#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 22


Despite Adira’s promise, I was still worried that she’d disappear on me. She was a hero, a warrior, and she did whatever needed to be done to help. Her loyalty and love for her family was inspiring, but it also scared the hell out of me.

When we finally reached the Sparrow pack, it was bustling with activity. The guards had the gate locked down tight, but they immediately opened it when they saw Adira sitting in the passenger seat of my car. I kicked up dust on the gravel road as I sped towards the packhouse, in a hurry to get Adira to her distraught brother. Tirian, Balin, and my men were already there and the front yard was crawling with Archers and Warriors.

“It was right where you said it would be.” Balin said, walking right up to Adira as she exited the car to hand over her bow, quiver, and a duffle bag.

She looked between Balin and I, shaking her head.

“I still don’t understand how you two can see this,” She muttered to herself, but took the weapon and bag anyway, slinging them both over her shoulder, “I need to change.” She said,

“Emerald!” One of the Archers noticed Adira for the first time and called out, gaining the focus of the rest of the squad and calling them to attention.

Adira quickly went over to the Archers and spoke to the one who had yelled her name. He was dressed in an all black uniform.

“Raven, thanks for coming,” Adira said to the man, “I need to meet with my brother to figure out the exact situation, so just hang tight.” She instructed him.

“Sure thing,” Raven nodded, “Whatever we can do to help.”

Adira clapped Raven on the back, nodded at the rest of the Archers surrounding them, and walked back towards me.

“Let’s go inside.” She said,

Tirian and Balin followed us inside the packhouse. It was chaos. Staff was running around everywhere and it was clear that the fighting had spilled into the house. I felt Adira’s entire body stiffen and her expression darkened as she took in the condition of her home.

“Addie!” A voice I recognized called out and came running towards us.

“Silver, where’s Aidian?” Adira asked immediately.

“Is Hollie okay?” Silver countered and Adira nodded quickly, looking annoyed.

“She’s at the pod, she’s fine.” She snapped.

“She’s safe and under guard,” Balin added, speaking on behalf of his mate, “She wanted to come, but I told her that it was too dangerous.”

“Good. Thank you,” Silver nodded at Balin before turning her serious expression on Adira, “He’s in his office. He’s not good, Addie.”

“Of course he isn’t,” Adira frowned, “Where’s Madge?”

“He’s out leading a search group.”

“Tell me everything that happened.” She demanded.

Silver and her started walking powerfully through the packhouse, moving towards the Alpha’s office with purpose. Tirian, Balin, and I followed behind like dutiful guards.

“The same rogues from the last two attacks showed up, but in greater numbers this time and with a clear goal. They did whatever they had to do to plow through our men and get to the packhouse. We lost dozens of wolves and even more are still in the infirmary. Marcy hadn’t made it to the safehouse, yet, she was trying to gather a group of children from the school. The rogues intercepted them before she could make it to the packhouse. The guards were overrun and Marcy gave herself up to save the children,”

Silver’s eyes were hard, but I could clearly see the unshed tears in them. She was pissed and hurting for her Luna,

“I didn’t recognize the leader, but he said that you would know what’s supposed to happen next.” Silver finished.

“When the pack was being attacked, so were Zale and I. Quarter led the attack on us.” Adira said,

By now, we had reached the office and Silver barged inside. Aidian was pacing angrily around the room, but came to an abrupt halt when he heard the door open. His glare instantly found Adira and he started stomping towards her. Balin, Tirian, and I were on high alert, quickly surrounding her.

“This is your fault!” Aidian shouted at Adira who was stone faced and unfaced by his outburst.

“Aidian.” She sighed.

You told Marcy that she needed to sacrifice herself to save the children and the women, you’re the reason she didn’t go straight to the safe house!” He continued to yell.

“Aidian, you need to calm down.” I struggled to keep my tone even.

Aidian glared daggers at me, his eyes pitch black,

“How dare you come into my pack and make demands!” Aidian shouted.

“Aidian.” Adira said his name again and his attention snapped back to her.

“She’s a human, Addie! Not a wolf, not a warrior. She didn’t need to be like you!” He jabbed his finger towards her chest and I felt myself growing even more defensive.

Adira just sighed like she was more annoyed than anything else.

“You’re not really mad at me, Aidian.” She said,

“Damn right I’m mad at you! You got her kidnapped and if she’s….if she doesn’t come back, Addie, I swear to the Goddess….”


I blinked in shock, momentarily stunned when Adira hauled off and slapped Aidian right across the face. He jolts backwards and holds his cheek, his eyes wide in surprise.

“Get yourself together, Aidian! You’re the damn Alpha and you need to start acting like it. Marcy was acting like a Luna when she was taken and it’s nobody’s fault, but Quarter and the rogues. Get the fuck over yourself and let’s find your mate.” Adira snarled.

I inched closer to Adira, ready to stand between her and her brother if I had to; I wasn’t entirely sure how the on-edge-Alpha was going to react to being slapped across the face.

To be fair, I’m not entirely sure how I’d react to such a thing, either.

To my utter surprise and confusion, the slap seemed to do the trick and snapped Aidian out of his rage. He shook his head, as if to clear the fog, and his shoulders slumped.

“What happened to you?” Aidian asked suddenly, seeming to notice Adira’s appearance for the first time.

“We were attacked, too.” She said and his eyes grew wide.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I almost laughed at his mood change, if it weren’t for the fact that nothing about this situation was remotely humorous.

“I’m fine. It was Quarter and some of his rogues. It was just a distraction to keep us away from you while they attacked the pack and to send a message to me. He wants me for Marcy.” Adira said and I watched Aidian closely, gauging his reaction.

“No way,” He said and I was glad to hear it, “That’s not going to happen.”

“Hence why the pack is crawling with Archers, Warriors, and dragons, or haven’t you noticed?” She said in a snarky tone and he instantly looked guilty,

“I hadn’t.” He muttered.

“Everyone is here to help, Aidian. Now, are you going to lead them or not?”

Aidian’s face grew serious and he nodded sternly,

“Yes.” He walked up to Adira and put his hand on her shoulder, “Thanks, sis.” He smiled timidly at her before walking out of the office with Silver hot on his heels.

Damn,” Balin whistled into the silence, “I wasn’t sure how that was going to end.”

“Seriously, I thought for sure we were breaking up a fight.” Tirian shook his head.

Adira looked back at both of them like they were idiots,

“Clearly neither of you have siblings,” She snorted, “Now, get out so I can change.” She demanded and I nearly threw them both out of the office.

Standing in the hallway while we waited for Adria to change, I addressed my Guardian and Captain.

“Everyone’s job here is to bring back Marcy,” I said, “Your job is to keep Adira safe.”

Balin and Tirian nodded,

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Balin replied.

“Same. We’ll stay by her side.” Tirian agreed.

“I hope she won’t, but if she tries to leave to exchange herself for Marcy….” I lowered my voice, “You stop her, whatever it takes.”

Balin and Tirian exchanged a look of concern and hesitation before nodding,

“Okay.” They agreed.

“I mean it, you lock her up if you have to.” I ordered them.

Before they could respond, the office door opened and Adira came strolling out. It was the first time I had seen her in her full Archer uniform and it was jaw dropping.

She was wearing tight black pants that clung to her muscular thighs, dark green boots that covered her calves, an emerald green long sleeved shirt that looked to be painted onto her arms, and a matching colored cape; her hair was still hanging in the fancy braid down her back.

Her quiver and bow hung off her back, the green holster for her dagger was wrapped snugly around her right thigh, and the silver-gold bangle shimmered proudly on her wrist.

“What?” She was looking at me strangely when my eyes finally found her face again.

“You look stunning.” I said, clearing my throat.

“You look lethal.” Balin corrected me and I suddenly became acutely aware of the fact that other men were looking at her like this.

I turned to glare at the pair of them and they immediately averted their gaze.

“Come on.” Adira said, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

We followed her back through the packhouse and outside, where the armies were ready to follow her command and die at her feet.

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