an alliance long ago, determined to be prepared for the war the Council would start one day. Mayze was right, we would be the spark that would light the fire of our species. Evie was given a gift for a reason, and I was given her for that same reason.

To create a unified realm for our children.

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