#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 22


I sighed, still on a high from Noah and I’s date two days ago. It was absolutely perfect. I found myself becoming more and more relaxed and comfortable with Noah as the night went on. By the end of it, I felt myself completely giving in to the mate bond; at least that’s what I blamed it on. There’s no other logical explanation for my boldness and giddiness. Never in the history of my life have I ever initiated a first kiss.

I agreed with Noah when he said he never wanted to leave me. Honestly, I never wanted to leave his side either, but I had to stay at least a little bit rational. I barely survived Thursday without seeing him, even though we texted the entire day. I was eager to get home Friday and prepare myself for another date with Noah. I was surprised to see his car already parked outside my house when I got home.

“You really meant right after school, huh?” I laughed, he was leaning against the driver side door of his car. He pushed himself away from the door and snatched me up in his arms, burying his face in my hair. I relaxed in his arms, breathing in his ridiculously good scent.

“I missed you.” His voice was muffled by my hair. I smiled at him as he pulled away and kissed me.

“Come on.” I laughed at him, inviting him inside my home for the first time. He followed behind me and shut the door. I hung up my backpack and put my keys and phone in their designated spot.

“You are organized.” Noah chuckled at me, looking around. I shrugged but said nothing.

“You can have a seat, I need a few minutes to get ready.” I said.

“You look beautiful just like that.” Noah grinned, placing his hand on my hip. I rolled my eyes at him,

“Heel boy.” I teased him, walking out of his grip. I could almost hear Noah pouting behind me as I slipped inside my bedroom.

I peeled off my T-shirt and joggers, trading them in for a tight fitted blouse and dark jeans. I replaced my sneakers with a pair of brown ankle boots. Walking into the attached bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and hair, yanking it down from a high ponytail. I braided my hair across my shoulder, leaving a few short strands of curly hair dangling in my face. Satisfied with my appearances, I returned to the living room.

Noah was standing in front of my bookshelf with his back to me, focusing hard on something. I walked up beside him to figure out what he was looking at.

“Is this your family?” He asked me, pointing to an 8x10 framed picture of my family in Hawaii.

“Yeah, that was shortly after my accident.” I said, picking up the blue frame,

“That’s my oldest brother Becks, then Isaac, and my twin, Elijah.” I pointed out my brothers who were all surrounding me. My parents were standing on either end.

“You look happy.” He observed.

“I am, I have a pretty great family.” I said.

“Why did you leave them?” He asked me suddenly. I looked sideways at him,

“To see what else is out there.” I answered plainly, setting the picture down.

“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” Noah asked, worried.

“No, I’m just defensive.” I shrugged, walking back towards the door.

“Why?” He asked.

“When I decided to leave Hawaii and go to college on the mainland, my family and friends nearly had me committed.” I laughed nervously, crossing my arms across my chest. Noah walked around the couch to stand in front of me.

“They didn’t like that you were leaving?” He asked.

“That’s putting it mildly. They didn’t approve of the idea at all. All of my brothers stayed in Hawaii. Becks became a pilot for tour guides and island hoppers, Isaac is a research scuba diver, and Elijah went into marine biology. Hawaii is a way of life, it’s an entire culture. Most people don’t leave it.” I explained.

“You’re not most people.” Noah shrugged like it was obvious. I met his eyes and I’m sure he could see the shock in my expression,

“You’re the only one who’s ever gotten that.” I said quietly. Noah smiled and took my hands, uncrossing my arms,

“That’s because I’m yours, baby.” He said.

“You know, my brothers might not be wolves but they’ve been training their whole lives to intimidate my boyfriends.” I teased him.

“I’ll shine up my battle armor.” Noah jokes.

“You’re gonna need it.”

“I’ve already fought my own father for you, love, I think I can handle your brothers.” He replied nonchalantly, but I wasn’t about to let that go.

“Excuse me?” I pulled my hands from his and firmly placed them on my hips. It was then that Noah realized his mistake.

“Don’t worry about it, love.” He tried to play it off but I just stared at him, refusing to back down. Noah sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re stubborn?” He chuckled nervously.

“Everyday.” I shrugged plainly.

“My father isn’t what one would call a romantic. He rejected his own mate because she was a rankless wolf. The idea of mating a human doesn’t come naturally to him.” Noah was trying to give me the short version, but I knew better.

“What’s the whole story?” I raised my eyebrow at Noah in question. He shook his head at me and sighed again,

“The whole story is I don’t care what my father says, you’re my mate and that’s the end of it. It doesn’t matter what he has to say about it, he’s not the Alpha anymore.”

“I don’t want to cause….” Noah cut me off,

“Don’t even say it, Evie.” He warned me and I shut my mouth. I think I was still underestimating how Noah felt about me and how the mate bond affected him. His feelings were so much deeper and stronger than I could even warp my head around. I started pacing the living room,

“Molly said somethings about what the mate of the Alpha did.” I began, avoiding eye contact with Noah.

“Did she?” Noah mumbled,

“What did she say?”

“I made her, you know how persuasive I can be,” I smirked at Noah who rolled his eyes in agreement,

“She told me that I was called the Luna and that I would lead beside you.” I recalled Molly and I’s conversation in the car before she turned into Kira and I had a massive meltdown.

“That’s true. But, you don’t have to worry about that right now.” I eyed him curiously,

“That’s exactly what Molly said.”

“Well, she was right.” He said, following me around the room with his eyes.

“I want to be prepared for everything, Noah.” I grumbled at him.

“I know you do, but you don’t need the added stress right now.” He was trying to micromanage me and I wasn’t having it.

“How can I lead a pack that doesn’t want me?” I yelled at him, throwing my hands in the air. Noah quickly crossed the living room and planted himself in my path so I couldn’t run away.

“The pack does want you. My father and the elder members of the pack are the only ones who see a problem with it. They’re old school and still act like its 1957 and we’re in wartime,” Noah huffed irritatedly,

“The rest of the pack has literally been counting down the days until I would meet my mate and give them a Luna. They are obsessed with you already and they don’t even know you exist, yet.” Noah finished.

“Your dad hates me.” I dropped my head, pouting. Noah chuckled at me, pinching my chin and raising my eyes to his.

“My dad hates everyone, Evie. My own mother left him 6 years ago when she found her destined mate. You don’t have to worry about him.” I perked up a little at Noah’s words, hopeful that I still had a chance with his mother. Noah tugged at the tip of my braid,

“You’re going to make an incredible Luna, Everleigh, and when you’re ready we can talk all about what that means. But, for now, let’s just focus on each other, okay?” Noah said softly.

“Okay.” I nodded, smiling as I took his hand.

“Are you ready to go?” He asked me.

“Aren’t we going to be a little early?” I asked as he led me towards the door.

“I know the owner.” He shrugged with a smug look on his face. I stopped and Noah skidded to a halt,

“You’re the owner, aren’t you?” I accused him. It was the third time he had mentioned something about the owner of this place. He laughed out loud,

“Way to use that college education.” He made fun of me. I slapped his arm which only made him cackle louder. I let him drag me out the door, grumbling the whole way to the car.

“Get in, Miss. Pouty.” He ordered, opening the car door. I plopped down and stuck my tongue out at him, crossing my arms defiantly over my chest.

We arrived at the Wolf’s Den when it was still daylight out. Noah led me inside where the staff were cleaning the tables, sweeping the floors, and organizing the bar. They seemed surprised to see Noah there, or maybe they were surprised to see him bring a guest, I wasn’t sure. Noah led me up the steps to his office which had a large glass window overlooking the bar.

“Wow, you have a good view from here.” I said, walking towards the window.

“It was better last weekend.” He winked at me.

“You were spying on me?” I gasped.

“More like admiring.” Noah shrugged, shuffling through some paperwork on his desk.

“That’s creepy.” I mumbled. Noah walked up behind me and snaked his arm around my waist,

“I have to warn you love,” He began, resting his chin on my shoulder,

“You might get some stares tonight.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, no one outside of my family, Sawyer, and Molly know that I have met my mate. They’re going to have questions when they see me with a woman.” Noah explained. I turned around and rested my hands on his forearms.

“Why would you being with a woman be weird?” I asked. Noah smirked at me like I was missing something. I gasped loudly,

“Haven’t you brought other girls here?” Noah shook his head,

“Of course not, I’ve been waiting for my mate.” He said matter-of-factly. I stared at him with my mouth hanging open.

“You’re going to catch flies, baby.” Noah chuckled.

“You’ve never dated anyone else?” I asked, clamping my mouth shut.

“First off, Evie, wolves don’t date. We fool around with girls who aren’t our mate and then we mate. That’s it.” He shrugged.

“Well what do you think we’re doing?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I think that you think we’re dating and I’m trying to honor that, but I’m already yours, no dating required.” This man was impossible.

“So you’ve never ‘dated’ other girls, but have you ‘fooled around’ with them?” I quoted what he said with a little more spice in my voice then was necessary. Noah sighed,

“I didn’t spend the last 28 years celebit if that’s what you’re asking.” A ping of jealousy crawled into my chest. I knew it was unreasonable. Of course he had been with other women, I had been with other men. But, I couldn’t help the vile burning in my throat and the sudden desire to claw out a woman’s eyes. Noah wrapped his hands around mine like he sensed my thoughts,

“Does that upset you, baby?” He asked softly.

“It shouldn’t.” I answered honestly.

“It’s okay,” He chuckled,

“I want to murder anyone who has even looked at you sideways. You’re allowed to be bothered by it. Just know that none of them hold a candle to what you mean to me.” Noah cooed, cupping my face in his hands and pressing his lips quickly to mine.

“Are people going to be calling me….what was it that Molly said? Luna?” I asked him, our faces just inches from each other.

“Probably. Does that make you uncomfortable?” Noah asked.

“I’m not ready to be a leader to anybody.” I answered honestly.

“It’s a sign of respect, that’s all.” Noah said.

“Can’t they respect me and call me Evie?” I sighed. Noah chuckled,

“Oh, they’ll respect you either way, believe me. Greyson is my brother, Sawyer is my best friend and even they call me Alpha half the time. It doesn’t mean they expect you to lead them into battle anytime soon, they’re just letting you know that they’re willing to submit to you.” Noah explained. I walked away from him and towards the window, watching as the lights in the bar started getting dimmer and the DJ prepared his set.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for anyone’s submission.” I replied.

“I know, baby. I can’t force them to call you Evie, but you can ask them to if it’ll make you feel better.” Noah said, stepping up next to me.

“They’ll listen to me?” I asked, looking sideways at him. He shrugged,

“They’ll probably be honored that you want them to address you so informally. I’m not sure they will all feel comfortable doing it, but most of the wolves who come here probably will. It’s a more casual setting.”

“Well, let’s go then.” I perked up, dancing towards the door of Noah’s office. I looked back to see Noah shaking his head before following after me.

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