#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 8


By the time I made it to the infirmary, Marcy was already at Aidian’s bedside. He was still unconscious, but his wounds were healing nicely and the doctor said that he’d be fine. I linked the guards who were working the perimeter and at the front gate to let them know that Zale would be coming by to help, and then I informed Madge and Silver since they were technically the commanding officers with Aidian out of commission.

Marcy really was the next ranked member, but she wasn’t anywhere near ready to take command so it fell on the Beta and Gamma. Of course, I was quick to step in, as well. Madge wasn’t going to leave the Alpha and Luna’s side, his instincts too on edge with the recent attacks. Silver, after checking on her Alpha, started tending to the pack’s needs.

I took several of the infirmary’s staff outside to set up a medical tent and coverings for our fallen members. Unfortunately, they were all too prepared for handling the aftermath of a battle. The staff inside were already hard at work with repairing any packhouse damage and preparing food for the pack.

After a while, I received a link from Wally that Zale had made good on his promise. A few dozen members of his pod had shown up to help. I was overseeing some clean up outside when someone unfamiliar approached me.

Everything about him screamed dragon so I was quick to assume he was one of Zale’s men. He was tall with pitch black hair that fell past his shoulders in a series of braids and deep blue eyes. He smiled at me, showing off the dimples on his perfectly etched face.

“My Lady.” He bowed his head at me and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“It’s Adira.” I grumbled.

The man raised his head and smirked at me,

“I’m Balin, the Guardian.” He said,

This time I groaned loudly, rolling my eyes and turning my entire body away from him.

“No, thank you.” I said and he laughed loudly, easily catching up with me as I tried to walk away.

“Zale said you wouldn’t be too keen on having me around,” He laughed and I snorted at his obvious statement, “Look, I know that you’re an Archer and more than capable of protecting yourself. Still, it’s my duty to stay by your side and defend you.”

I glanced sideways at Balin who looked to be a pretty genuine guy.

“Do I need to give you the same speech that I gave your boss?” I asked, giving him the side eye.

“No, please, spare me,” He begged dramatically, his hand fluttering over his heart, “I won’t get in your way, I’ll just have your back.”

I stopped trying to run away from him and looked at him head on, sizing up the Guardian. He had a goofy smile, but his eyes were dead serious. Zale proved that he wouldn’t stop me today, so I guess I owed Balin the benefit of the doubt, too.

“Fine, I’ll give you a chance,” I said and his face burst into an ear splitting grin, “But, if you get in my way, I’ll take you out.” I warned him.

“Sure thing, my Lady.” He held up his hands in mock surrender.

I rolled my eyes again,

“And don’t call me that. It’s Adira or Addie.” I corrected him again.

“Whatever you say,” He knocked his shoulder against mine and I glared at him in annoyance, “Addie.” He added.

“Where’s Zale?” I asked, continuing towards the infirmary tent.

“He’s helping to fix the perimeter fence and security cameras.” Balin replied.

I shot him an odd look,

“We don’t have security cameras.”

Balin shrugged,

“You do now.” He said smugly.

“Does it look like we’re some pitiful werewolf pack who needs saving by the almighty dragons?” I snapped at him.

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.” Balin said, pretending to look afraid.

I grumbled under my breath and diverted away from the infirmary tent. I would deal with Zale myself.

Zale sensed me coming from a mile away, I could tell. The muscles rippled across his back, his shoulder blades pinched together, and I could practically hear him sighing from here. He was just a speck standing by the perimeter fence on the other side of the yard, but my heightened senses narrowed in on the details of his body in a second.

He turned around and shot me a crooked smirk, one that had my insides twisting with an odd sort of desire; but it was also making me want to punch him in that same stupid smirk.

“Already pissing her off, eh?” Zale said, laughter sparkling in his eyes as he looked at Balin.

“Oh, I don’t think she’s mad at me.” Balin chuckled and then Zale’s eyes snapped to me.

“You’re mad at me?” His voice squeaked a little at the question.

“Damn right I am.” I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest as I stared him down.

“What did I do?” Zale looked genuinely worried.

“Do you think we aren’t capable of caring for our own pack? Do you think Aidian is a weak Alpha?” I nearly growled at him.

“Woah, Adira, that’s not what I meant at all.” Zale tried to close the distance between us, but I backed away, shaking my head,

“Don’t,” I said sternly, holding up my finger in warning, “This is the same.”

“The same as what?” Zale asked, looking wounded that I didn’t want him near me.

“The same as stopping me from fighting, the same as trying to hide me. You’re trying to take over.” I accused him.

Zale’s eyes softened,

“No, Kyrre, it’s not the same thing at all,” He closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head, “I’m sorry that you think it is, but it’s not. I’m not trying to take over, I’m not trying to undermine you, I’m not trying to question your brother’s authority. Adira, I’m trying to help.”

“Addie,” Wally jogged up to me, “Thanks for sending us the Chief. He’s been a huge help.”

I studied Wally for a long moment, trying to determine if he had overheard our arguments.

“Has he?” I replied coely.

Wally arched his eyebrow,

Yes?” He said it like a question, “His men are work horses and they brought all the supplies. It would have taken us forever to go into the city to get all the materials, not to mention we don’t have the manpower. And the Alpha has been talking about getting cameras for years, but Alpha Reggie wasn’t too big on tech.”

“Alright, thanks, Wally.” I sighed and Wally fled from the scene, probably sorry he ever walked over here.

Zale cocked his eyebrow in an I told you so sort of expression. I rolled my eyes at him and released a puff of air,

“Well, what about him?” I jabbed my thumb towards Balin whose eyes went wide at being brought into the drama.

“He showed up all on his own.” Zale said,

“That’s true.” Balin interjected, but I ignored him.

“I mean, I just don’t get it.” I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.

Zale dared to laugh at me and I leveled him with a vicious glare.

“I’m going to go see if I can help…do…something.” Balin squeaked, tip-toeing away to join the men working on the fence.

“You don’t get what?” Zale asked.

“Why you’re being so….so….so,” I struggled to find the right word before I finally yelled, “Nice!”

Zale smirked at me again and I resisted the urge to growl at him. This time, he didn’t give me a choice, he closed the space between us in a single stride and snatched up my hands in his.

“I suppose saying, because I’m your mate, isn’t a good enough answer?” He asked and I continued to glare at him, “Yeah, I thought not.”

He chuckled, squeezing my hands, encasing them in his rough, calloused hands that were twice the size of mine,

“I meant what I said in the woods, I don’t want a submissive partner; I want an equal to stand with me. There will be times when I need a partner, someone to have my back, and I trust that you’ll be there for me when I need you. Right now, you need me to help you, not take over, so that’s what I’m going to do. This is your area of expertise, I have no business taking control.”

Goddess, why did he have to say all the right things?

And why did his lips look so kissable when he spoke? Why did his eyes have to look so deeply into mine that I was sure he saw straight down to my soul? Why was his voice so deep and rough, and why did it make me feel in all the right places?

And why was I undressing him with my eyes right now? Why was I imagining what it would feel like to have those plump lips ravaging mine? Why did I want to feel his too big, too rough hands caressing and touching every inch of me?

“Adira?” Zale’s voice startled me from my daydreaming and I quickly snapped out of it.

“What about once this is over?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Zale’s face was somehow even sexier when he looked confused.

“When my pack is back on its feet, when Aidian is back in control, and when I no longer have an excuse to stay, what then?” I pressed.

“Well, I hope that you’ll come home.” He answered simply.

As if the answer was so simple. As if it was just that easy.

“To your home, you mean?” I asked with a bit more snark than was necessary.

“I hope that one day it’ll be both our homes, but yes, I want you to come back to my home with me.” He said,

“And do what?”

Now Zale looked even more puzzled,

“I want to get to know you, Adira.” He said, cocking his head to the side slightly.

“I want to be very clear….” I began, my expression hardening, but Zale cut me off, releasing one of my hands to cup my face,

“I just want you, Adira. I want us to be of one soul before we give ourselves over completely. I want to know you in every way possible and I want you to know me. I’ve waited centuries for you, Kyrre, as far as I’m concerned we have all the time in the world to grow our bond,”

His voice grew low and husky as he leaned forward and whispered in my ear,

“I want to know every inch of you, touch every part of your soul, before I hear every way that I can make you say my name.”

His warm breath blowing into my ear sent shivers down my spine and caused my toes to curl in my boots. I was going to tell him that I wasn’t going to be an easy lay, that I wasn’t just going to mate and mark him the second he got me alone, but now I wasn’t so sure.

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