π‘€π“Ž 𝑀𝒢𝓃#1~When Love Lasts

Chapter 16

As soon as I slid into Anna's car, I heard her cat calling. I didn't even close the door, yet before she hypes me up.

β€œLook at you! You look hot!” She screeched playfully.

So does she.

She is wearing a black dress, strapless, with will lace designs going across in several spots. β€œLook who's talking.” I giggled and closed the door.

β€œYou ready to hit it?” She asked as she put the car in drive and pulled out of my driveway.

Of course, I'm reading to hit it. I didn't get this dressed up for anything. Sheesh.

Therefore, I inform her I am indeed ready to hit it.

β€œHell yeah” I mimicked her screech of excitement, causing her to laugh.

β€œYou will love my brother's friends, they are cool. They treat me like a child” She stops to roll her eyes before adding, β€œbut they still cool”

β€œNo offense, but I'd rather not come into contact with your brother on my first night out.” I groaned and glanced pitiful as I looked over at her.

β€œHe will be there. They hang there every Friday night. It's a standing tradition. The rest of the weekend they used to relax at home or go fishing. You know. Whatever men like to do, but on Fridays, it's Sheep night.” She informed me.

β€œIt will be fine” I said and decided that whatever happens tonight happens. I'll try my hardest to stay out of Cedric's way as long as he does the same.

I have not spoken to him, or seen him in days. While driving to work, I make damn sure I don't go even three miles over the speed limit. I do not want to give him any excuse to fuck with me. It was nice of him to check the cameras, but still, what he said before leaving my house that not was just rude. He is too cocky for his own good.

Fifteen minutes later, we are walking into the Sleepy Sheep. Can I just say I love the name? It's so different, still, I wonder what made the owner name his bar after Sheep.

The loud country music hits my ears as Anna drags me to the bar and slides into a barstool. I follow her lead, but being I'm a lot shorter than her, I don't slide on to mine. I more like climb like a monkey onto mine, causing her to chuckle and me to roll my eyes at her chuckle. I hope nobody else but her laughing ass seen that, and I hope I also didn't flash anybody my red lace panties.

Probably shouldn't have picked that color out. I thought it would be sexy, but it's not like anyone will be seeing them, anyway.

β€œHush” I playfully scold her.

She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me before turning towards the man behind the bar and used her knuckles to loudly knock on it. β€œSup Conor. Seen my dear bro yet tonight?”

The man behind the counter shot her an annoyed look after she knocked and stared her down before informing her, β€œNo, I have not Anna.”

β€œHmm. We need two Lemon Margaritas.” She ordered before turning towards me and adds, β€œThey are the best.”

β€œThey sound good” I yell at her over the music. While the bartender, who I learned his name is Conor, is making our drinks and Anna is busy checking on her emails, I take the time to look around.

It's an older joint, looks like it's been in the family for a long time. The walls are a dark wooden brown, along with the floors. Two dartboards hang on the wall, as well as a pool table in the far-left corner. The building doesn't look that big on the outside, but on the inside it's huge. More like a club than a little town bar.

It's impressive.

β€œName?” I heard the man, Conor, asked as I was busy checking out the locals on the dance floor. A few younger women were wearing clothing that was far too tight, showing off much too many girly bits on the top, and the men were loving it.

β€œHuh?” I asked him, confused and making sure he was talking to me.

β€œOh my name.” I giggled before adding, β€œIt's Avery”

β€œWelcome to my bar, Avery.” He smiled, and my heart did a tiny skip. Goodness, he was good-looking. Soft blonde hair, strong jaw line, his nose had a slight bump on top, maybe from a fight long time ago that never healed right.

β€œThanks. It's a nice place.” I mumbled shyly.

Goodness, pull yourself together, Avery.

Next thing I know I feel Anna leaning over towards me, bringing her mouth close to my ear and whispered. β€œHoney, don't waste your time. That man's sexy as fuck, I know, but he got some baby momma drama that you want no part of. Trust me.”


That sucked, but I agreed with her. I definitely didn't want any part in any baby momma drama.

β€œHere you ladies go. Enjoy your night. Let me know if you need anything” Conor says while grinning before staring into my eyes, β€œHave fun, gorgeous.” He added and winked.

Yes. Winked.

Lord help me.

I noticed Anna roll her eyes and I scolded at her. β€œWhat's wrong?” I demanded before taking a small sip of my drunk, looking at her over the rim of the glass.

β€œHe is a nice man. I have known him for years. He likes to play the field, you know?” She asked, glancing over towards me and waited to confirm that I did understand, but I didn't. Not at all.

β€œWhat?” I urged.

β€œSleep around. Playboy. Fucks a lot of girls.” She offered.

Ah! yes. That kind of guy. Yup, I definitely don't need that in my life. But I will enjoy the view tonight. Who wouldn't?

About an hour later, Anna and I are on the dance floor and I finally understand what hit it meant. She meant hit the dance floor. My girl liked to dance. As soon as she finished her first drink, she basically yanked me off my barstool. I almost tripped on these damn heels and forced me to dance with her.

I never really danced before outside from while I was cleaning or being in the shower. Sure I went to bars before, with they who must not be named tonight, but as far as getting my ass on a dance floor in front of a lot of people?

Nope. Never.

But I found myself enjoying it. We were on our third glass of martinis, this one a cucumber one, and we were having a blast.

β€œI have to take a break” I breathed against her ear loudly, feeling exhausted. She nodded her head and went back to shaking her ass. I walked over towards the bar and waited patiently for Conor to see me standing there.

β€œDesire something gorgeous?” He asked with a smirk.

Hmm. Damn sexy man, yeah I need something.


β€œYes. Water if you have some, please.” I groaned before a hiccup pushed its self out of my mouth before I had time to cover it up.

I'm already feeling tipsy. The last time I drank, I think it was around a year ago. I didn't even drink when I found out about what happened. I just stuffed my face with ice cream for days.

β€œSure. Here you go.” He said and slid a bottle of water in front of me.

β€œThanks” I mumbled, having trouble opening the cap because my hands were a little sweaty from dancing so much. Finally, I got it untwisted and took a hefty sip. I took such a big sip that droplets of water dripped down my chin.


β€œThirsty Miss. Avery.” Came another male voice, and, in my alcohol induced state, it finally registered who that voice belonged to.

Mr. Asshole himself.


β€œWhat-" I quickly looked before I felt water slide down my throat. I must have forgotten to swallow because the next thing I know I was choking and Cedric was patting me on my back.

β€œYou good?” He asked, while looking down at me with concern, before taking his hand off my back when I stopped coughing.

β€œYeah, yeah, I'm good-” I coughed out one more time. Trying to clear my water logged throat. β€œThanks” I mumbled.

β€œWhat did you do?” I hear Anna's soft voice behind me as I looked back towards her, seeing that her eyes were narrowed onto her brother before she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. β€œYou okay?”

β€œI'm fine. I choked on my water, is all. He didn't do anything." I whispered, embarrassed once again at something I did in front of Cedric.

I don't know what it is about this man, but he is just too sexy for his own good. Too bad, his also a jerk.

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