#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 15


I was doing my best to stay calm while Evie was on the phone. Thanks to my wolf hearing, I could hear everything that her and her brothers were talking about. I could handle her talking to her brothers, even though they were males, but I struggled with the idea that they thought she wasn’t safe with me. It was an unjustified thought, I know. They had no idea I even existed.

“What’s your problem now?” Evie sighed at me after she hung up the phone. I smiled and snatched up her hand,

“I’m jealous of anyone who takes your attention away from me.” I told her.

“You’re gonna have to get over that.” She laughed.

“Not a chance.” I pressed my lips to the back of her hand and winked at her, causing a deep, red bush to creep up her neck. I grinned at the reaction I got out of her.

“I should really get going,” She sighed,

“I have class tomorrow.” For the first time since we met, she actually sounded disappointed to leave me and that was enough to give me hope.

“That’s hot.” I teased her and earned a slap on the arm which only caused me to grin wider.

“You sure you can handle a well educated, independent woman?” She smirked at me, heading towards the wall.

“Coming form the woman who can’t get over a 5 foot wall on her own.” Her smile turned into a glare.

As we approached the wall I knew I was in trouble. Her face scrunched up into a determined expression. She pressed her back against the wall and braced the palm of her hands on the edge of it. I watched her, crossing my arms across my chest and admiring her stubbornness.

I held back a chuckle as she attempted to pull herself up onto the edge of the wall. She hopped up and down, trying to get enough momentum to jump up. I enjoyed the show for a minute before I took pity on her,

“Alright, little mate, let’s go.” She protested as I grabbed her hips and picked her up, placing her back down on the top of the wall. She kicked her legs back and forth as they dangled over the edge.

“I could have done it on my own.” She pouted.

“I didn’t feel like standing here all day.” I shrugged, jumping over the wall myself.

“You’re rude.” She stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed harder. I offered her a hand up but she ignored me and stood up on her own.

“I’m sorry, love, don’t be mad at me.” I ran after her as she walked purposefully across the parking lot.

Suddenly she stopped, causing me to nearly run into the back of her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, on high alert.

“Molly drove me here.” She grumbled and I relaxed at knowing the only danger here was her thinking she was going to have to walk home.

“Oh, I can give you a ride home.” I nodded towards the car in the driveway of the guest house. I got in the habit of leaving a car at all my residents and offices for this exact reason. Oftentimes I arrive on all fours and want to leave on two legs.

“I….” She rubbed her hands together nervously, looking across the empty parking lot.

“Come on.” I chuckled at her, putting my hand on her back and pushing her towards my car. I could tell she was uncomfortable.

“How are your classes going?” I asked as I drove towards the city. She twisted her hands in her lap and looked over at me,


“Okay? That’s all I’m going to get?” I laughed at her. She just shrugged, staring out the window.

“You’re so quiet all of the sudden.” I observed.

“I guess I’ve reached my socializing quota for the day.” She tried to smile, but I could tell it was forced. The smile didn’t light up her face like it usually does, it didn’t reach her eyes causing them to dance and sparkle.

“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me.” I said, feeling a little disappointed.

“I feel uncomfortable around people in general.” She shrugged.

“Well then, I’ve just made it my mission to ensure that you always feel comfortable around me.” I wiggled my eyes at her and she looked down at her hands, hiding a smile.

“That’s better.” I said approvingly at her sweet face. We sat in silence for the rest of the drive. When I pulled up in front of her house, I quickly ran around to her side of the car and opened the door for her.

“Woah, you got over here fast.” She looked up at me in surprise, hesitantly taking my hand.

“Wolf speed.” I shrugged, helping her out of the car. She looked at me, astonished.

“What?” I laughed at her expression.

“I’m just always learning new things about you.” She said, controlling her expression.

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked her seriously.

“No, no.” She shook her head, pulling out her keys to unlock the door.

“Can I see you later this week?” I asked her, taking a deep breath and praying that she would say yes. I saw her shoulder move up and down like she was trying to gain control. She fumbled with the keys before pushing up the door. I heard her sigh and turn around,

“Okay.” I got the feeling that was all she could manage to say.

“Do you have time during the week?” I pressed.

“Wednesday is my lightest day.” She mumbled. I perked up,

“Perfect! I’ll text you the details.” She nodded slowly,

“Thanks for helping me today.” She said, stepping inside her apartment.

“Of course, that’s what I’m here for.” I smiled at her, leaning against the door frame.

“Goodnight, Noah.” She said sweetly.

“Goodnight, Everleigh, sweet dreams.” I turned away from the door and started walking back down the sidewalk. I paused when I heard the door shut and waited to make sure she locked it. After I heard the bolt slide into place, I hopped in my car and drove back to the packhouse.

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