#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 5


“It’s been a week!” I growled, slamming my fist into the top of my desk. Sawyer and Greyson jumped, exchanging looks.

“What is all the noise?” My other brother, Jack, asked as he entered my office.

“Your brother is pissy becuase he hasn’t seen his mate in six days.” Sawyer explained. Jack rolled his eyes,

“Dude, get a grip.” I growled at Jack. He had just turned 18 and had little respect for the mate bond yet. He was immature and suffered from being the youngest boy in the family. He had no responsibilities and no sense of leadership. He was the bane of my existence.

“Shut up, Jacky.” Greyson warned him.

“Don’t call me that.” Jack smacked Greyson on the back of the head.

“Boys, knock it off.” My father entered the room then, silencing his bickering sons.

“Clear the room.” He ordered. My father hadn’t been Alpha for more than a decade, but he still commanded a room. His Alpha arua never subsided. My only goal in life was to be as effective as him.

Well, my only goal until I met Evie. Now, the most important thing for me is to be the best partner I can for her.

“Son, we need to talk.” My father sighed, sitting down in front of my desk.

“What is it, father?” I asked, sitting up, immediately on alert.

“I have concerns about this mate of yours.” I gripped the edge of my desk, tension overtaking my body.

“What?” I said between my teeth.

“A human cannot be an effective Luna to this pack,” He began. I didn’t like the direction this conversation was heading,

“A human is weak and fragile. She will not bring anything worthwhile to this pack, she cannot lead it successfully, and she will not be an effective partner for you.” Each word my father said was causing more and more anger to boil inside me until I could no longer control it.

I snapped the molding of the desk in half, standing up and sending my chair flying backwards. I was seeing red.

“She was created for me by the Moon Goddess and you won’t say a word against her.” I growled. My father calmly crossed his legs, looking up at me.

“You have an obligation to this pack to choose a strong Luna. Look at you, you haven’t seen her in a week and you’re already a mess. She’s human Noah, she doesn’t belong here.” My father was dangerously close to losing his head, past Alpha or not.

“She belongs with me.” Remi spoke through me, clawing at the desk between us.

“You could choose a mate, a strong mate from a strong bloodline, just like I did.” My father said.

“I was given a mate and I will not turn my back on her, no matter what. She will be the next Luna and you will respect her or leave.” My voice left no room to argue. My father stood up and adjusted his suit jacket,

“You’re the Alpha, it’s your choice. But, when she lets you down or runs or rejects you, just remember what I said.” My father turned and left the room while I glared at the back of his head. Before I had the chance to calm down, Sawyer knocked on my door.

“What?” I snapped.

“Molly has some news I think you’ll want to hear.” Sawyer said, stepping aside so his sister could enter.

“What is it?” I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“I’m taking Evie to the Den tonight.” I immediately changed my attitude. I grinned at Molly,

“Really?” I asked excitedly.

“Yes, Alpha, she agreed to go out for drinks. She doesn’t know you own the place,” I started leaving the office before Molly could finish speaking,

“Wait, Alpha!” She called after me. I stopped and turned towards her. I was in a hurry to get ready and head to the bar. Everything had to be perfect for her.

“She’s not your biggest fan. You’re going to have to go easy, it can’t seem like a set up or she’ll never trust me again.” Molly’s words hurt me, but I knew she was telling the truth. I had to be smart and delicate with my mate. I needed her to trust Molly. Their friendship was my only connection to her.

“Thank you, Molly.” I squeezed her shoulder in appreciation.

“She’s meeting me there at 7.” She added before I ran off towards my room. I quickly changed out of my business attire and into a comfortable pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. I checked my phone, it was only 5 o’clock, but I decided to head towards the bar anyway.

The Wolf’s Den was my first investment after I turned twenty-one. My grandfather started our family business, an international trade company, to fund the pack. It practically ran itself at this point. The bar was a side business for me, and one that I truly enjoyed.

“Yes, sir, we’re fully stocked, staffed, and inspected.” My manager, Ronnie, was surprised to see me at the bar. I didn’t usually mess with them during the weekend. I came in during the week to check out the financial reports and inventory, but otherwise, my managers covered most of the day to day work.

“Everything’s been cleaned to code?” I questioned.

“Yes, like always.” Ronnie answered, visibly nervous.

“Good. I have some special guests coming tonight.” I admitted, clearing away his confusion.

“Ah, yes sir, we’ll make sure everything is perfect for your guests.” Ronnie said.

It was a little past seven and I was waiting in my office for Molly to mindlink me about their arrival. I was going to give them as much time as I was capable of to get settled in before I came down. Molly was right, we couldn’t make it seem like a setup.

“We’re here.” Molly mindlinked me.

Just as I received Molly’s message, the smell of old leather and chocolate filled my office. I couldn’t see her, but I knew my mate was near. Remi started howling in my head as I did everything I could to keep from running to her.

I stepped up to the large window that overlooked the club. I immediately zeroed in on my mate as her and Molly walked through the front door. Evie was wearing a similar tank top to the one she wore at the bonfire, leaving just a little bit of her belly exposed. She was in a pair of dark, skin tight jeans and a leather jacket. Her hair was braided to the side, dangling over one shoulder, with a few stray strands hanging in her face.

Goddess help me. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. I held on to the window ledge to keep myself still. Molly led her to one of the high top tables in the back of the bar, but still within eyesight. Molly and her sat down while the waiters came around to get their drink orders.

I would wait until Evie had a drink or two before heading down. That way she had a chance to get comfortable and relaxed. Hopefully it would be enough time to make her think my arrival was an innocent coincidence.

After her second drink, Molly dragged her out on the dance floor. I could tell that she didn’t want to go, but she went along with Molly anyway. Molly had a few more drinks than Evie, which was usual for her, and was dancing with some random guy while my mate stood on the outside of the dance floor. She had her hands wrapped around herself self consciously and I knew I had to make my move now, I had to save her.

I hurried out of my office and down the steps. By the time I made it to the dance floor, another wolf was circling my mate. I growled but pushed Remi to the back of my mind, we had to stay in control.

“No thank you, I don’t want to dance.” I heard my mate saying to the wolf who was pressuring her. He grabbed her elbow and tried to pull her onto the dance floor.

“I said no.” She snapped, ripping her arm from the wolf. My mate was feisty. I covered the distance between us in a few long strides, grabbing the wolf’s arm and shoving him away.

“The lady said no.” I growled at him.

“Look at her again and you’ll be dead.” I mindlinked the wolf.

He was an omega in my pack who knew better than to question his Alpha. He bowed in submission and hurried away.

I looked over at Evie who had her arms wrapped around herself again, her eyes following my every move.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, resisting the urge to touch her. She nodded slowly,

“I can handle myself.” She sounded annoyed at me. I looked at her with wide eyes, holding back a smirk,

“I’m sure you can.” I said.

“What are you doing here?” She asked accusingly, narrowing her perfectly blue eyes at me.

“I come here almost every weekend.” I answered honestly. I nodded towards the bar where Sawyer and Greyson were sitting,

“You remember Sawyer.” I had brought them here as my excuse for being at the bar and because I knew Sawyer made her feel comfortable, as much as I hated it.

“You’re here with him?” She asked me, sounding surprised.

“Sure, we’re friends.” I shrugged, hoping to play off the fight from last weekend.

“Hm.” She hummed, saying nothing else.

“Can I get you a drink?” I offered. She eyed me curiously for a long time. I wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but I assumed it had something to do with trusting me or not. The look on her face was worth the silence, she was absolutely precious.

“Okay.” She finally said,

“I’m sitting back there.” She pointed out the table and then left me to guess what drink she wanted. I thought about mindlinking Molly, but she was too far gone to be a reliable resource. I rolled my eyes and mindlinked the wolf she was with instead, ordering him to take good care of my Gamma’s sister.

“What has that table been drinking?” I asked the bartender, Marcus. Marcus looked at the tablet before answering,

“A large array of shots and some mixed drinks.”

“Get me one of the mixed drinks and a whisky.” I told him. Marcus quickly made up our drinks and handed them over. I joined my mate back at her table.

“I hope you like it.” I said, sitting the mixed drink down in front of her.

She grabbed it with both hands and brought the glass to her lips. I watched her, painfully jealous of the glass. I followed every motion she made, drinking in the sight of her.

I realized she had taken off her leather jacket and hung it on the back of her chair. Her arms and shoulders were bare, her perfectly tanned skin shimmering in the dimly lit bar. She shifted in her seat, probably uncomfortable with my staring, and the lights caught something on her left shoulder.

“You’re staring.” She said quietly, her words bringing my attention back to her face.

“I’m sorry, I can’t help myself.” I purred, taken back by her beauty.

“I know, it’s ugly.” Her words stunned me until I noticed that she was rubbing her shoulder. There were three long, jagged scars running from the collar bone, across her shoulder, and down her arm. They disappeared under her shirt. My eyes slipped down to her exposed stomach and I noticed the scars playing peek a boo on her midriff.

“You’re beautiful.” I whispered, bringing her attention away from the scars. I had no idea what caused them but I was immediately pissed off at whatever it was. My werewolf sight allowed me to see the faint blush that covered her perfectly plump cheeks.

“Well that’s nice of you to say.” She replied, sounding like she didn’t believe me.

“It’s true. I wasn’t looking at your scars, I was looking at you.” I admitted. Her blush deepened and she started to fidget with her braid.

“Can I ask what happened?” I tried to sound casual as I took a sip of my whisky.

“I was attacked by a wolf.” I nearly spit out my drink. Well shit.

“What?” I choked on the whisky.

“It just came out of the woods in the middle of the afternoon and attacked me,” She turned around and showed me that scars continued across her back,

“I nearly died.” She added softly. I gripped my cup tightly. She was attacked by a wolf. A freaking wolf. Are you kidding me?

“That’s terrible, I’m so sorry.” I said sincerely.

“Yeah, it sucked.” She shrugged casually.

“Evie,” I tested her name out on my lips. I had to admit, I loved the sound. Her eyes looked up at me and I was captivated by them,

“Yes?” She asked, snapping me out of my daze.

“Is Evie short for something?” That wasn’t my original question, but I got distracted. She narrowed her eyes at me,

“It is.” She said mysteriously.

“And that would be….?” I asked. She shook her head with a little smile playing on her pink lips,

“None of your business.” She was teasing me and I liked it enough to let her.

“I’ll take that as a challenge.” I replied in a deep voice. She shrugged, saying nothing more. I returned to my original thought,

“I just wanted to apologize for my behavior on Saturday. It was inexcusable.” I replied. Evie took another sip of her drink,

“Molly seems to think that it was normal behavior.” She said over the brim of her glass.

“I guess it kind of is for us.” I admitted.

“Strange relationship.” She said.

“Sawyer and I are like brothers. We get on each other’s nerves a lot.” I chuckled. She didn’t seem impressed by that answer.

“Yeah, that’s what Molly said. But, I have three brothers and none of them have ever tried to kill the other.”

“You have brothers?” I wanted to know everything about her, even if she was angrily giving me the information. She nodded with her lips pressed together, clearly wanting to say more. I grinned at her grit. She had more wolf qualities then my father gave her credit for.

“I do too. That’s one of them over there with Sawyer.” I nodded towards Greyson. Evie looked between me and the bar, trying to decide what to do with that information.

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