Chapter XXX


FIVE months in, I have been going for checkups, I don’t know. I just feel so ill and nauseous these days. Vincenzo would insist that I should go for a weekly check but I would tell him it was my period, and that I am fine. He is not home so, I guess I am home alone, staring at the Tv, watching Netflix, Game of thrones. I stuff a hand of potato Chips in my mouth, munching it slowly and savoring it. It became so clear two months ago, that I wasn’t just putting on weight anymore, I was so swollen, that I gained 53 pounds worth of fluid. The more I started to show, Vincenzo would drag me to the hospital but I will refuse. He would come home early to check up on me, to see how I was doing.

Today, I stared at the mirror in my bedroom, I looked so scary! my feet and face were so swollen, my cheeks were bright red and I felt like throwing up. So crouch down in front of the toilet and threw up all that I had eaten from yesterday’s dinner. I washed my mouth and face, changing from my night robe to a flower dress. Sitting on this couch gives me so much pain in my butt. I use my hands to stand up from the couch slowly.. oohh mine. I try breathing in and out in the same rhythm. Eeeehhh Ohhh eeeehhhh ooohhh, yeah i am going to be fine. I tried standing straight but the pains! jeez, oh my God. I tried walking to the kitchen to get a cup of water to drink but I didn’t get far, I fell on my knees. Ouch! I need help so bad, Vincenzo! Oh no, he is not at home, I can’t call him, he is in an important meeting. Who should I call? Ophelia? Oh no, she is preparing for her date with Alberto.

The door to the front house opened slightly, Vincenzo walked in with his bag in his hands and a white folder in the other hand. I was still focused on my breathing process and calmness.

“Baby, what are you doing? Why are you on the floor?” Vincenzo rushes towards me, picking me up from the floor. I screamed in pain, he throws his bag and files to the other side of the room before carrying me slowly and laying me on the bed carefully.

“Vincenzo, why are you home so early?” I asked scanning him slowly.

“What? I can’t come to my house early anymore?” He asked in a serious tone.

“No no, that is not what I meant, I am just asking because I thought you have a meeting by this time?” I squinched in pain.

“I canceled all meetings, I wanted to be with you, so that is why I am here. {He paused } We are going to the hospital now, so give me a minute, let me get you water.” I shook my head in disagreement.

“What? You have no decision here, I will take you to the hospital for a check-up, look you are adding more weight, and turning red, and each day you complain of pains.” He leaves the sitting room to get a bottle of water putting it under his arms before carrying me in bridal style out of the house to his car. He puts me in the front seat and fastens my seat belt before shutting the door. He enters the driver’s seats and reverses out of the driveway heading for the highway.


“Why didn’t you call me, Gine,” He said in between bites. He is been asking since we left the house, but I kept my mouth shut because I was angry at the fact that we were coming to the hospital. Luckily the doctor walked in so I didn’t have to think of an excuse to say to him. The doctor looked at my chart as he closed the door behind him.

“Luckily, it’s not something terrible. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. De Luca, you’re pregnant” The doctor told me. After doing a thorough examination, he prescribed me some prenatal vitamins and suggested a weekly check-up. I felt numb, how come, I thought I was on birth control. I turned to look at Vincenzo who had a happy smile playing on his lips, he was so happy but why didn’t I feel happy. I guess I am just scared that’s all. Vincenzo kept spilling out names he would love to name the baby, while I walked beside him giggling the whole time at his weird choice of names. Vincenzo finally grabbed my hands and wrapped them around my waist.

“I am so happy baby, I am going to become a father and you are going to be the mother of my baby” He smiled from ear to ear.

As soon as we got home, Vincenzo made me sit all day, he wouldn’t allow me to come out of the bed, if I say I am hungry, he would say I shouldn’t stand up and that he would get the food. He would do everything for me, is not that I didn’t like it but I am just six months pregnant, I am not a glass that will break if I came out of this bed. Things even got shocking when Vincenzo would not go to work, he would stay all day with me, if he was going to go for a meeting he would either call my aunt or his mom to stay with me. Last week, he called all the housekeepers to resume back their work in the house, he even employed twenty more staff just for one lady that is pregnant. He was getting so dramatic and extra careful when it comes to me.

I called Ophelia while I lay in bed, trying to sleep. The call picked at the second ring.

“Hello Gine, how are you doing?” She screamed I remove the phone from my ear immediately.

“I am good Ophe, how about you and Alberto? Hope you are not disturbing him?” I laughed

“Nah, you know me Gine I am not... So wassup, what’s wrong, you called me this late, is everything alright?” She said.

“Uhm, I have news... I am pregnant Ophe Six months!” I screamed.

“What? Are you serious Ginevra?” She shouted.

“Yes! Yes! I am pregnant.”

“Woooow, Does Vincenzo know about it?” She asked.

“Yes he does, we went to the hospital today, he has been happy since he ever heard about the news.”

“I am so happy for you guys, you will make a wonderful mother, what will you name the baby?” I laughed

“I don’t know yet.”

“Hmm, well if it is a boy, I will name him Arlo but if he is a girl, I will name her Arianna,” I thought about it before speaking

“That sounds so cute.”

The call lasted for two hours before I fell asleep with my back rested on the headboard of the bed. Vincenzo walks into the room to see a half sleep me dozing off. He lays me on the bed comfortably then tucks me under the covers then kisses my temples.


Finally, it was the ninth month and my baby bump had started popping out, it was visible and I look like a pumpkin. Vincenzo said I looked so cute but to me, I look like a big watermelon.

I was scrubbing the tabletop in the kitchen when I felt a slight kick in my tummy, I hold my tummy in pain, and the kick had stopped so I continue to clean the kitchen and umming to the music composed in my head. This time there was another kick, it was so painful, I didn’t know when I yelped in pain, one of the maids ran into the kitchen immediately, I kept doing my breath in and out process but it wasn’t working. I hold my knees for support. This pain is worst than period cramps.

“Ma’am, are you alright?” The maid asked me, handing me a cup of water for me to drink. I gulped half of the water before dropping the glass to the floor, it broke into million pieces, cutting my skin.

“Please call my husband, I need him now!” I screamed.

“Ok, ma,{she takes the landline and calls.} Ma! he is not picking up the call” oh no, I take out my phone and dial his number. I hand it over to her to speak.

“Hello! Sir, Your wife needs your help right now...” The call ends and she looks at me in worry.

“Ma’am let’s go and have a sit, your husband is on his way,” She said directing me to the couch.

In five minutes, Vincenzo opens the door and rushes to where I was seated. He touches my head checking my temperature, then looked at my face.

“What is the wrong baby?” He scanned through my body for what I didn’t know.

“It’s ti...” The kick came again but his time was harder than the second one. I screamed. Vincenzo carried me to his car, rushing and speeding at a normal rate for my sake and the baby’s.

7:23 pm

“1....2....3....4 Push! push! push!, you can do it, Keep pushing ” The doctor said. I pushed hard as I could, tears dropping from my eyes and I kept screaming because of the terrible pain.

“Keep pushing Baby, you got this” Vincenzo cried, I could tell he was in pain. He has never seen me in so much pain.

“Push Dear... Keep pushing, you are almost there, push! ” One of the nurses said, rubbing my legs to calm my nerves. I can’t bear this pain, it is so much.

“Baby, you are a strong woman, please keep pushing, you are almost there” Vincenzo kept rubbing my hands in soothing circles.

“AAHH... PLEASE GET IT OUT OF ME, I CAN’T HOLD IT ANYMORE...” I yelled at the doctor, nurses, and Vincenzo. I kept pushing, and everything around me started to spin as I was about to black out, but one of the ladies hooked me up to a machine and I start to breathe once more.

At first, I felt the whole world spinning but seconds later, I feel so much relief inside me. My baby was out of me. I look down and see the doctor holding my baby and one of the nurses holding my other baby. Oh my god, I had twins! They were both crying, I looked at Vincenzo who had tears in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

Two nurses carried my babies out of the room, I looked at Vincenzo with so much worry written all over my face.

“Where are they taking my baby?”

“They will be back, they went to clean up your child.” The other nurses in the room cleaned the place while the doctor left. I turned to face Vincenzo who still had that wide smile on his face.

“I can’t believe that I am a mother now” He rubbed my cheeks before kissing them.

“You are going to be the best mother I have ever known, Gine. I love you so much, I love you, Baby, thank you for making me a father.” He praised me. I smiled at his words.

“What are we going to name the babies,” I said, tilting my head to the right.

“Hmm, How about Aurora and Giovanni?” He said. I pretend to think for a while before nodding my head in agreement

“These are wonderful names, Vince.”

The door opened immediately, the nurses earlier, walked in with my babies, behind them were Aunt Mirabella, Ophelia, Thea, and Vincenzo’s friends. I smiled widely as I see them holding flowers, gifts, and balloons.

“Congratulations Ginevra!” They all chorused. I smiled happily.

“Thank you, guys...”

“So what is the name of the babies?” Thea and Aunt Mirabella chanted together.

Vincenzo and I looked at each other before replying. “Giovanni and Aurora.”

“That’s so lovely...” They surround Vincenzo and me as we held my babies.

" I will call him Arlo and I will name her Arianna,” Ophelia said touching the baby’s cheeks. I thought she was joking when she said she will name my child. Aunt Mirabella and Thea walked forward and did the same thing.

“I will name my grandson Antonello and my granddaughter Gemma” Vincenzo’s mother whispered.

“Well, Aunt Mirabella, will name you Amer{She pointed to Giovanni} and I will name you Luna{ She touched Aurora’s hands} ” I giggled at all the names they had called my children.

I kept on observing my beautiful babies, I turned my head into Vincenzo’s chest and tried holding my tears from falling. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back the same way. We both released ourselves and watched as our family played with the baby.

If anyone would have told me that I will be getting married to the one I love and also become a mother to two lovely children, I will not believe. I am happy for this second life I was given. The happiness and peace I felt inside me kept erupting as I lay my head on Vincenzo’s chest.



Krusticaramel 🖤

Thank y’all for reading 180DAYS.

Hope you loved this book, I don’t know what to say, guys! I am grateful, I wouldn’t have finished this book without your guy’s help. Thank you once again for reading my book, and thank you for voting. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for asking for updates and thank you for believing in me, I couldn’t have done it without the help of you guys.

What do you feel I would have done in this book, in any of the chapters. Comment!

Going to be writing new books titled A CROWNED SHE, and FIFTY SHADES OF THE NUN so watch out for it when published.

Love you all.😘🥺🥺

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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