Chapter XXIII


" Doctor De Luca, she is fine, the poison didn’t get into her system” The nurse notified, I smiled in relief. “Thank you so much” I walk into the new room that Ginevra was moved in this morning. It is designed in a feminine warm color, highly teched, and installed with new equipment. The lightening of the room was bright and stationed four bodyguards at the entrance of the room to avoid another break-in. Sitting on the rocker by the bed, I look at her carefully mesmerizing her whole body from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet. I needed to be sure if she was complete and ok. Holding her light hands, caressing them till they turned flush red.

“I am so sorry Ginevra, I am sorry from the day you were involved in an accident, sorry for what Maya had done to you, I promise to always save you and be beside you. I will not let another person harm you under my watch. As long as I am alive, I promise to come to your rescue anytime you need me. I love you, Ginevra.”

“Doctor, De Luca... Oh my, I am so sorry for interrupting ” The nurse walked in hesitantly. “Oh no, come in, what’s the problem?” I asked. “Oh uh, the prince of Israel is here to see you” Hmm, prince of Isa, has he finally come to check up on Ginevra or he has come to take her from me? The moment my heart falls for Ginevra, he decides to show face. “Ok, thanks I will see him in a jiffy.” I kiss Ginevra’s temple before walking out of the room.


“Sorry Doctor De Luca, I do not know her at all” Prince Majed denied, I was so shocked when he said he has never seen Ginevra before. I am so sure that I am not the only one who saw on the TV news that they were to get married 5 months ago before she was brought to the hospital, I didn’t miss the shock he had on his face when I showed him her picture. “Ok Doctor, let me put it this way, she was forced into marrying me and I cannot remember asking her to be my wife.” He said with wide eyes. “Ok, Prince Majed, I would like you to see something,” I said opening the door to Ginevra’s room that was opposite my office. “Prince Isa Majed, are you saying you do not know this lady? Please look closely” He did as I had instructed but kept shaking his head in refusal. “I have no idea who she is” “Ok Mr.Majed, sorry for the inconvenient, I will call one of the pharmacists to send your drugs immediately” My phone rang, drawing my attention to the sudden call, I walk straight for the doors to pick the call. “Sorry, I need to take this” I stepped out to answer the call...




Oh my, he came to see me? Wow, who would have known the Prince still cares for me even when I was dead. He still loves me as how he did before. The sounds of footsteps kept coming closer to me. I could feel it.

"Hmm, Ginevra Esposito, the finest flower of the Italian village. Your parents were so foolish in forcing you o marry me, see what it led you to. Well, for you to know, I am a very wicked man and I will say you are so lucky that you escaped from that wickedness. If you had married me, the wedding day would have been the beginning of your predicaments. I wonder why the doctor summoned me to see your face, He made a terrible mistake calling me over to see what a waste you are. I never searched or visited you, Why? Because I never cared, your death was disgraceful, even as beautiful as you are, you died an ugly death, you should have prayed to your gods to give you a glorious death, but no you died in shame.”

Why was he saying all these to me, why now? He was the same man who had said he loves me, he would visit me every weekend, promising Papa and Mama for my hand in marriage. Is this his definition of love, why do I feel so hurting when I never for once loved him? Even though I didn’t love him, at least I cared, I cared for everyone who I came across.

“I made sure that I erased your name from the internet as one of my brides, no bride of mine will bring shame to my name” I could feel his breath against my earlobe, and the hairs on my neck stood up. “You are a shame to me and most of all I can erase what the people said about us...”

What affected me more was the fact that the people I knew and who brought joy to curse me, rebuked me. No one cared if I was dead. So why do I fight with death, I could as well open the door for it to consume me in darkness.

“Sorry for taking so long Prince Majed, I needed to take it, it was an important call, couldn’t miss it” That was the voice of Vincenzo. Does he care for me or was he like the rest of them? ’Oh that’s fine Mr. De Luca, I was just leaving” Prince Majed said hiding a lot in his words. ” Oh ok, since you said you don’t know her, that’s fine.” The sound of the door locked, leaving me to think about what the prince had said.

“Was I that bad that people try to kill me” I was so deep in my thoughts when I feel the same warm big hands I had known for months holding my pale ones?

“Ginevra I need you to calm down, I heard what prince Majed had said, if everyone hates you, keep this deep inside your heart that I will love you to the very end. I am sorry that you had to hear those words from his mouth, no one deserves a sweet lady like you. You cherished everyone around you even your enemies to the point they tried to kill you, you deserve so much more than this. I love you, Ginevra, always keep that in your heart.”

It was so soothing to hear him defend me, even at the point I lost it all, I love this man because he has sacrificed himself, time, life, and career for me. He deserves so much more than the stress I put him through. I ponder on the words of Vincenzo as sleep draws me to peace.

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