#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 13


The large dining room was empty when we arrived. In the center of the formal room was a huge oval table with at least a dozen chairs sitting around it. Zale walked up to the head of the table and pulled out the chair to the right. He nodded his head for me to sit and then pushed the chair in for me.

“This is such a cliche.” I said as he sat at the head of the table.

“What?” Zale cocked an eyebrow.

“You sitting at the head of the table and me sitting at your right hand.” I said,

Zale looked between us and then around the rest of the table,

“Is that a problem?” He asked, concerned.

Before I could answer, servers came flooding into the room with silver trays filled to the top with food and drinks. I flinched away when a server brought a tray over my head and sat it down in front of me.

“What’s wrong?” Zale’s voice turned dark and husky as he sensed my stress, “Shit, the trays.”

“Don’t do something dramatic.” I warned him just as he began to stand up.

Frozen in a half sitting, half standing position, he blinked at me.

“What do you mean?” He looked innocent.

I grabbed the hand of one of the servers, stopping her from retreating back to the kitchen.

“Yes, ma’am?” The server looked at me expectantly.

“Could you perhaps find something other than silver to serve meals on?” I asked and the server looked around the table, confused.

“My mate is a werewolf, Cindy.” Zale said, sitting back down in his chair.

“Oh, yes! Of course, I’m so sorry, my Lady.” Cindy bowed her head.

I released her hand and smiled politely,

“It’s Adira,” I corrected her, “And it’s okay, you didn’t know.”

“I’ll have these removed…” She started scrambling for the tray on the table and I shooed her away.

“No, leave them for today.” I said,

She glanced at Zale nervously.

“Whatever she says, Cindy.” Zale chuckled.

“I’ll find a suitable replacement by breakfast.” Cindy said before scurrying from the room.

Zale snatched up my hand and held it on top of the table.

“What did you think I was going to do?” He asked, playing with my fingers.

“I don’t know, throw the trays across the room or something.” I shrugged and Zale laughed loudly.

“Not going to lie, the thought had crossed my mind.”

He stood up to pour us each a glass of water from the crystal pitcher and, by the time he sat back down, we were no longer alone in the dining room.

Catelyn was the first to arrive, which was good because she was the only one I knew. Trailing behind her was a man and two young children.

“Hi, Adira!” Catelyn shrieked, running across the room to hug me from behind.

“Hi.” I mumbled.

The man who followed her in started laughing and dislodged her arm from my shoulders.

“Cat, give her some room, Goddess,” He said, shaking her head and forcibly sitting her in a chair, “I’m Bryer, this impossibly loud woman’s mate.” He smiled at me, offering me his hand.

“Nice to meet you.” I said, shaking his head.

“These are our children, Elora and Gunner.” Bryer said as he situated his family at the table.

Elora, who looked to be the oldest child, grinned at me with a toothy smile.

“Who are you?” She asked me with the same energy as her mother.

“I’m Addie.” I said just as Catelyn replied,

“That’s your Auntie Adira!”

Bryer put his head in his hand and shook it.

“Catelyn, seriously.” Zale groaned at her and she blinked at him with wide, innocent eyes,

“What?” Then she looked at me, “Oh, do you prefer Auntie Addie?”

“I think it’s the Auntie part that’s shocking, Cat.” Bryer said,

“Why?” She looked genuinely confused, “She’s their aunt.”

“Just take it down a notch, Cat.” Zale said,

Before Catelyn could respond, another family strolled into the room. It had to be Brienne, Zale and Catelyn’s other sister. She had the same dark hair and blue eyes as the other two siblings. She was carrying an infant in her arms with a man I recognized following her. My eyes skipped right over Brienne and the baby to find Jeremey. When his eyes locked with mine, he tripped over his feet.

“Addie?” He looked shocked and, at his outburst, everyone else in the room looked just as surprised.

Clearly Jeremey didn’t know it was me he was meeting. Zale was the only one who knew that Jeremey and I knew each other. For the first time since I arrived here, I felt a moment of comfort looking at the face of an old friend.

I jumped up from the chair and met Jeremey halfway across the room, giving him a big hug.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Jeremey pushed me away, holding me at arms length, “Your Zale’s mate?”

I felt a presence come up behind me and I knew instantly that it was Zale. The palm of his hand rested on my back and I didn’t flinch away.

“She is.” Zale said,

“Oh, that’s just perfect.” Jeremey laughed.

“You two know each other?” The one I assumed was Brienne, asked.

“Sorry, baby,” Jeremey released me and wrapped his arm around the woman’s waist, “Addie and I come from the same pack. Her brother is the Alpha now.”

She smiled at me and adjust the baby on her hip,

“Oh, wow, that’s great! I’m Brienne, Zale’s youngest sister.” She said, confirming my suspicions.

“The baby.” Catelyn sang from where she was seated at the table.

Brienne rolled her eyes,

“This is Hallie, the actual baby.” Brienne said, pulling the blanket away from the infant’s face so I could see her properly.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I said,

“Do you prefer Adira or Addie?” Brienne asked, “Everyone calls me Bre.”

“Addie is fine.” I replied.

“Addie is a badass on the battlefield, but not so much at the dinner table.” Jeremey winked at me and I glared at him.

Zale laughed and snaked his arm around my waist from behind, pushing my back against his chest. I felt myself begin to blush at the affection, but I didn’t feel compelled to pull away.

“That’s the truth.” Zale snorted.

“Well, can you blame her? She’s been tossed into this chaos.” Bre said, nudging her brother playfully.

“Come on, let’s go sit.” Zale guided me back to the table.

Bre and her family sat next to Cat and hers which were on the opposite side of the table from us. Balin and Hollie joined us and I was relieved that I now had two friends at the table. They sat on the same side of the table as us and Hollie momentarily stole the attention as she was introduced.

I expected Zale’s parents next, but instead it was another young couple. Zale stood and shook the man’s hand.

Adria,” Zale motioned towards me and I stood up to meet the new arrivals, “This is Tirian, my Captain, and his mate, Samantha.”

Tirian had a friendly face as he smiled at me, shaking my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Addie.” He said my name so smoothly I had the feeling he had done some research before now.

“You, too.” I said,

“I can’t tell you how thrilled we are to finally have you here. I told that man he better not come back from that pack without you.” Tirian joked.

“I know I’m glad to have more women here.” Tirian’s mate, Samantha said,

More women?” Balin called from the table, “Sammie, this place is exploding with women.”

All of the women turned to glare at him and he sank back in his seat, earning a stern slap to the back of the head from Hollie. The entire table started laughing.

Tirian and Sammie sat beside Balin and Hollie, but there were still several empty chairs between me and them. I started to feel like I was sitting on an island.

The casual chit chat and laughter faded away as the final guests arrived. Zale stood as an elegant couple entered the room. The woman was wearing a long, flowy dress and had the same dark blue eyes as her children. The man was tall, like his son, with broad shoulders, strong muscles, and raven colored hair.

Zale’s mother’s face broke into a huge grin as she strolled up to her son, giving him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Zale had the same grin when he greeted his father with a hug, something that surprised me. I guess I expected them to shake hands or something more formal, but instead they shared an emotional hug and their similar laughter filled the room.

“Mom, Dad,” He motioned towards me and I stood, smiling at the couple, “This is Adira, my mate.”

Zale introduced me so proudly and with so much admiration, that I felt a tidal wave of shock roll over me. He always looked at me with more emotion than I thought any man should be capable of, but now, standing before his parents, it felt so much more powerful. It was clear how long he had searched and how lonely he had felt his whole life. Standing before his parents, who had watched him struggle his entire life, he looked at peace and I felt that hit me right down to my core.

“Addie, please.” I said, smiling at his parents.

“Addie!” His mother cheered, sounding just like Catelyn, “Can I hug you?” At least she asked permission.

Zale laughed and I looked at him skeptically.

“I’m sorry, I’m going to hug you.” She answered her own question and wrapped me up in a tight hug.

The feeling blew me away. I hadn’t realized how much I missed a mother’s hug until right this moment.

“You were just a little girl the last time I saw you,” She gushed in my ear, pulling me back at arm’s length, “You look just like your mother.”

I felt tears prickling at my eyes, but I forced them back.

“I remember, Lady Ohlson.”

“Oh, please, dear, it’s just Morla.” She scoffed, waving her hand dismissively.

“Stop hogging the girl, Morla,” Frode’s hearty laugh filled the room as he nudged his mate out of the way, “It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Addie.”

Frode picked up my hand and sandwiched it between his two big hands, giving it a squeeze. The reality that this man was the only father figure I had left vibrated through me violently and my smile faltered.

“Adria, are you okay?” Zale must’ve sensed my anxiety, his hand running down my back.

I slipped my hand from Frode’s and backed away from the group.

“I’m sorry, I….” I cleared my throat, avoiding eye contact with everyone who was looking at me, “I need to use the washroom.”

I walked as quickly as I could from the room without running and went to the only place I knew, my room on the top floor. I found the elevator, thankfully remembered the code, and rode it to the top floor. I slipped inside my room and collapsed on the edge of the bed, hugging the pillow close to my chest.

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