#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 26


There were two huge wolves fighting in the courtyard. The black wolf with gold eyes was much bigger than the other wolf, who was gray but built much broader than the black wolf. I recognized Russell Winters right away and assumed the gray wolf was Sawyer.

I couldn’t bring myself to move as I watched the wolves snap and growl at each other. Sawyer’s wolf tackled Russell’s wolf to the ground, but Russell was quick to recover, nipping at Sawyer’ shoulder. I was shocked that they were fighting right on campus, out in the open.

Suddenly, a third wolf tore through the campus. I recognized him immediately as Noah. Remi was taller and larger than both Russell and Sawyer, commanding the fight. He slammed his head into Russell’s side, throwing him into a set of benches. The benches shattered under Russell’s form. He stood and shook his head, baring his teeth at Remi.

Russell’s golden eyes locked on to me as he noticed my presence for the first time. He growled in my direction. Remi looked behind him quickly to see what had Russell’s attention. Remi howled and planted himself between me and Russell. Sawyer’s wolf flanked Remi, protecting his back.

Russell threw his head back and let out a viscous howl before sprinting off across the campus, retreating from Noah, Sawyer, and me. Remi barked at Sawyer, seeming to give him a command. Sawyer took off after Russell. Remi’s ears laid back on his head as he turned to face me. He gave me a fleeting look, his eyes swimming with regret. I sighed at him, my shoulders sagging in defeat.

Remi shook his head, his ears perking back up on full alert as he leaned back on his hindlegs and took off in the same direction as Sawyer and Russell. I was shaken from my trance when someone ran into the side of me. I stumbled backwards and watched as a group of students hurried across the campus. The screams that were previously silenced by my focus on the wolves, returned and I was brought back to the scene at hand.

I had no idea how this was going to be explained away and I was glad I wasn’t the one who had to figure it out. I slipped into the crowd and blended in with the other terrified students, making my way to the now crowded shuttle bus. The campus shut down for the rest of the day as the city police investigated the wolf invasion.

I took the shuttle bus home and wasn’t at all surprised when I saw Noah sitting on my front porch. He jumped up at the sight of me and hurried to my side.

“Are you okay?” He asked, his hands balled into fists at his side as he resisted the urge to touch me. I searched his face and all my anxieties washed away. I realized how ridiculous I was being. I collapsed into his arms, burying my face into his chest and inhaling his calming scent.

Noah instantly relaxed, his arms wrapping around my body to hold me tightly against him. He nuzzled his face into my neck.

“I’m so sorry.” Noah repeated over and over again as we clung to each other.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you away.” My voice was muffled by his shirt. I sniffed and realized that I was crying. Noah pulled me away so he could hold my face in his hands. He used his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

“Those were the worst few days of my life, but you needed the space and you don’t need to be sorry for that.” Noah told me.

“Are you okay?” I asked him, looking over his body for any injuries.

“I’m fine, love.”

“Where’s Sawyer?” I was worried about his safety, too.

“He’s okay, too. He and Greyson are tracking Russell.” Noah’s tone was uninterested as he gazed into my eyes and held me close.

“What was all that about?” I asked.

“Russell tracked you down. He showed up on campus as Gage, his wolf. Sawyer shifted to protect you.” Noah’s face turned stone cold as he explained what had happened while I was in class.

“What does he want with me?” My voice cracked.

“He won’t touch you.” Noah promised, wrapping his arm around my waist to keep me close to him.

“None of this would have happened if I hadn’t pushed you away.” I replied, feeling responsible.

“We knew Russell was still out there, suspecting that he hadn’t gone home. He would have tried to get to you regardless.” Noah tried to make me feel better.

“I don’t want to be away from you anymore.” I whispered, giving in to my desires. Noah pressed his forehead against mine,

“I’m right here.” His warm breath filled my senses.

“I want to come home with you.” I sounded pathetic, but I didn’t care. Noah crushed his lips to mine, engulfing me in his body’s warmth. He released my lips and started kissing down my cheek and neck, right there in the middle of the driveway. I giggled, squirming in his arms,

“Noah!” I squealed. He chuckled against my skin,

“I’m sorry, love, I’m just so happy to hear that. Do you want to stay with me?” He asked, looking for assurance. I nodded biting my lip,

“If that’s okay.” I replied sheepishly. Noah laughed at me,

“Of course it is, little mate. Let’s go get you packed.” Noah swept me up in his arms, carrying me through the front door. I laughed loudly,

“I can walk!” I yelled at him.

“I know, but I can do it faster.” He grinned, setting me down in the living room. I rolled my eyes at him and started packing.

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