Chapter I


Living in a town, as the only daughter is more like being limited to a lot of things, I was usually addressed as the beauty of Italy, I lived with Papa, Mama, and Matteo, my brother in the rural part of Italy...we weren’t rich like the Princes and Princesses of the land but we had a little to put on our table, I was always satisfied with what I got, never asked for more when it wasn’t mine... As the only daughter of a Farmer and Seamstress, it was hard to follow my dreams, I have to care for the home before I put my dreams to life... Thinking of my dreams was cut short when I knew I would be getting married...

MAY 20, 2000

The day was finally here, the day when my life turns around. I am getting married in an hour to the Prince of Israel, which I don’t want to. Marriage isn’t supposed to be forced, I want to marry the one I love and not just any stranger that claims to love me. Marrying someone you love brings happiness, but happiness is not on my part now, I’m getting married because I want to fulfill mama and papa’s wishes... I still remembered the day the prince came to seek my hands in marriage...

" Good day Mr & Mrs. Esposito, I’m the Prince of Israel, Isa Majed is my name..... and I have traveled far to seek your daughter’s face...” I could hear the whole conversation from mama’s kitchen, I wasn’t pleased about the idea that someone has come to seek my face, I knew no one, not even a prince...

“Good evening My Prince, you are welcome, may I get you something to drink, water?” Mama said with happiness.

“oh no no, Uhm ... I just want to see your daughter”

“Oh, my daughter...Ginevra? Ginevra! Ginevra!” Papa called.

“Yes, Papa!” I rushed down on my knees, greeting the Prince with a bow and papa.

“Mr.Majed is here to see you” I looked at the Prince in disgust... He looked at me in awe.

“I was just telling your parents how beautiful you’re and I will love to ask you to be the Princess of Israel and my wife,” He said with a smile smug on his face... He can’t be serious, he has no manners at all, Is this how he was taught to approach a lady or even ask the lady to be his wife... I laughed unmannerly earning a glare from papa and a look of confusion from the Prince. He called himself a Prince and he couldn’t even approach a lady in the right way.

“Ginevra, is there something funny?” Mama said in anger.

“Prince Majed has left his palace to ask you to marry him, so give him that respect and honor like an Esposito” Papa said apologizing to the prince. Hand in marriage? I don’t even love him, he doesn’t even know me... I can’t marry him... The prince cleared his throat.

“I know you would be wondering, how I knew you... Miss Esposito, I have always admired you from afar, I see you every time you come to the countryside to buy Fresh turnips, I even pay the market lady to double your turnips” I couldn’t believe my ears, how dare he, he had the guts to stalk me, he didn’t even hide his shame in that... I was so furious.

“So Mr. and Mrs. Esposito, I ask once again, can I marry your daughter” His British accent was getting to me. I eyed him furiously. I looked at Papa and Mama, I was waiting for their response... Papa won’t let me marry him, Mama would want me to be happy...

“would you keep my daughter in safe hands?”

“sure! I will sir, her care is my responsibility,” he said with a sheepish smile... I scoffed in annoyance, was he trying to impress me or what? Papa smiled at Mama before they concluded...

“I would be happy to be your In-law...May your wish be granted, My prince”

I stared at Mama and Papa in utmost disbelief, they’re making me marry someone I don’t even know ... I walked out of the room in frustration, I can’t get married to that old crow... He creeps me with that bird he carries on his shoulders. Papa and Mama always said that they would love me to get married to a wealthy man, who would provide for them, whether I loved him or not.”

I still remember when Marco, came to visit me, papa told him to stay away from me, that I would soon be a married woman, after all, Marco and brother kept seeing each other, the brother would give him 5 pieces of gold and silver to stay away from me, I was so sad when I found out. Each night, two muscular guys dressed in royal guards’ attire will visit with two boxes of gold and silver just for me to accept the prince....”

I wish this day never came, I lay on my bed crying and thinking of what my future would look like with the person I don’t love. Marriage isn’t supposed to be forced, it’s supposed to come with love which brings happiness...

“wake up Ginevra, you won’t want to delay the prince, will you?” Mama shouted with so much excitement, she is happy whereas I am not...all she thinks of is the money she would be gaining from this marriage. Dragging the curtains open, the morning sun shines on my face...

I don’t care if he is delayed, he can wait all I care... “...that old man can not leave me alone” I say with distaste rolling on my tongue.

“Don’t you speak evil of your husband, Ginevra”

" I can’t marry him, Mama, besides, I’m still young and ambitious ”

Mama slaps me in anger...I didn’t know which one hurt more, either the Mama’s slap or the fact I will be getting married to the prince...

Mama picks up the white dress she had made for me, she is a known seamstress in the town and people always loved her dresses. “Now, take this and put it on, you will walk into the church today and make us proud, you will not bring shame to our name, Ginevra, Am I clear?”

I nod, breaking into tears... She walks out of the room, leaving me to think about her foolish wise words... I lay by the window in tears, I am not ready to marry him, I can’t...

The was a knock on the door, I didn’t care who it was, but the person had walked in already. It was Ophelia, she hugged me tightly... “It’s ok, Gin, I’m here ok, I wish I could help but I can’t, I will always be there with you, even though you don’t love him, know that I love you and I will always do” Even though her words were not helping, it was comforting to know that someone loves me... Ophelia has been my friend since childhood, she was more of a sister to me than a friend, ever since I moved into the town, she would visit me and we would go to the market to get some stuff...It was painful when I heard about the death of her father, he died on the battlefield protecting the lives of his country, her mom was also like a mother to me, I would always visit her with melon soup...I cried when I found out that her mom was sick, she was diagnosed with cancer. It is heartbreaking to know the one you love is very sick with an illness that we don’t know the cure for, we are not rich, so we don’t have the money to take her to the country for treatment.



We were on the plane, the Prince plane. I don’t care about his riches or how many planes or jets or houses he owned, I want to be happy, riches don’t bring happiness...

Mama and Papa’s chattering filled the whole plane, while Matteo kept smiling weirdly, looking around the interior part of the plane...

“Now listen to me Ginevra, you will not go to the church and disrespect our name, you must accept the prince and bring wealth to our doorstep,” Pap said with seriousness, I nod in sadness. ” I already told her and make sure you smile, take off that face of sadness and put on a smile, it makes you look terrible” Mama laughed.

“With my daughter marrying the Prince, I can own my shop and make new clothing”

" I would use the money to buy new houses and furniture”

" Papa that’s a good idea” my brother smiled. Their noisy chattering and laughter didn’t give me a chance to hear the pilot’s orders. The pilot repeated his instructions once again.

I spoke to myself, I wish something could happen to the prince so that I wouldn’t marry him or the plane should land us in another place.

" Passengers on board this is your captain speaking... Please fasten your seat belts immediately, cause we have an issue” I put on my seat belt cause of the fear of the unknown, Mam started throwing tantrums all over the place, Papa started shaking, and Brother kept looking confused...

“maayyddaayy, maayyddayy ! this is plane 101, this is an emergency, I have passengers on board and the engines are failing. I started panicking, the words of the pilot got me so scared...

" I can’t die early!!” Matteo kept shouting those words, putting those words of fear in my heart.

" I can’t die, I haven’t bought a house yet” papa kept shaking

" I can’t die like this, I haven’t shown my friends my new shop and designs...” Mama kept crying.

Brother screamed, “I haven’t even bought a motorbike to impress Jessica.”

I couldn’t believe what they were all saying, they can’t be serious... We are at the point of death and all they cared about is money, and how to impress people. Now I knew when they say Money mattered more than life, my parents and brother cared only about their selfish gain and nothing else. The loop of the plane threw Pap away from his seat to hit the body part of the plane that was already broken to pierce through his stomach. Mama kept on crying for help while I shut my eyes in fear. Brother kept on screaming, the plane did another loop, throwing brother to the other side of the plane, he collided with a broken piece that pierced through his head...I screamed in horror, I was so scared, it was only mam and I left, so I tried unbuckling my belt to grab her hands. Before I could reach her, it was too late the plane crashed into the lagoon, and Mama crashed right into the edge of the plane, pierced through her chest... I kept on screaming, swallowing water, I couldn’t take the whole scene in front of me... I had lost my only family, even though they had hurt me in different ways, they were the only family I knew and had. I could feel blood trickle down my head. Indeed this day was a tragedy for me, I prayed for a second chance before I blacked out...

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