#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 17


After breakfast, I was off with Bre and Cat to be tortured….I mean, go shopping. Hollie somehow got talked into joining, I suspected Balin was to blame since he was our chauffeur for the trip. We drove an hour into the nearest town to shop at the small outlet mall there. I was thankful that Zale managed to talk Cat down from going into the city to shop at the mega mall. I would have most definitely killed someone less than halfway through that particular experience.

Apparently they were given strict orders to have me back home by noon, but I wasn’t entirely sure that the girls feared their brother enough to actually listen to his threats. I guess we would find out soon.

I didn’t not like Zale’s sisters, but I found myself sticking closer to Bre than Cat. Cat was in her own little world half the time, talking nonstop despite the fact that no one was really listening. Bre would make faces from behind her back and I struggled to hide my laughter so she wouldn’t get caught. It gave me a little insight as to what their childhood must’ve looked like. Hollie was too polite for her own good and was often the one who ended up responding to Cat eventually.

“Do you like this, Addie?” Bre asked, holding up a summery dress, “I know you don’t wear dresses, but it could be nice for some of the pod events.” She shrugged.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have one or two dresses.” I agreed reluctantly.

So far, I had gathered a handful of jeans, shirts, leggings, a few shorts, and some sweatpants, despite Cat’s arguments. Now we were in some fancy boutique picking out blouses, dress pants, and, apparently, a few dresses. I insisted on a couple of jumpsuits instead, feeling more comfortable in pants than a dress or a skirt.

Even though I was going to be the pod’s new Lady of the House, I wasn’t about to go changing myself. When the occasion called for formality, dress pants or a pantsuit would serve the job just as well. But, even in Michigan, we had warm summers, so an event could call for the rare dress.

“I already ordered Cat not to force you into Victoria’s Secret.” Bre said as we walked out of the boutique with our arms full of new bags.

“Wait, why?” I looked at her sideways, “The one thing I could actually use from this trip is new underwear.”

Bre blinked at me in shock and Cat started cheering as she danced into the pink store.

“I knew I liked you!” Cat clapped her hands together.

“Chill out, Cat. She’s a woman, she needs panties.” Bre rolled her eyes.

“I said underwear, Cat, not whatever the hell that is.” I glared at Cat as she picked out some sleek looking mini dress with triangles where my boobs were supposed to go.

“Okay, here’s what we’re not going to do,” Bre pressed her eyes together in stress, “We’re not going to look at lingerie for Addie to wear with our brother.”

Cat made a face and immediately dropped the hanger back on the rack.

“Good point.” She mumbled before wandering away.

“Thank you.” I said to Bre under my breath and she nodded,

“No problem.” She muttered back.

It was an awkward situation for all involved, so we separated in the store to break up some of the tension. I picked out a bunch of the mix and match underwear, and some sports bras before heading to the cash register.

“Oh, how cute.” A weasley voice came up beside me, picking up a pair of underwear and dangling it from her finger.

I looked the tall blonde bombshell up and down. She was beautiful, that was true, but she was also overdoing it, by a lot. Her lips were painted a bright pink, thick black eyeliner was drawn onto her eyelids, and her tan skin was sparkling with body glitter. She was wearing a pair of tight dark jeans and a crop top that was about two sizes too small for her boobs.

I snatched the underwear from her hand and finished paying the cashier, choosing to ignore the woman who was clearly a dragon. The cashier looked between the two of us strangely before handing over my receipt and bags. I nearly ran straight into the blonde as I tried to leave the store.

“Where are you going?” She squeaked, side stepping out of the way.

“Who are you, Nancy Drew?” I snapped, leaving the store to wait for Bre, Cat, and Hollie on the sidewalk.

“You aren’t so cheery for someone who’s supposed to be our new leader.” The woman chirped.

“Who are you?” I sighed again.

“Oh, you don’t know me?” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked at me smugly.

In all honesty, I was pretty positive that this was the Waverly Frost I heard so much about yesterday, but I wasn’t about to admit that to her.

“Nope.” I replied casually, popping the p unnecessarily.

“I’m Lady Waverly from the House of Frost.” She spoke formally and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“Pleasure, I’m sure.” I muttered.

“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” She asked.

“Seeing as how you attacked me in the middle of the store, I’m going to go ahead and guess that you already know my name.” I said,

“Presumptuous little thing, aren’t you?” She said with her hands on her hips.

I gave her the side eye, but otherwise ignored her.

“I wanted to meet the girl that has Zale in such a mood.” She said when she realized I wasn’t going to respond.

I fought against Lucille’s rage at Waverly saying Zale’s name, shoving down the anger to answer with an emotionless expression,

“I’m Zale’s mate, if that’s what you mean.” I said,

“Are you?” She deliberately looked me up and down, “Huh.”

I bit my tongue so hard that I tasted blood. I wanted to skin this girl alive, but I was rising above.

“Did you want something?” I asked with fake politeness.

“To give you some advice.” She said, leaning against the hood of a car that I was positive wasn’t hers.

“Oh?” I was quite sure I didn’t want any advice that she had to give, but if it made this conversation end I would let her speak.

“Zale might talk a nice game, but he’s just a player like all the other guys,” She whispered, like she was telling me a secret, “He was going to choose me.”

“What?” I asked, annoyed.

“The little tour he was on, it was his last stitch effort. Before he left, he promised to make me his chosen mate if he returned without his mate. He wasn’t really going to wait for you forever,” She leaned towards me, “I mean, it’s not like he actually waited for you, if you know what I mean.” She winked.

I wanted to throw up at what she was insinuating. I knew she was full of shit. Not only did dragons not take chosen mates, but I knew that even if he did, it would never be someone like her; and he definitely wasn’t going to have sex with her. I didn’t know much about Zale Ohlson, but I knew that he wasn’t a liar and he was not a player.

Waverly Frost, however, was a board certified skank.

“Uh-huh.” Was all I said, which only seemed to piss her off more.

“Didn’t you hear me?” She snapped.

“I’m not deaf.” I replied snarkily.

“Perhaps you’re just dumb,” She sneered, “I’m saying that he had sex with me.”

“Oh, really?” I said sarcastically, “Good for you.”

Her face turned red and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head.

“What is wrong with you?” She looked flabbergasted.

“What is going on out here?” Cat was fuming as she exited the store, gawking at Waverly.

Bre looked around Cat’s shoulder to see what was going on and frowned at the exchange. Hollie was shielded by the pair, not wanting to get involved.

“What are you doing here?” Bre grumbled.

“I just wanted to meet our new Lady.” Waverly changed her tone.

“Right.” Cat snorted, rolling her eyes.

“You have no business being here, Waverly. Zale won’t like it when he hears about this.” Bre said, scolding Waverly.

“Whatever.” Waverly scoffed, waving her hand dismissively.

“Is everything okay here?” Balin’s boomed over the parking lot as he strolled up the sidewalk.

His eyes swept over me before quickly finding Hollie and then landing on Waverly with a displeased expression. Without saying anything, he took the bags from our hands and swung them over his shoulder all the while still eyeballing Waverly.

“Everything’s fine.” I said, patting Balin on the arm before walking around the entire group.

Ignoring Waverly and the fury of Zale’s sisters, I retreated to Balin’s SUV. Balin followed after me, tossing the bags in the trunk and hopping into the driver’s seat. I sat in the passenger seat and Hollie quickly sank into the back seat. A little while later, Cat and Bre climbed into the back, sitting on either side of Hollie.

“Don’t start.” I said to Cat as she opened her mouth, glancing at her in the rearview mirror.

“Seriously, Addie, what did she say?” Bre asked.

“We don’t need to talk about it and we don’t need to tell Zale, either.” I said,

Bre, Cat, and Balin all shared a look and I grumbled loudly,

“You already told him.” I said accusingly.

“He has a right to know, Addie.” Balin said,

“He already gave Waverly a warning. She’s been a problem for far too long and she is not going to start becoming a problem for you.” Cat said sternly.

“I agree with my sister on this one, Addie,” Bre, who usually was on my side, said, “She needs to be put in her place.”

“I don’t believe a word that she says and she can’t get to me, so what’s the point?” I shrugged.

“Good. You shouldn’t believe anything she says. I don’t know what she said to you, but I know it was a lie.” Cat said, her tone laced with attitude.

“The point is, you’re the Lady of the House and you need to be respected. I don’t care if it bothers you or not, it bothers me and it’ll bother the rest of the pod.” Bre replied passionately.

“And you? You feel the same way?” I glanced at Balin.

His eyes were focused on the road, but he nodded anyway.

“I do. She’s offensive and, even if you’re not offended, the rest of us are.”

“Fine,” I released a rush of air, “Whatever makes you all happy.”

“None of us are happy, Addie.” Bre shook her head.

“And Zale will most definitely not be happy.” Balin agreed.

I noticed that we were leaving town and heading back towards the pod.

“We’re done?” I said in surprise, looking out the window, “It’s not even eleven yet.” I chuckled.

Not that I was complaining.

“Zale demanded it.” Balin said,

I glared at him and he rolled his eyes,

“He wants to check on you, Addie, relax.”

I grumbled under my breath and sulked back in the seat, crossing my arms over my chest and remaining silent for the entire drive back to the pod.

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