#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 15


There was a soft knock on the door and I assumed it was Zale. I was surprised when I opened the door and saw Morla standing on the other side.

“I know you probably expected my son,” Morla laughed, “But, will you welcome me inside anyway?”

“Oh, of course.” I stuttered, throwing the door open and motioning towards the sitting area.

She perched herself elegantly on one of the wingback chairs and I sat on the loveseat across from her. She sighed and smiled at me,

“I thought maybe I could speak with you a bit before Zale comes up here.” She said,

“I’m sorry that I left so abruptly. I didn’t mean to be rude.” I quickly replied.

“Oh, no, dear, don’t apologize,” Morla shook her head quickly, “I don’t blame you one bit. If it’s not too big of me to assume, I thought that perhaps you were missing your parents.”

Her observations cut through me and I sucked in a breath. I felt embarrassment flush my cheeks and catch my tongue. I couldn’t respond, so instead I just nodded.

“I want you to understand that Frode and I admired your parents very much, and we were proud to work closely with them. They did a beautiful job raising you and Aidian, and we wouldn’t dream of trying to fill their shoes. However,” Morla reached across the space between us to rest her hand on my knee, “We are here for whatever you need. I believe that your parents would want me to love you as my own daughter and that’s what I plan to do.”

The heat rose in my face and tickled my nose like it did in the dining room earlier, tears prickling in my eyes. I sniffed and fought back the tears. I had promised myself that I had cried my last tears over my parents’ death two weeks ago at their funeral and I wasn’t about to become a liar now.

“It’s been a bit harder than I expected it to be.” I admitted, hating how my voice cracked.

“Being without your parents? Or coming here?” Morla asked.

I laughed shortly,

“Yes, all of it.” I said and Morla smirked at me.

“You’ve been through a lot in the past few weeks, Addie. It would be a lot for anyone. The fact that you’re handling it with so much grace shows your strength, but you don’t always have to be so strong. The matebond is here to allow you to feel vulnerable. Emotions aren’t a weakness, I’m sure your parents taught you that.” Morla spoke sweetly.

“My parents were head over heels in love with each other and never afraid to talk about their emotions. Aidian is probably the most sensitive Alpha on the planet. I’m the oddity.” I joked.

“Your soul is made of something different, Addie, that’s always been clear. Not to speak for the Goddess, but I’d say your heart is made of the same stuff as the Dragonhearted. You were born to be here and to be exactly who you are.” Morla said,

“I know Zale keeps wanting for me to be vulnerable with him and more emotional, but it’s not something that comes easily to me.” I sighed, confessing my insecurities.

“Zale doesn’t expect anything from you, Addie,” Morla chuckled softly, “He’s so smitten with just your mere presence that nothing else matters. The time will come when you feel comfortable enough to reveal all of yourself to him and give yourself over to the matebond, until then all you can be is yourself.”

“I really appreciate you saying all of that, Morla.” I replied genuinely.

It felt like a lame response, but it was the only one I could form. Morla reminded me of my mother, which made sense since they ruled over their people in the same era and in similar fashion. I was less ready than I thought to accept the fact that my mother was really gone and I needed a replacement mother-figure in my life, but I was grateful that she was here to be that option when I was ready.

Morla stood up and I got the feeling I was about ready to be pulled into another Ohlson hug. She grabbed my hands and yanked me from the sofa for a warm bear hug.

“I’m so happy you’re here,” Morla said again, “I can’t say that enough and I can’t get enough of you! I’m so excited to have another daughter.” She squealed, jumping up and down with me still in her arms.

I couldn’t help but laugh, her happiness contiguous.

“I’m not sure I can compete with Catelyn’s energy.” I joked and Morla laughed harder.

“No one can, dear,” She said, patting my back before pulling away, “So, I’m not going to rush you at all, but when you’re ready to talk about the structure of the pod and the duties of being the Lady of the House, you let me know and I’ll be here. Until then, we’ll keep things under control. The priority for everyone is for Zale and you to connect.”

“Thank you, Morla.” I said,

The door to my bedroom banged open, causing both Morla and I to jump at least a foot off the ground.

“Catelyn! What in the name of the Goddess are you doing?” Morla scolds her daughter.

“You’ll never guess who just stormed into Zale’s office!” Catelyn shouted.

“Cat, I thought we agreed to be more tactful than this.” Bre sighed as she calmly entered the room.

What is going on?” Morla shook her head, clearly used to her daughters’ shenanigans.

“That ice bitch just strolled right up into this house and banged down the door of Zale’s office without even knocking.” Catelyn declared.

“Nobody knows who you are talking about, Cat.” Bre looked irritated.

“Translate for your sister, please.” Morla said, looking at Bre.

“Waverly Frost.” Bre said and recognition flashed across Morla’s face.

“Who are we talking about?” I piped in.

All three sets of eyes snapped towards me and I suddenly felt like a deer in the headlights.

“Not someone worth your time.” Bre said just as Cat shrieked,

“She’s the worst!”

Morla and Bre both glared at Cat.

Okay?” I sounded confused.

“Her parents aren’t of any nobility and they caused trouble inside the dragon realm, always presenting themselves as more than what they were. Her father, Arne, offended the Crown around the same time the realm opened up so the King and Queen asked Frode to take them here. Kareena was pregnant with Waverly when they came here so she was born inside the human realm. Her parents have been pushing her to achieve an advantageous match to give the House of Frost nobility.” Morla explained diplomatically.

Cat blinked at her mother and then looked at me. I braced myself for what was about to come out of her mouth,

“Waverly has been trying to fuck my brother since she turned 13 years old.”

Bre threw her head back and groaned at the ceiling, Morla looked horrified, and I was speechless.

“For the love of the Goddess,,” Balin’s voice interrupted the silence as he strolled through the room and stood by my side, “Don’t listen to her. Hell, Cat.” He shook his head, still in shock.

“What?” Cat shrugged, “Am I wrong?”

“It’s not the information, Cat, it’s the delivery,” Bre said, “Seriously, Addie, you have nothing to worry about. Zale has never paid her any attention, he’s clueless, really.” Bre turned towards me.

“Emphasis on clueless,” Balin added, “He doesn’t see her advances, like he’s literally blind to it which is frustrating all on its own, but you have nothing to fear or be jealous of. He’s only ever wanted his mate.”

“I’m not worried.” I said, but my voice was overwhelmed by the others trying to convince me not to be an emotion I wasn’t.

I, Adira Sparrow, did not do jealousy.

“If she tries anything, I know Zale will kick her out.” Bre said,

“Oh, he won’t stand for any disrespect towards you, Addie. If Waverly tries anything, you have to let him know and he’ll put a stop to it.” Cat nodded encouragingly.

“I’m not….” Again, my response was spoken over,

“I raised my son right. These dragons being born in the human realm aren’t getting the proper education or being exposed to our greatest traditions. They are floozies and are giving dragons a bad name. I have half a mind to send all teenagers born here to the dragon realm for a few years to shape up.” Morla said, sounding like a true mother.

“Holy shit, people,” I raised my voice, finally catching their attention, “I am not jealous.” I said,

They all looked at each other and then at me.

“You’re not?” Cat looked at me in disbelief.

“No,” I laughed, “I’m sorry, but I’ve had too much happen in my life to waste time on jealousy. If Zale can’t keep his eyes and his hands to himself, then I have no reason to be here. I won’t be jealous, I’ll just be gone.” I shrugged.

Again, I was met with blank stares.

“You are one badass woman.” Cat finally said,

“I have no reason to wonder, not when I have you.” A deep, gravelly voice stole through the room and my attention immediately found Zale.

He moved expertly through the room, replacing Balin at my side. He put his hands on my hips and turned my entire body to face him. He was breathing heavily, a strange look in his fire and ice eyes.

“I’d never disrespect you or allow anyone else to disrespect you. There is no one else and there will never be anyone else.” He promised me, his voice low and his eyes serious.

“I believe you.” I said whole heartily.

I hadn’t realized we were now alone as he pulled me closer to him, sucking all the air out of the room and stealing all the space between us.

“How much of that did you hear?” I whispered.

Zale growled low and quiet,

“I could hear my sister yelling from downstairs,” He said, “But, I made it upstairs in time to hear my mother’s speech. I was going to intervene, but you beat me to it.”

“I meant every word that I said.” I mumbled, my breath still catching in my throat as my heart pounded violently in my chest.

“I know you did and I take it as a promise, not a statement. And I hope you take this as a promise, too,” He leaned down and pressed his lips to my ear, “I will adore you and only you. I have loved you every day of my life and I will love you for eternity. Nothing and no one will stop me.”

His breath blew across the bare skin of my neck and his teeth nibbled on my earlobe. I shuttered and found myself gripping his biceps for support, my legs suddenly wobbly and my head woozy.

He chuckled when he pulled back, pecking my cheek with a chaste kiss on the way. He moved one of his hands from my hips to my face, tucking my hair behind my ears before kissing my nose lightly. He pulled away and I knew my entire face on fire, hell my entire body felt like it was engulfed in flames.

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